Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1500: Disadvantaged

When a big villain was about to get things done, Lao Chao's Mutahime in the 93rd district of Paris had just hung up. The mysterious stranger provided him with 'Lin Sen''s whereabouts to return to Paris from Reims tonight, demanding that he be obeyed after the abduction.

A few words from the stranger pinched Mutashim's sore feet, making him afraid to make trouble. He frowned for a few minutes, the atmosphere was quite serious. The men around him looked at each other and waited silently for his order.

"Gather some people, not too many, just five or six. Take out the weapons we have hidden, and we have to make a big one." Mutashim was still ambitious and ambitious. As long as the goal is killed, there are 200 million, and it is worth fighting for the money.

Don't worry if someone provides information now!

The members of the Albanian descent around Mutahim silently dispersed. Some of them were in charge of contact, some of them were preparing vehicles, and some of the long and short guns were found from the shelter of the residence.

Weapons smuggling in Europe is quite rampant. In Brussels, it takes only half an hour to sell an ak-47 for several hundred euros. Although most of them were produced in Yugoslavia in the 1980s, they are still quite easy to use.

Every year the European police detect weapons and firearms that can almost equip an infantry division. Transportation in Europe is very convenient, and security checks are also in the form. This allows the weapons hidden in the car's fuel tanks and cargo containers to be circulated widely.

Mutasim's weapons can be equipped with a platoon, and they are maintained and operated by ex-armed people smuggled from the Middle East, giving the Arab ethnic group in Paris a great deterrent.

Corresponding personnel were summoned quickly and learned that the atmosphere was dull after the mission. After all, more than a dozen people who died last night were killed by death, and once again today, everyone is a little scared. But under the call of God, no one is timid, and the warriors have stated that they can dedicate themselves at any time.

A total of five people are really good hands. Mutashim personally led the team and he decided to drive three cars. For the sake of confidentiality, everyone set off.

Pushing a short tube ak of a folding **** into a wide robe, Mutahim took a generous lead out of his old nest's residence. The child at the door nodded to him, signalling that there was no danger around him. And he still watched with caution, and slowly walked towards the roadside vehicles.

Behind Mutashim are other members of the operation, all of whom remain quiet, indifferent and secretive. They know that they have a heavy responsibility on their shoulders, and whether they can establish the kingdom of God on earth depends on their courage.

Three cars, starting in sequence. As the boss, Mutashim watched his team members take the lead to leave the street. The calmness of the boys made him very satisfied, and he was ready to drive on the road.

Just when Mutashim had just pulled the door, he came over behind him with a few young men copying his hands, lowering his head, and wearing a hood. Most of these dressed-up people are little **** in the neighborhood, wandering around.

Mutashim snorted back, and the demon stared at the little bitches. The neighborhoods of the ninety-three provinces are mixed with dragons and snakes. Everyone has them, and it is not just the territory of the Arabs.

However, as the boss of Arab descent, Mutashim is very confident in his identity. He smiled proudly when Xiao Xunzi retreated from his threat.

Continue to pull the door, and imagine the glorious life after the successful operation, Mutashim is full of ambition. But when he lowered his head to sit in the car, he felt a sudden pain in the back of his head, and a hard object hit him.

God, why are the street bums so bold now? I ’m Mutahim. I ’m the boss of an ethnic Albanian ethnic group. I was scared and scared. I was knocked on the street by a sap? !!

Mutahim tried to stand up again, hoping that he could immediately pull out the rifle under the robe and suddenly kill the **** little bitch. But he had a note in the back of his head, which would not stand even, and he heard someone stuff pork in his mouth. "

Mutahim fell to the ground, and two little **** surrounded him. One person filmed with a mobile phone, and one person found a piece of pork and stuffed it into his mouth. He struggled, trying to spit out the meat, but his mouth was flung open, and a stick was sticking out.

Mutashim was choked to barely breath, a continuous cough and nausea. But his little sister-in-law didn't care so much, forcing him to swallow the meat was counted.

Several people of Arab descent reacted in the neighborhood and shouted at the two violent little bitches. The two little sister-in-law were also very scared, and after feeding for a while, they left quickly. Mutashim was nearly choked to death with raw meat. He couldn't vomit and swallowed.

Waiting for the nearby fellows to come over, I saw the boss of the dignified ethnic Albanian tribe bleed with a baseball bat, his tears flowed, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Mutahim barely propped himself up and fell to the ground. He kept vomiting and spit out the raw meat. Then he shouted tragically: "Don't let me catch them, or I'll send them to see God. Take me to the hospital now, I'm going to have a gastric lavage, I'm going to have a gastric lavage right away! "

The task of intercepting 'Lin Sen' naturally blew up. Mutashim was lifted into the car and taken to the hospital. France's medical system is good, at least better than the United States. Seeing the injured boss, the medical staff quickly bandaged the wound for him, and then performed gastric lavage.

This is really not going to see the yellow calendar, as soon as he left the house was attacked. Mutahim could be alive and mad at it. Because of a severe concussion in the back of the head, he could only rest quietly in the hospital bed, walking like a dead dog.

When the night was quiet and the anesthetic effect in the back of the brain subsided, Mutahim was woken up by the wound. He moved on the bed, but awakened a carer leaning next to him.

The hospital late at night was quiet and there were few people around. Mutashim asked the caregiver: "What about the person who takes care of me?"

The caregiver was an Eastern European woman in her forties, with a thick waist and a round, stout voice. She replied politely: "The people who brought you are gone. They are very busy now, so they hired me to take care of you."

Mutashim is unknown, so ~ www.readwn.com ~ scolded in my heart: My boss was conspired by someone, but no one was by his side, what if he was approached by the enemy? What a fool!

Seeing Mutahime humming, the stout caretaker was not afraid of him, but raised his mobile phone and opened the camera to shoot him. Immediately, he exclaimed, "What did you shoot me for? Immediately delete it. You are violating my religion and I order you to delete it."

"Are you a green believer?" The nurse asked.

Mutashim showed a little arrogance, "I am the servant of God, and I ask you to do what I say immediately, otherwise I will sue you for discrimination. My men will also pack you up fiercely."

This rhetoric has been unfavorable in the past, and no one else wants to be stuck with such a stinky shit. Small costs can bring big benefits, which is the secret of the development of Arabs. But this time is a little different ...

"I don't think your people will be able to come back for a while. And you ..." The sturdy caretaker silently pulled out a dried pork from his pocket. "Can you eat this thing? You only need to eat it four times a day , I can make 120 euros. Please cooperate, I will take good care of you. "

Mutashim stared at it, feeling like something was wrong.

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