Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1488: Exposing scars

"I am honored to participate in this show today, and I am honored to have a discussion with all my friends, including President Martha." Zhou Qingfeng laughed with a smile, and he harmonized with everyone. Everyone in the studio also smiled, as if they were friends for many years.

Just under the smile ...

"You make it, you keep making it. Believe your funny words, I'm a fool."

"Did we be so miserable that we would easily let you go?"

"Boy, are you crazy for me! Let you be arrogant for a while, can you still be arrogant forever?"

The guests in the studio hated Zhou Qingfeng. If it wasn't for the skill of the guns, they would hate to drown their opponents with spit stars. Now the topic enters the minefield, and it will detonate if you are not careful, and everyone will be suffocating and never let the enemy get away easily.

Zhou Qingfeng spoke slowly this time, and seemed to keep thinking about it. "In my opinion, both China and France face similar problems and dilemmas in religion and ethnicity. The two sides should have been understanding, understanding, and mutual understanding. Support and work through the difficulties. But ... "

In a word, however, the tone aggravated, and the sound shocked the audience. It's like Hong Zhong Daluo. The tone of reversal even brought a throbbing throbbing sound, as if any shocking words were about to rush out.

Everyone was holding their breath, breathing heavily, and had to focus on Lin Sen. Their hearts screamed ... This guy is really not afraid of death, is it really going to trigger a fierce conflict like a flash flood and tsunami.

The most tragic thing in this world is often the conflict of ideas, which will lead to the strong collision of different countries, different races, and different civilizations. Numerous wars have taken place in history, and modern society has often caused fierce conflicts.

Once this conflict is triggered, it will not end well.

But Uncle Zhou is still not afraid ...

"In the exchanges between China and European and American countries, it is common for European and American leaders to play the Chinese card when they change. Blaming China's human rights, religion and ethnicity has become an effective way for contestants to pull votes.

After the new leader took office, it became routine to find excuses in religion and race to suppress China. Even in the media, there is no good accusation, interpreting brutal terrorist attacks as resistance by oppressed groups.

Every time this happens, I feel strange. Why do Westerners like to drag China out as a target? Then I slowly realized that we would not give in to your will. You always want to find a sense of superiority in us, but unfortunately it always fails.

If I were to say that, the French are too arrogant, so arrogant that they can ignore reality. You feel good about yourself and always feel that you can stand up against other countries.

This arrogance has been around for a long time, and it has been going on for hundreds of years. You used to blame the poor and backward African countries under French control. Those countries have developed slavery, obedience to French language, and make you feel that you are born to be the master and you should dominate others.

So when you find that China is also very poor and backward, you also want to impose this kind of arrogance based on religion and race on China. Unfortunately, China does not bird you!

You accuse us of not having human rights, and we let you go!

You accuse us of not having freedom of religion, and we shut you up!

You accuse us of not having racial equality, and we are too lazy to deal with you!

You yell every day that China is about to collapse. We ... Now it's our turn to watch your jokes!

Your elite has fabricated a set of so-called universal values ​​to prove your greatness and success. This set of rhetoric is prevalent in Africa without culture, mind, and accumulation. In the end, more lies told us that we weren't able to lie to us, instead we turned our own people into scamming.

Is it fun to be in Paris? Are more and more refugees in France fun? The economic downturn has highlighted more and more difficulties and caused more and more contradictions. Are these things fun?

In the last century, you got some green-speaking Lao Hei from North Africa to do the dirty work, and wanted the noble Gauls to live a leisurely life. But now Lao Hei refuses to work hard and wants to live a leisurely life. By the way, she also wants to give Gaolu's stomach a big relief.

Do you still feel proud of this?

Do you dare to go to the night market in Paris in the middle of the night? Do you still think of accusing us of human rights?

You believe in green religion more and more, social order is getting worse and worse, and still be a Virgin, so we can follow the freedom of faith?

White Americans now account for less than half of the population. Although France refuses to count the population by race and religion, fewer and fewer people can trust Christ. When did the Fifth Republic of France change its name to France?

Humane care in France is to take care of a few disadvantaged groups, and now it has become a minority over the majority. Most people work to raise a few parasites. Is this France's freedom, equality, and fraternity?

To be honest, I don't care about France's future at all. I'm so sorry that I'm afraid I won't find a pure French girl in the future. Thinking about the women on the streets of France in the future wearing black robes and veils, it is terrible!

But then again, with the stupidity and laziness of the green religion, that day, Francestan really established, and there was one less country in the world. We can just take over your legacy and it's wonderful. "

Zhou Qingfeng spoke slowly this time and even spoke lightly. But he held the crowd back to speech again. Some people want to argue with him fiercely, but the situation that Zhou Qingfeng talked about really hurt the French.

France is indeed a global benchmark for accommodating other religions and nations, which is really rare. But many things are actually economic issues in the final analysis, and inclusiveness costs money.

When the economic situation is good, the problems are covered up. As soon as the economic situation declines, trouble comes.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality!

Everyone understands the truth, but the situation is not for everyone.

Now the whole of Europe and the United States are facing the same problem. After the Cold War, the dividends of the Soviet Union were almost finished, and new social contradictions began to emerge. A new world structure is coming.

Everyone in the economy wants to make a breakthrough, but now a big country with a population of 1.3 billion has joined in to compete for global resources and markets. Gone are the days when you can make a lot of money by simply making industrial products!

After Zhou Qingfeng said something, the whole studio was quiet for a few seconds. No one knows how to take up the topic, and even President Martha is frowning.

Zhou Qingfeng opened the sore scars simply, but how to cover the sore scars is difficult. President Martha wanted to say a few words, but as a politician, he could n’t talk nonsense directly and criticize Lin Sen ’s alarmist rumors naturally.

The eyes of the crowd could only converge on Bishop Pontier. At this time, the bishop must be in danger. You are a religious leader, you can speak unreasonably, you can use the mouth of God to cover the scars, you stand up and restore the dignity of France!

Hurry up, slap him, slap him!

Strangling this **** kid.

It would be better to convict him directly, and we sent him to the fire.

Bishop Pontier did move, he had been paying attention to Zhou Qingfeng. When Zhou Qingfeng finished talking so much, he frowned and stared angrily, and the eighty-something old man was very angry.

The old bishop stood out on behalf of Heavenly Father, on behalf of God, and on behalf of the world's unquestionable truth. He said in a deep voice: "I ... agree with Mr. Lin's point of view. France is really about to change."

what……? !!

Archbishop, are you Satan?

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