Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1521: confusing

‘Lion’ was shot in the chest and his body uncontrollably leaned back. Another mercenary beside him was also aiming at Zhou Qingfeng, but he could not keep up with Zhou Qingfeng's agility.

Success or failure may be just a few tenths of a second, ...

Zhou Qingfeng shot the theoretical rate of fire of the Glock pistol in his hand. Two shots hit the 'lion''s chest, followed by two shots hitting his companions. The stinging bullet was flying overhead, and he had to overcome the fear under the muzzle with great certainty.

The four shots exploded like the same shot, and the whole process took less than half a second. Before the other mercenaries reacted, Zhou Qingfeng rolled again, as if a smog of smoke had flowed behind the arch columns of the exhibition hall a few meters away.

The sudden gunshots came after Zhou Qingfeng's shadow. The bullets shot like heavy rain, dense like a net. This forced Zhou Qingfeng to use a little physical strength that he could not easily recover to enter the "stop" of a few seconds to avoid.

The sound of gunfire plummeted, the bullets shattered the pillars that Zhou Qingfeng was avoiding, and the surface of the marble pillars fell like debris.

The French police, who were under surveillance, came to their senses in anger. This is the exhibition room where the national treasures are displayed, and the damage caused by carelessness will be irreparable.

"Stop them soon." His Excellency the President also yelled with sweat on his forehead, and if 'Broken Arm Venus' was broken, his life would not be easy.

The mercenaries at the scene had no worries, their personnel quickly surrounded them, and the three teams alternately covered and moved forward. After clarifying the position of the target, the fighting style of these people became very hot.

The two squads scrambled to the left and right, and several muzzles aimed at the almost half-collapsed arch. But behind the arch ... nothing.

The muzzle immediately pointed in the other direction, and the quiet exhibition hall had corridors leading in all directions. The manure making machine just disappeared. The two mercenary squads immediately pursued, but the leader, the "lion", had to squat in place to look after the players who had just been hit.

The pistol's warhead will passivate and deform after hitting the target, releasing kinetic energy. Sometimes the angle is not good, the warhead will crack, and debris will fly out. ‘Lion’ was so fatal that the bullet that struck his chest was embedded in the body armor, but his companion was cut open by his shrapnel.

"Damn it." The ‘Lion’ knew that he had n’t been rescued at the sight of the bleeding injury. He could n’t even leave his companion to the police, and he could n’t evacuate with a wounded or dead body.

Watching Zhou Qingfeng's direction of escape, "Lion" pulled out a pistol and aimed at the injured companion's head and pulled the trigger. A bang shot frightened the police and the French cabinet who were watching the surveillance, and everyone knew that this guy was definitely not a policeman.

So who are they?

Suddenly things became confusing and misty.

And the "Lion" also received an alert from the "Poison Spider". There were police detection robots in the Louvre, and their actions were exposed.

After banging several more shots, the surveillance robot for surveillance was shot down. The entire mercenary team can only retreat immediately. Furious by the police, several special police forces were again sent to the Louvre. They have to figure out where the fake police came from? How did you get into the Louvre?

The matter has now been extremely complicated, and the faces of all the participants have become extremely dignified. People from the police and the counter-terrorism center, people from the 'poisonous spiders', people from the Likus family, high-ranking French men, and Uncle Zhou who were trapped, many forces were caught in it.

When everyone else was thinking about what was hidden behind the incident, she knew that the "poison spider" had the fastest response. She immediately called Ronald of the Likus family. It's time for family influence. "

The confusing situation made everyone quiet, and Zhou Qingfeng also got a real respite. No one came to disturb him for the time being.

Just two hours after Zhou Qingfeng entered the Louvre, at the last moment before dawn, an old-fashioned biplane flickered to the air traffic control at the Orly airport in the south of Paris.

Europe has been flat for a long time, there is no threat of war, and air control is relatively loose. Although the British clamored for Brexit, isn't that yet? Katrina's dad drove a classic plane so generously, and flew more than 600 kilometers across the English Channel to France.

The plane underwent a brief inspection by some airport security personnel when landing, but Katerina both had formal identification documents, and no one cared about the package hidden in the aircraft's fuel tank. Daddy Ruiwen rented a car at the airport and took his cheap daughter to Paris.

"You said your friend was blocked in the Louvre by the French police?" Dad heard Katerina's simple explanation, although he didn't quite understand what was going on, he stood by his daughter neatly, "I'm early It depends on those arrogant and lazy French people who are not pleasing to the eye, and this time they just clean up. "

Katerina is talking on the phone with Lina and others. The four people exchange information with each other, but currently they can no longer contact Qingfeng Zhou. Since their father and daughter arrived in Paris as soon as possible, they naturally assumed the task of gathering intelligence.

"I'm very good at this." Dad Ruiwen has been very excited these two days, and has a big deal on everything.

The moment she saw Katrina, Dad Ruiwen gave birth to a close and loving heart. Although it is not known that his daughter is in front of him, this does not prevent a father from expressing his father's love.

"I'm Her Majesty's SBS. Those French aborigines are all scum in front of me. Infiltration, lurking, rescue, assassination, what I am best at is this." Dad hated that he couldn't shoot the chest to pack tickets, "Child, you rest assured , I must rescue your friends. "

The father and daughter quickly drove to the vicinity of the Louvre, but the neighborhoods were blocked by the police and there was no signal from the mobile phone. The atmosphere was quite tense. Katrina naturally understood why she couldn't contact Qingfeng Zhou last week.

"We have to find a way to contact Victor first. The guy must not be dead, but he can't get out now." Katerina parked her car in the distance and looked at the street. A large number of reporters were taking pictures outside the police blockade ~ www .readwn.com ~ Various messy news are flying around.

"We may be able to enter through the tunnel of the underground pipe network." Father Ruiwen spread out a tourist map and rubbed his chin. "But the subway must be controlled by the police, and we have few choices. The sewer may be a road . "

The city of Paris has a long history, with dense and complex pipe networks underground. If you want to enter the Louvre in secret, it is a way to pass the underground pipe network.

However, Caterina still insisted on contacting Zhou Qingfeng first, and she said to herself: "At this time," dog meat "should be helped, so that it may enter in front of the police."

"'Dog'?" Dad looked up puzzled. "That dog in your movie? But now, what can a dog do?"

Katerina smiled bitterly: "You will soon see Victor's dog. It's not an ordinary dog."

"Isn't it really a mechanical dog?" Dad yelled, thinking he was making a very cola joke.

Katrina continued to smile bitterly, but nodded. "I'm afraid it's more than you think."

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