Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1448: Not good at it!

These years, idiots who believe in universal values ​​have always touted multiculturalism, and feel that people with different ideas must be able to have a brilliant spark together. Hmm ..., extremists in the Middle East must prove to this idiot with a knife and gun that this is true.

Hong Kong also has this kind of spooky place now. Young men and women alike love foreigners, and now they have given Zhou Qingfeng a big embarrassment. This scene of the airport made Uncle Zhou very unhappy, very unhappy, extremely unhappy!

The government arranged a vehicle for Zhou Qingfeng and others. After getting on the car, the butcher was still talking about his wonderful experience of having fans for the first time. This faker kept boasting about how difficult she was to get rid of which female fans, and how she persisted with them.

Compared with Zhou Qingfeng, who has long been accustomed to star status, the other four people killed and died in the wasteland. Although they all have high weights, they have never encountered such a popular pursuit today.

The first experience!

Even Lina, who has always wanted to remain elegant, was so excited that she blushed and just hated that she hadn't signed more photos with a few fans just now. The experience of being sought after unconditionally is too new for her.

And Minsk, who was usually taciturn, was taken away by them. When they saw Zhou Qingfeng's face black, he still laughed and said, "Look at Victor, the mighty army commander has just been ignored by fans, and now he is dying! "

Hahaha ... A group of friends are overwhelming, Zhou Qingfeng raised his **** to them.

Since it is the anniversary of the return, the government has arranged some cultural activities for Zhou Qingfeng and others, using the popularity of several of them to introduce the current development of Hong Kong and China to the world. From the airport, the car pulled five people to the University of Hong Kong.

A public exchange meeting in the arts and culture community was held in the staircase hall of the University of Hong Kong. Because it is open, the number of participants is large. In addition to hundreds of thousands of students, there are many other guests.

For example, there are local film critics in Hong Kong, Tai Chi masters in the Mainland, former Minister of Culture from Taiwan, and even sinologists from Japan. There were a lot of well-known personalities in the venue. When the host welcomed Zhou Qingfeng and others on stage, the sound of the scene was deafening.

Among the students of the University of Hong Kong, there are those who prefer the Mainland and the West. Zhou Qingfeng finally received a lot of welcome here, making him look much better.

And the collective appearance of the "Waste Land" group of five people really detonated the excitement of the audience. More and more people came from the news. Originally, they could only sit in the venue of seven or eight hundred people and squeezed in nearly two thousand people. .

After the host introduced the guests in turn, the cultural exchange meeting officially started. What to communicate? On the occasion of this anniversary, the theme naturally revolves around Chinese elements.

The Chinese art, Chinese culture, Chinese history, and the guests at the exchange meeting were quite good, and the talk was quite elegant. From Tang Poems and Song Ci to calligraphy and painting to martial arts Chinese medicine, everyone was very happy talking.

Zhou Qingfeng, who has heard of Qiang Qiang, can also say a few words about the topic of Chinese classical art in front of the public. But he didn't engage in this. He just had to stop till the point. If he talked too much, he would be ashamed.

The four foreigners around Zhou Qingfeng obviously became the best supporters. Lina and others originally came to play, and expressed appropriate exclamation, curiosity, admiration and incredibleness in the topic, which added a lot to the whole exchange.

The most active at the scene was a Japanese sinologist named Ishikawa. Others are fluent in Chinese, and the ancient poems are learned by hand, analyzing the culture and explaining the meaning of the classics. Zhou Qingfeng consciously did not learn Chinese well.

From Taiwan, which former Minister of Culture is an old woman, the impression is that ‘small fresh art everyone’. She echoed Ishikawa's remarks and nodded frequently. After she exaggerated, the Japanese turned their heads and expressed concern about the study and inheritance of traditional culture in mainland education.

"Traditional culture is an important channel for us to understand our nation. However, there have been no big poets, great writers, or even people who can write good words for many years in the mainland. This is far less than other Chinese culture circles. . "

The old woman named Long also asked, "Mr. Lin, did you learn how to make ancient poems when you were studying?"

Sky to earth, rain to wind, and mainland to the sky?

Who still learns that stuff these days?

Isn't it an oil poem?

Zhou Qingfeng was ashamed, and there was a sinologist who was in Shichuan in front of him. He couldn't say how much he knew about the ancient poetry of his own nation. "I have only been exposed to ancient poetry and ancient texts in elementary and secondary schools. Unless domestic universities are majoring in Chinese, they will not be involved too much."

Chinese people are always humble, even to the point of masochism. Zhou Qingfeng acknowledged that many people at the scene also felt that they seemed to have a worse understanding of national culture than a Japanese, and could not help falling into deep thinking.

"The traditional culture of flowering is cut off on the mainland!" The old woman named Long sighed. "Since the masters of the Republic of China passed away, no one can write exciting poems."

Hong Kong's film critics also echoed: "The mainland is like an upstart now, and it really has no culture. People who work in art do not understand art at all, and look at everything for money. For example, the film industry shoots all kinds of art at the box office and has no artistic value. And socially responsible commercials.

Any Taiji master from the Mainland also nodded continuously. "This situation is also the same in the martial arts world. Nothing else, the martial arts scenes in movies and TV shows are fancy. People nowadays would rather spend money for children to learn Taekwondo or something, but refused to learn traditional boxing. "

These words are sighing ...!

But can you stop looking at me when you say these things? It is not my task to promote the traditional culture of planting flowers. Zhou Qingfeng was seen by the straight hair of these people, but he couldn't refute it. The situation is indeed the case.

When the host saw that the topic was too heavy, he quickly announced that the exchange would enter the next session of live calligraphy performance!

A dozen guests selected a few representatives to write an ancient poem. What ancient poems would there be for the four foreigners on Zhou Qingfeng's side? It can only be that Zhou Qingfeng stiffened his head and went up to the top, and he was embarrassed. Uncle Zhou's handwriting was like doodles of chicken feet, and the brush writing was even more unsightly!

Grandma bear, I'm going to be ashamed!

If everyone is half a catty to eight two, shameless together, but the situation is wrong!

Mr. Ishikawa writes a beautiful skinny gold body, and his poems are written in Japanese style, which is quite artistic.

"Now Japan's inheritance and development of Chinese culture is better than that of the mainland." The old woman named Long praised it after reading it, exaggerating the poem first and writing it well. Zhou Qingfeng also squinted, and even the pressure mountain opponent was too strong, Lao Tzu was not even qualified to be a green leaf.

When it's over, what will you write later?

‘Moonlight before the bed, two pairs of shoes on the ground’?

At that time, the brushstrokes of ghost painting symbols will light up, and Lao Tzu will become a laughing stock.

Japanese sinologists wrote really well, and got applause from the scene after writing. Next is Tai Chi Master, others can't create it by themselves, but calligraphy is OK. He wrote a song called "Xia Ke Xing Xing", which just keeps saying "Kill one person in ten steps and not stay for thousands of miles."

Finally, Zhou Qingfeng.

What should I do ... How can I lose my face so badly?

The square table in front of Zhou Qingfeng was covered with good rice paper, but his ink-filled writing brush could not fall any longer. At this time, the old woman named Long glanced at him and sighed ‘If Jiang Gong could return to the country, it would not make today ’s people inferior to the ancients’.

Uncle ... Uncle Zhou is angry!

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