Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1499: Internet economy

Before dark, the last rays of the sun were radiating the last light and heat from the sky. Bertrand sat in an old Mercedes car and stared boredly at a fork in the road ahead. He was at a helicopter take-off and landing point outside Paris, which was owned by the Likus family.

Bertrand is the bottom of a gang. His income is not high and his ability is average. His daily work is to track and send messages. At most, he has to do things like stealing drugs and guns. He's a half-breed, his mother is a Bulgarian, his father ... I don't know who his father is.

Bertrand has heard rumors on the "Dark Web" these days, and is also envious of the "century reward". But he did not expect that he would really participate in this reward, because some days ago someone hired him to watch for two hundred euros.

It is the goal of Lin Suen that is the reward of the century.

"These ghosts, they make 200 million US dollars, but only give me 200 euros a day." Bertrand faintly knew that his superiors seemed to have a relationship with the US ia, but this relationship could not be confirmed. He only knew that someone wanted to create a car accident to kill 'Lin Sen', but he never found an opportunity.

Bertrand has heard too many rumors these days, especially the information published by the "Dark Web" by "Victor Hugo" is the most eloquent. The ‘century reward’ is amazing enough, and the Lord actually has the ability to kill the person who performed the reward, which is even more amazing.

Gusinski's group was killed before, and two days later, Mutashim's men were killed. To be honest, others were watching jokes, but Bertrand, who was involved, was a little scared. He's just a street junk, not a dead man.

Many people now think that the two people who died are the counterattacks of the "century reward" Linsen. The killer deliberately used "Victor Hugo", an id with a clear identity mark, to post information, and he was demonstrating to killers and rewarders.

After all, if you want to be rich, the "Prince" who gives the "century reward" is indeed rich, but "Lin Sen" is now recognized as a rich and enemy country, not bad at all!

Bertrand is currently being asked to stare at the Likus family's helicopter take-off and landing field. It is said that there is exact information that 'Linson' will land here by helicopter today. All he has to do is tell exactly when the target appears.

The longer you wait, the more irritable Bertrand becomes. He wasn't sure if a small figure like himself would die. Such things happen from time to time. And just when he wanted to retreat, his boss called to say that the task was over, and he quit.


Bertrand was relieved and drove away from the ghost place at the fork. And when he returned to his small gang base, he couldn't help asking his boss for details. Why didn't we do it?

"We charge according to time. Every twenty-four hours counts as a task cycle." The leader of this little gang said that the head is logical and methodical. "People who buy our services want to renew our contract with us, but I found a more profitable Task. So I pushed things to follow. "

The leader of the gang was very happy. He turned on a computer at his hand and entered the 'dark web'. Bertrand only discovered that the already famous 'Victor Hugo' actually released an unrestricted paid large-scale mission.

"Feed the green believers to eat pork?" Bertrand was confused, and he continued to watch. "Taking a video of the green believers eating raw pork, accompanied by the gang leader image and verification information. The target must be positive for face recognition.

For every Green Devotee you get 30 euros. Attention, you must make sure that the feeding object is identified as a Green Man, otherwise no payment will be made. The same green believer can only be fed once every six hours, more feeding is invalid. "

Hiss ..., huh ..., hey hey!

Bertrand was puzzled at first, but soon realized that it was too cola. At last he patted his thigh and jumped up and shouted, "This is a good opportunity to get rich!"

Hahaha ... a dozen personal gangs all laughed. They are such street scumbags, but in fact they can't do anything big, they can only be disgusting. What they are best at is disgusting people, because the cost of crime is low!

In the past, why did everyone think that the Green Religion is a trouble, not only because there are so many Green Religionists, but how many people can pass the subject nation? The key is to bully them without oil or water!

For example, if you bully Chinese people, you will gain money. Chinese people have money, they like saving, and they like cash. It is best to rob Chinese people. And robbing the green believers? Those are a bunch of poor ghosts!

And now? Someone pays for the green believers, this is not the case!

Do not fight or scold, it is feeding. What if the police are here? If there are some conflicts in feeding, this can be resolved by technical means. For example, a crowd of people is a good way.

Don't look at feeding a talent for thirty euros, but Paris has nothing else, the Greens have some. Feed more than ten or twenty diligently a day, and you have a lot of money. You know that Bertrand only has two hundred euros a day, and there is no small risk.

This is a good project to get rid of poverty and get rich!

The various low-level messes in Paris and even France are crying with joy, so easy and pleasant work, isn't this what they always dream of? Do what you do best, make the easiest money, and have fun.

Even many low-level French people who have troubled their lives feel that there are not a few nasty green believers living near our house. This is a natural resource for God ’s appreciation! Ask them to eat four meals of pork every day.

More importantly, the energetic students in the school also felt that this was a good opportunity to make pocket money.

Do you want to buy the latest sneakers? Go to your green teacher classmate. Do you want to buy tickets for the hottest stars? Go to your green teacher classmate. Do you want to send a gift on your girlfriend's birthday? Go to your green teacher classmate. Just feed them raw pork, everything is there!

This activity is super cool and super exciting. What are you waiting for?

There is also a mobile app download for face recognition on www.readwn.com. The name is 'Shared Green Religion'. As long as you use your phone to brush the target's face, the background will automatically recognize and compare, so that everyone can feed the green believers.

The database of this software comes from social security information in France. Because the green believers mostly live on social relief and also like to emphasize their religious beliefs, there are actually many ways to identify them.

As for many green education immigrants who do not have identity information, software developers have also stated that they are working hard to solve this problem. They are trying to conduct audits in a more diverse way so that everyone can make money.

And for some masters who disdain the task of feeding, 'Victor Hugo' also provides more advanced tasks. For example, blowing up a green religion temple, small 100,000 euros, medium 300,000 euros, large one million euros.

There are also different rewards for killing faculty members, ranging from five hundred euros to one hundred thousand euros. Convenient for killers with different abilities to take orders. 'Victor Hugo' stated that 100 million Euros would be invested in this project, so you must work fast!

What he meows is Internet + Economy!

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