Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1447: I am the main character!

After the mutual introduction, Zhou Qingfeng and others followed Xiao Jinlang's helicopter to leave the 'fishing boat' and return to the mainland.

In nominal terms, Lina and others will take the Singapore Airlines controlled aircraft by Zhou Qingfeng, pretend to board from a foreign country to appear in Hong Kong, and then take the airliner to settle in Modu. When they set foot on land, the relevant forged documents and passports were ready, and even the various entry and exit seals were perfect.

Both Butcher and Minsk are still Russians and Ukrainians. The credentials of these two countries are relatively easy to get, but Lena and Katrina have become Americans. Passports are real, even family relationships are very complete.

"How did you get it? Can the Social Security number above be checked?" Zhou Qingfeng looked at Lina's driver's license and frowned.

Xiao Jinlang pouted and smiled: "You helped us get the US Department of Justice's database before, and now it's easiest for us to falsify American ID cards. The US Department of Justice knows it's out of a big basket, but there is no way. "

That said, the identity is set, and the holiday is officially starting!

Etc., etc……

Xiao Qinglang grabbed Zhou Qingfeng, who wanted to run away immediately, and smiled thickly: "Boy, there is something I want to ask you for help."

"What is it?"

"Since you are going to Hong Kong, would you like to participate in the activities of the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong?"

"Well ..., what do you mean?"

"You are a big star, the influence is global. And the five of you make a bunch of appearances will definitely cause a sensation. If the place of appearance is in Hong Kong, the country is also very face-saving."

It seems to make sense, but ...

"Including your best hotel, the best travel, the best service, the best enjoyment. Anyway, how can you toss, how much can you toss?"

"Oh ... you said that."

Just hit it!

Although Hong Kong is a bit smaller and more famous, but it is also an authentic outlet for gold, the so-called shopping paradise. When Xiao Jinlang said that Zhou Qingfeng and others could spend the money as much as possible, Lina and Katerina were cheering.

After Zhou Qingfeng nodded and agreed, several official media in China immediately posted pictures and said that the five starring actors and actresses of the popular "Waste Land" film and television drama will appear in front of the world for the first time. This first show is to participate in the celebration of the 20 years of Hong Kong's return.

As soon as this news comes out, let's not talk about Hong Kong. Pengcheng across the river is agitated. Countless fans around the world have long expected that the starring role of ‘Waste Land’ will appear collectively.

Although Zhou Qingfeng's "Waste Land" movie has only been made two. But the TV series that followed came out for several seasons. ‘GOD’ originally said it would stop filming after two seasons, but it ’s actually another three seasons. Due to the excellent production, the heat of 'waste land' has not been lowered for more than two years.

When Hong Kong's radio and television stations also started to broadcast the news, young people who always liked to chase stars rushed to Hong Kong's new airport to wait for flights. When Zhou Qingfeng walked to the airport exit, he saw at least thousands of people crowded outside.

Ah ah screams made the ears sore, and the excitement shouted one after another. Zhou Qingfeng had seen more of such scenes. He walked ahead with a calm smile. His Excellency the Army Commander thought he was welcome everywhere he went!

Standing upright and smiling, the legionnaire was handsome and pretty. He watched the crowd come to a halt and stopped, set his posture, and waited for the beauty fans to pounce in his arms, ready to enjoy the red powder nirvana again and again.

How happy it is to be surrounded by pretty girls!

But a bunch of young women rushed over to Zhou Qingfeng, and then ... rushed past him again!

The face-to-face red-pink nirvana came one after another, but he didn't come to Zhou Qingfeng. Instead, fanatical fans kept bumping on him, slamming him into pieces, or falling into a panic!

Hmm ..., said, welcome to me?

As soon as Zhou Qingfeng turned around, he found that the young people blocking the airport exit were indeed here to welcome the star of the ‘waste land’, but it was not his goal at all.

Behind Zhou Qingfeng is a butcher. This stout Russian man has a disfigured face in the battle and looks terrible. But now the butcher was surrounded by two or three hundred girls in the blink of an eye. Countless hands wanted to touch the body of this big man, just like a pile of zombies.

The butcher who is one meter tall is unwilling to come. Le Haha took pictures of the Hong Kong girl who rushed up, hugged, and even kissed. He kept his hands up and down, laughing so madly. The women who are close to him are as happy as Le Crazy!

The butcher was unrestrained and arrogant. His face was ugly, but his character was ugly. Zhou Qingfeng didn't expect him to be more popular than himself, which was too bad!

Behind the butcher was Minsk. This two-meter-tall Ukrainian strong man is even bigger, and he really claims that his arms are thicker than a human waist. He didn't know how to cope with the situation at hand, he just laughed and shook hands with the fans and took photos. He was also crowded with hundreds of people.

For such encounters, Minsk could only ask Zhou Qingfeng for a bitter smile for help. But what can Zhou Qingfeng do? Can only be confused!

And the most popular at the scene is not the three men, but the two women who fell in the end. Katerina is British, tall, plump, and cold-tempered. There were relatively few women around her, and there were quite a few oily men, and in the blink of an eye she was brought down by her fingers.

A bunch of dead homes were extremely excited to be brought down by the fierce girl, just like a group of toads rushed forward. They just wanted to touch the goddess in their hearts, even if it fell to the ground!

The most maddening fan at the scene was Miss Fox, who was surrounded by a crowd of people. The airport security had to rush over to **** her, desperately separating the enthusiasts who were constantly pushing up.

The petite Lina greeted her fans very easily ~ www.readwn.com ~ Waving her hand, signing her name, and smiling close together to make a picture can make her fans faint. This is the treatment of a proper star!

Hong Kong's paparazzi are very busy. A group of people are carrying their cameras desperately to take pictures. Some people even want to lie on the ground and take photos from the bottom up. Such people are stepped on by a few feet of seemingly harmless Fox.

Seeing this almost heated scene, Zhou Qingfeng walking in front of him had no words but secretly said: I am the protagonist! In other places, I am a lot of fans, and only two or three big cats and kittens ran to Hong Kong for Mao?

There are still paparazzi who can't squeeze into the fan base and can only come to interview Zhou Qingfeng. The microphone was handed up and asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Lin, what is it like to be unpopular in Hong Kong?"

Zhou Qingfeng glanced at it, did the person who wanted to ask this question want to be beaten? He secretly answered with a bit of anger, "If I was really unwelcome, you wouldn't come to interview me."

Looking back at the scattered fans around him, Zhou Qingfeng relaxed and kept smiling. It was only after laughing that he remembered that ... I have met Hong Kong directors before, and I have also filmed the drama of "Anti-US Aid Korea".

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