Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1525: Bitten by a dog

Outside the Louvre, the 'poisonous spider' has spit fire with both eyes. Unexpected circumstances kept happening, completely disrupting her original plan.

According to the perfect idea, Linsen should be seized at the Palace of Versailles and this 200 million dollar meat ticket. This is the guy who drools countless dark forces.

Li Ling is faint, and the person with the knife licking the blood will not care how deep the background of this guy is. If we have a deep background, the background of the US President is deep enough. But as long as the interest is large enough, several people are assassinated. Who cares about an actor now?

'Poison Spider' has the powerful Likus group as its support, and it has never thought about how things will fail. She only thought about how much oil and water she could squeeze out after seizing Lin Sen. To this end, she designed a set of action plans, even the idea of ​​imposting such a genius.

Before the operation, 'Poison Spiders' admired their wild ideas.

After the operation, 'Poison Spider' felt like a stupid pig and walked to Versailles with his nose. Two T-51As not only failed to win Lin Sen, they were also killed. This matter has made her feel incredible until now.

Lin Sen, who was seriously injured, should reasonably fall to the ground and wait to be cleaned up, but he actually escaped back to Paris, and rushed into the Louvre under the apprehension of the police on the street. This makes the "poison spider" always following behind furious.

Sending a team of mercenaries to catch Lin Sen also failed. The manic 'poisonous spider' made a big move to contact the Likus Group, intimidating the current senior government, and transferred to a better-controlled foreign legion. Tear gas instead of a small tear gas bomb.

If you do n’t die, you will have to stun you, forcing you to escape!

Quantitative change causes qualitative change. When the manpower reached a crushed state, the Louvre with a complicated environment became simple and clear. A lot of tear gas was poured in, and soldiers with gas masks and even oxygen cylinders rushed into it. With the stimulation of the reward, the action became extremely simple and rude.

Within five minutes of the start of the operation, someone reported finding the target. The good news continued ...

The target loses combat effectiveness.

The target was captured.

The target is being taken out.

Ah ... these news made the ‘spider spider’ standing by the radio finally relieved, and the heavy pressure accumulated in my heart was released.

Damn bastard, I finally caught you. Where do you run this time? "Poison Spider" even jumped up in front of many police officers and stomped his feet, as if to step on a cockroach.

At the moment, in the eyes of many onlookers, ‘Poison Spider’ is even synonymous with decisiveness and skill, compared with Director Busquet who was in charge of commanding. The latter tossed in the middle of the night, causing many special policemen to be seriously injured and failed to get things done.

Look at Officer Costa, though she is a woman, they are amazing. A decisive attack with the momentum of thunder and getting things done in the shortest time is clearly a model of admiration!

When the soldiers who rushed into the Louvre opened their mouths and returned the information that the target was being brought out, the entire audience couldn't help cheering and thundering, and they all stood up and applauded. No matter how high-ranking Costa Police officer is and how he seizes power, at least they are doing a beautiful job.

His Excellency the President far away from the Elysee Palace is also constantly paying attention to the news of the Louvre. He was relieved to learn that things were so simple to solve. The original forced replacement will actually allow the media to brag about the achievements of this well-conceived commander of the President.

Even Director Busquet, who had just been deprived of power, was quite surprised. After all, being able to get things done quickly is the greatest success. He was wondering if he was really incompetent for hours with his hands down.

The expression of joy and encouragement can be seen from the expressions. The media shot with a telephoto lens in the distance are thinking of praising the manuscript for success.

And just as Police officer Costa's lame yelled "Yayaye" to release the pressure in his heart, a crackling sound of glass breaking came from the radio, followed by heartbreaking screams and exclamations.

"Kill it, kill the dog."

"Shoot, shoot!"

"Help, who will save me, my throat ..."

There was a panic of yelling and scolding on the radio, followed by banging gunshots, a lot of loud shouts and dying calls for help flooding the channel, and the command of the on-site commanders to mobilize troops was completely covered.

What happened?

Everyone felt tight, their throats were dry, their foreheads were sweating, and their heads were buzzing. The situation at the scene seemed to make a 180-degree turn, but no one knows what happened?

'Poison Spider' hurried to the radio and shouted to the officer in charge of the front line command, "What happened? Report to me immediately."

Major Philip of the Foreign Legion reacted quickly. "I have sent reinforcements to the second floor on the west side. The soldiers seem to report jumping in from a window into a dog. I am on my way."

Hearing it was a dog, 'Poison Spider' calmed down again. She even scolded in her heart: can you guys look like you? It's a shame for France to let you yell on the radio!

However, the group of soldiers in the front line responsible for the capture has been screaming. They are either shooting suddenly or calling for support with a stern voice. People who don't understand can think they are not facing a dog, but Godzilla.

In fact, when Major Philip led the team to the west side of the second floor, he really saw a group of soldiers retreating hurriedly. To be exact, a team of disabled soldiers was defeated. Most of them had spatters of blood on their bodies, and dragged several wounded people who were snoring constantly. They looked like they were defeated.

"You have an ambush?" Major Philip was stunned when he saw the scene.

"No, it's a dog. It moves very fast and is extremely fierce. It launched an attack at close range. Our people were crowded together and couldn't fight at all. The muzzle was directed at their own people. But wantonly killed many of us. "

A soldier was about to cry, he took off his gas mask and tried to catch his breath, but immediately cried louder because of the presence of tear gas.

Is there anything wrong?

Is it really a dog that defeats a squad of infantry? No, this is the only class left to die, and the loss is still uncertain.

Covered by the muzzles of more than a dozen soldiers, Major Phillips poked his head from the corner on the west side, and he saw blood on the beach about ten meters away, as well as the wounded and convulsions who fell to the ground and no longer twitched. Dead body.

Virgin Mary!

Major Philip couldn't believe his eyes, and the blood on the beach was so shocking that it scared him, a long-time professional soldier deployed overseas.

But no matter how scared, the regular army cannot be defeated by a dog.

"Follow me, we are foreign corps." The sense of honor of the soldier did not allow Major Philip to hesitate and cowardly. He carried a Famas rifle to the front, followed by a group of soldiers willing to charge with the chief.

Close to the killing ground, the blood smell became stronger, and many wounded soldiers fell to the ground for help from the major. Someone immediately dragged them down for treatment. The major continued to move forward ~ www.readwn.com ~, waving his hands to pay attention to multiple directions.

There were only low and dense footsteps at the scene, and everyone's heartbeat became fluttering, and their eyes constantly scanned any doubts. And just near the beginning of the killing, Major Philip saw the broken window, and then saw the target person leaning against the window and kept coughing.

The target's condition is really bad, and the coughing seems to fly out of the lungs. There was also a dog covered in blood around him, carrying a gas mask and an oxygen bottle to his owner.

The dog gave the gas mask to the owner, and when he heard the footsteps behind him, he turned around and rushed up. It was fierce, but how could a regular army be afraid of a dog? Not to mention the foreign legion known for its bravery.

Major Philip and the soldiers around him shot at once, and hundreds of bullets spewed out under the sudden gunshot. But the agile dog's agility was like walking through the gap between bullets. It jumped from left to right and was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the leading major.

A big mouth opened suddenly ...

At this time it was an extravagant hope to retreat. After a while, outsiders heard the soldiers screaming on the radio like a rout: "The major is dead, the major is bitten by a dog!"

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