Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1489: You shut up!

What did the old bishop say?

Everyone thinks they are deaf or tinnitus. Is it wrong to hear?

You must know that Bishop Pontier is an ultra-conservative. His ultra-conservatives are not conservative. They do not allow anyone to speak badly about France, and do not allow anyone to criticize France.

This old man in his eighties often preached the goodness of France at various mass gatherings. From system to environment to policy to culture, he was an extreme Frenchman. His character is a bit similar to that of Charles de Gaulle, that is, ‘France ’s first’. He never bows his head.

But the old man today agreed with a foreigner's criticism of France, and it was still religious and racial. This is where Bishop Pontier is most proud of on weekdays.

Everyone at the meeting was dumbfounded, and President Martha had not expected that his strongest ally would be half way into the enemy. The national media stunned the chin, and the entire French audience was at a loss. As a Catholic country, the bishop of Paris actually no longer insists on 'France first'?

But now that Jinkou has been opened, we must continue to talk. The old-fashioned Bishop Pontier sighed and said in a compassionate tone: "First of all, our high welfare raises a bunch of slackers."

Wow ... everyone was shocked.

This is too politically correct. Isn't the French most proud of elegant life? An elegant life naturally requires high welfare!

Zhou Qingfeng immediately ignited the wind. "I have a deep experience. The French are really too lazy. The store is closed every time, and it is closed for no reason. It is closed in the dark, closed on weekends, and the owner is in a bad mood and closes. close the door.

The French work thirty-five hours a week, and it is so good that some people complain that it is too hard. The bureaucracy is so inefficient that it has no spirit of serving the people. More than two months of paid vacations a year is not enough, just go to work to drink coffee and do nothing.

French life is basically two states now, vacation and waiting for vacation!

High benefits require high taxes, and as a result, hard-working people pay most of their income, and all these money is thrown to those who receive relief. The poor do not work and only have children to receive relief. Who in this society is willing to work hard?

The social public system went on strike. Go to the airport, the airport strikes. By train, the train went on strike. Post office strikes, telecommunications strikes, municipal strikes, and almost no days without strikes. Every time a strike goes on, every time it goes on, it makes a strike a culture. "

Zhou Qingfeng spoke very fast this time, spitting a lot in one breath. At the end, he also asked President Martha, "Do you think I'm right?"

The people in the studio were shocked at the moment. When they heard Zhou Qingfeng's ultimatum, they were all anxious to jump up and yell and shut up!

Bishop Pontier was not affected by Zhou Qingfeng, and he continued with more helplessness: "A group of slackers want to live comfortably and have to find a group of North African immigrants to work. But now immigrants also want to enjoy high benefits Unwilling to work, so various social problems arise. "

This is a vicious circle. To put it simply, the government made the wrong decision one step at a time. Zhou Qingfeng jumped out again and said, "The issue of immigration has now affected all aspects of France, and I can give some opinions from the perspective of bystanders.

First of all, most of the immigrants do not have work skills. They do not know French at all and cannot integrate into French society. What do they want to do in France? Can only disrupt society.

Do n’t you know that there is so much urine in the Paris subway?

The streets of Paris are full of shit, don't you wonder?

Under the Eiffel Tower are all Arabs who want to use red ropes to cheat money. Do n’t you know?

There are countless thieves and thieves in Paris, don't you know?

Every New Year's Eve, burning cars on the streets of Paris has become a tradition. Last night, more than 800 vehicles were burned. The police also happily announced that the number of burned cars was much lower than the previous year. What's so good about this?

Moreover, the French are particularly proud of the open discrimination against ethnic groups who cannot integrate into French society. The result is that the discriminated North African Greens and Middle Eastern refugees can only hold their own groups. Among them, a few terrorists can understand it!

Therefore, your elites who have committed Notre Dame will only care about being a God of their own spirit, but they will not care about whether the country and society can afford it. The immigration problem has only just begun to emerge. I am afraid that it will be in the foreseeable future to solve it completely. "

After saying Zhou Qingfeng, add another sentence, "Her President, do you think my point of reference is valuable?"

You said you shut up!

The French were about to be aggressive in a circle. They never expected that the old bishop was so pessimistic about the current society. What's even more hateful is Lin Sen, who is fanning the flames. This girl's mouth is as sharp as a machine gun, making people slap him with a slap.

The old bishop said, ‘Lin Sen’ can follow a hundred sentences!

Bishop Pontier is not over yet, "I have always wanted to boost the confidence of the people in the country, and I hope the government can change. But for so many years, I have seen a bunch of politicians talk empty. French elites, please Stop your steps and wait for your citizens! "

The old bishop opened his head, and Zhou Da's machine gun could desperately make use of it.

"I feel that this is not a problem of the French government. This is a problem of the entire Western system. Participating in elections does not result in qualified national leaders. By drawing voters and talking about officials who promise to take office, he has no experience in managing the country. Stabilizing your position will inevitably lead to populism.

Populism means that there is no long-term planning, and each government will necessarily impose higher conditions in order to obtain the support of voters. As a result, the appetite of voters is getting higher and higher, but the whole country is paying the price.

Similarly, populism has led electors to utter slogans and promises that are impossible to achieve. Leaders with no governing experience have to walk into a strange circle ~ www.readwn.com ~ They draw voters and make promises, promises cannot be achieved, and a person with more promises comes to power.

Western countries have been reincarnation in this strange circle for a long time. But now most of the countries with poor families can no longer carry it, and the Five Golden Pigs are the proof. France has a strong family base, but how much longer can it toss?

Alas ... how did western democracy become like this? I can't help but fall into deep thinking. This must be a system issue, and it is always the people who suffer. "

Zhou Qingfeng also followed a leader of compassion, and this time he did not ask the guests at the scene. The boy stood up, facing the camera in the studio, and said to the audience watching the show calmly.

"Dear French friends, I think it's time to learn the Eastern experience. China thirty years ago, the total GDP was only one-ninth of Japan's, and it is now more than double that of Japan. And Japan GDP is now almost double that of France.

Behind such a rapid development, there must be rich experience to learn from. Come, follow me to China, and enter a new world. "

People from all over France will jump up and scold you for shutting up!

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