Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1522: No one can lie to "dog meat"

Before dawn, he replaced Zhou Qingfeng's counterfeit ‘Lin Sen’ and returned to the Morris Hotel. He mimics the identity of a world-class superstar with a chic and natural style, and the proud feelings in his heart are on the horizon.

Back at the entrance of the hotel, the fake goods protected Ai Jielin from the car. To the little princess of the Likus family, he was accompanied with utmost care, caring and gentle along the way. But his tendency to love made the Guoan female officer who had been staring at him frown.

There are so many women around Uncle Zhou, who treats everyone well, but he has never taken care of this tendency. The female officer thought for a long time before she came up with a suitable word to describe the inferiority.

Strange ... Lin Sen never did.

The group attended a dinner at Versailles Palace and returned to the hotel almost late at night. The female officer is responsible for taking care of Zhou Qingfeng's daily life, but at this moment how to look at how awkward. Because there were fewer individuals in the team back, and lesser slave girl Safia.

The poor girl was dispersed in the chaos of the Palace of Versailles, and no one took care of her. For Zhou Qingfeng himself, the woman who has a leg with herself will never be left casually. But for the information obtained from counterfeit goods, Safia is nothing more than an insignificant person.

However, Safia did not show up a few times beside Zhou Qingfeng, Zhou Qingfeng did not say her identity, and the female officer did not even know the specific origin of the girl. The group will then return to the suite.

There will not be a master in the large suite that originally lived in the "foul soil five people". As soon as the counterfeit goods entered the room, the TV in the living room was shown. To the city center.

On the TV screen is a chasing scene that is constantly passing by. The police are reminding the public to evade immediately and avoid going out in case they are harmed. The counterfeit saw the news jump on his face, and he looked back at Liu Zonghan, who was responsible for taking care of him.

The original opportunity of the "poisonous spider" is not like this ...

Regardless of whether Zhou Qingfeng is killed or captured, the counterfeit goods will find an excuse to live in Versailles. But now Zhou Qingfeng fled, the counterfeit goods had to come back to support the scene, and in addition, he tried to obtain some secrets that Liu Zonghan could not reach.

"You can go out." The female officer had a strong sense of disobedience to Liu Zonghan when he entered the suite, as if the territory had been invaded. Although Liu Zonghan is also a member of Zhou Qingfeng's French tour group, he is actually an outsider, and the housework of the suite is under the responsibility of female officers.

Liu Zonghan was so embarrassed that Zhou Qingfeng usually would not let him enter the suite at all. However, the counterfeit goods did not want Liu Zonghan to leave, so he shouted generously: "There are a lot of rooms in the suite. Let Zong Han stay casually. I can also call him if I have a problem."

After hearing the fake "Uncle Zhou" making a speech, the female officer could no longer say anything, but the feeling of disobedience in his heart was getting heavier. On the contrary, Ai Jielin has always been in a low mood, especially when she saw the terrorist attacks reported on TV all the time. She went to the bedroom without a word.

As soon as the bedroom door opened, ‘dog meat’ swung its tail out. The stupid dog walked around Ai Jielin first, and saw his owner even trot forward.

For Zhou Qingfeng's dog, counterfeit goods are the most guilty. Because dogs are no better than humans, identifying their owners depends not only on their appearance but also on their sense of smell. When I saw ‘dog meat’ approaching, the counterfeit goods pretended to be open and shouted ‘ha, good dog’.

Good dog? The female officer finally determined where the source of all feelings of disharmony was tonight. The real Zhou Qingfeng has always been called a 'silly dog'.

And 'dog meat' rushed three meters away in front of the counterfeit goods, and the original footsteps suddenly stopped. He lay on the ground with a whining sound, as if encountering something terrible, and then circled around the counterfeit goods.

Counterfeit goods also want to come forward and hug 'dog meat', but 'dog meat' will not let him approach. The stupid dog's nose keeps twitching, constantly collecting information about the taste in the air. After making a few laps around the counterfeit goods, it ran around the female officer and even circled around Liu Zonghan.

Turning around, ‘dog meat’ suddenly became fierce, with hounds of teeth protruding, barking loudly at counterfeit goods!

The stupid dog's loud voice and strong anger scared everyone in the living room of the suite, and the glass on the coffee table broke. Anyone who hears the sound feels as if a shock bomb has been lost in their ears, dizzy.

The first counterfeit goods fell on the sofa with his **** frightened by the barking, with a panic.

And after "dog meat" finished barking, it continued to whine, running around like a cry, looking extremely anxious. It hit the chair frantically, biting the furniture, shaving the carpet, and finally hitting the door of the suite directly, bumping the thick oak door into the big hole, and rushing away.

People in the entire suite were invariably scared by the weirdness and madness of 'dog meat'. While others have only doubts in their hearts, counterfeit goods shouted with a strong composure: "Maybe today I didn't take it out to play, and it was unhappy."

This explanation is not convincing, but the female officers present were still unable to reach a certain conclusion. The counterfeit goods told Liu Zonghan: "You go to the hotel to talk about compensation. It's a small matter. Let them be careful of this dog and don't let it go crazy."

After passing off the counterfeit goods, he turned to the bedroom, and he had to calm down to appease the frightened emotion. The female officer looked at him the more unnaturally.

The suite was a mess, and Liu Zonghan left to find the hotel to redecorate the furniture. Guo'an's female officer arranged security work for the entire suite and returned to her room to dial a confidential satellite phone.

"Dad, I have something to tell you."

"What happened to you at Versailles? I have been waiting for your report."

"The French police said it was a terrorist attack, and I don't know exactly what happened. We have nothing serious and we will leave soon."

"So what do you want to reflect?"

"Linson's performance was very strange when he returned from Versailles. He suddenly got close to the vice president of Universal Media named Liu Zonghan. This guy used to only mess with us. Today, he feels that he is trusted by Linsen for no reason.

"Oh ... you keep talking."

"Jie Lin, the new Linsen collaborator, suddenly became very emotionally unstable when she left Versailles. I saw her crying several times silently. But in fact, she even talked and laughed with Lin Sen during the dinner. Happy. "

"Well ..., the sudden change is not without reason. It is indeed suspicious."

"And after returning to the hotel, Lin Sen's dog didn't recognize him. 'Dog Meat' suddenly madly destroyed the furniture and broke the door and left alone. By the way, Lin Sen was actually scared by his dog. Fall. "

"Oh ... not right!"

The tone on the phone suddenly changed ...

"You mean that Lin Sen's dog went crazy suddenly, startled Lin Sen, and left the hotel?"


"No, no, Linsen's dog is very unusual. Have you ever seen that dog eating?"

"His ... No, I have never seen it, never. I always thought Lin Sen fed him privately. So to speak, I have not only seen 'dog meat' eating, I have never even seen him go to the toilet."

A few words made the conversation more tense, and the phone said in a deep voice: "I feel that it is not a normal dog, just like Lin Sen, not a normal person. I think something must have happened at Versailles You try to investigate this matter, I'll rush over here by plane. "

"Yes, I must be stable."

"Also, we're talking about work at work now, don't call it by father and father. I'm your superior."

After hearing this lesson, the female officer could not help but pout, "Yes, Deputy Director Xiao."

At this moment when the female officer talked and reported, 'dog meat' had just rushed out of the main entrance of the Morris Hotel. A girl in Persian costume pleaded with the attendant at the door: "I'm not here to harass your guests. I'm really Lin Sen's ~ www.readwn.com ~ I just separated from him. Please help me. "

The girl's dress is quite exposed, her waist, waist and legs are exposed, making people look like a streamer. The hotel's attendants were determined not to let her in, especially if she claimed to be the star Linsen. This ... It is also one of the hotel services to drive away some 'commodities' for the big men.

This dog meat hurried out, and saw that the girl sniffed around her for a long time, and finally whined at her, biting her garment corner with her teeth and pulling outward.

The girl kept explaining to the hotel attendant, and ‘dog meat’ kept whining and pushing her outward. After half a day, the girl asked ‘dog meat’ in frustration: “Where is your master? He left me halfway.”

"Dog" immediately turned his head outward, raised his front paw and pointed.

Alas, a flash of light suddenly flashed in the head of the girl's incomprehensible head. She looked at the dog meat and asked, "Your master is not in the hotel?"

"Dog" immediately jumped up and down beside the girl, cheering again, biting her horns and pulling outward.

The girl thought to herself, "Does this dog want me to take him to find his owner?"

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