Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1526: Event out of control

Waiting for the major's body to be carried out, the situation was completely out of control.

The biggest reliance of the 'poison spider' is the foreign corps controlled by the Likus family. But without a direct commander, the soldiers of the Foreign Corps did not recognize her authority at all. She could no longer drive the soldiers of the foreign corps into it, but instead explained to the angry soldier what was in the Louvre?

The surviving soldiers suffered a great psychological shock, and they repeatedly described to their companions the terrible scenes they encountered, especially the extremely fierce and undeadable dog.

"I can't beat him, I really can't beat him."

"Its claw has a blade, and it easily cuts my companion's throat."

"I hit it clearly, but it still rushed to bite the major."

"I heard the sound of bullets flying. The dog's body is a steel body. This is a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy to let us die."

Without Major Philip, Poison Spider lost control of the situation. Even the platoon leader at the grassroots level was furious and demanded a reasonable explanation that it is impossible for an ordinary dog ​​to bite and bite more than thirty well-trained and well-equipped soldiers.

But 'Poison Spider' doesn't know why this is so!

The resentful foreign soldiers told the media about the terrible events in the Louvre before the senior officers were rescheduled for repression. When the media heard this terror incident, there was such an inside story, and the excitement almost shuddered. This news material is so rare ...

An extremely vicious terrorist, an ancient palace that has preserved thousands of years of civilization, and an extremely vicious dog that can't be killed, this theme is a collection of imagination that brings out the magical stories of ancient and modern wars.

Did the terrorists summon the evil **** a thousand years ago at the Louvre?

Or is Dr. Mystery experimenting with modern killer machines?

Or biochemical fighters who escaped from secret government agencies?

It is full of suspense, action, police bandit, sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, revealing and so on, which are both exciting and appetizing. All kinds of speculations are constantly emerging on the Internet, and they also cross-proliferate with each other, forming even more bizarre fantasy dramas.

The imagination of the people eating melon was fully exerted in this incident. A TV station going to the street to interview anyone at random can get a completely different explanation. This is the national creation, the national sensation, and the national entertainment!

It was a simple terrorist attack. Now, the mystery is so strong that the whole world has begun to pay attention. All the media was struggling at this time, hoping to attract everyone's attention. The French government kept silent about the incident, and the death was a terrorist attack.

The more you die, the more people will not believe it!

"Miss Fox, what's your comment on this matter?" French News Channel reporter 'Coincidentally' encountered enthusiastic public welfare and went to the hospital to express condolences to the family members of the wounded and killed soldiers.

Miss Fox showed her sad expression to the media and said gravely, "I'm sad. I just talked to many soldiers involved in the incident, and they vowed that they told the truth.

An unbeatable vicious dog, a warrior who is still powerful in tear gas, and an event where the government has covered up the truth. At first I also felt that this story sounded ridiculous, but when so many people are telling the same thing, should we listen calmly?

At least I feel that the government needs to explain why it is necessary to send people from foreign corps and let them operate in special police uniforms? This is not their job at all, and it is obviously unreasonable to involve them in action. Who gave this wrong order for whatever reason? And also paid a reward.

I also now feel that there may be some hidden plot behind this. The government must disclose to the public that people have the right to know. Information is open to dispel doubts. "

The little fox was really bad. Her words stirred the emotions of the whole incident. It seemed that there was no inflammatory statement, but it pushed the French government to the cusp.

You must know that the French and the media are the most anti-government, and it is traditional to work against the government. When Miss Fox finished the preparatory propaganda, a heavyweight figure finally jumped out and announced that I knew the truth!

You have to know that President Martha has not been in power for a few months. Which of the far-right 'National Front' contenders for him to run for president was called by the elite media as 'the most dangerous woman in France' and Mary of 'female Trump' Ms. An jumped out.

"It is certain that this is indeed a government conspiracy. The black hand behind the scenes is the IA of the United States. It is the consortium that controls our country. They are making a biochemical weapon, and now this biochemical weapon is out of control. The so-called terror The attack was a complete lie.

The current cabinet is seriously dereliction of duty and must immediately resign from office. Because they let this tragedy of more than 30 casualties happen. To cover up the truth, they replaced the special police with soldiers from the foreign corps and launched a forcible attack because they couldn't wait to destroy the evidence.

Looking at all these skillful ways to cover up the truth, the government and the consortium are completely fooling us ordinary people like mental retardation. They just want us to be stupid, stupid, stupid, convenient to enslave us forever.

If it weren't for the massive casualties that caused the operation to fail, how long would we be deceived? I hope everyone can support me and I will thoroughly investigate this matter. "

Europe is now a period of rampant populism, and the "female version of Trump" immediately lit the flames of curiosity and suspicion among the people. Everyone wants to know what happened behind this incident?

President Martha was shot innocently in the Elysee Palace, and my position was not hot. Do you want to impeach me? This **** has nothing to do with me. Why did it lead me to the opposite?

Ms. Marianne ’s public opinion offensive has been surging, and some people have even begun to march and demand that the government immediately lift the siege of the Louvre and let the innocent victim inside confess to the media ~ www.readwn.com ~ etc. Wait ... when did the trouble that escaped into the Louvre become the 'innocent victim'?

The French-Dutch consortium that has been hiding behind the scenes has also become the focus of public opinion. The Likus family is as anxious as the ants on the hot pot. Seeing that someone had asked for the guy in the Louvre to be released, Ronald Likus, who was driving it all behind him, was really crying.

The French Virgin is truly indifferent. They sympathize with refugees, criminals, and terrorists. Anyway, they never sympathize with good people, but only with bad people. The idea of ​​letting the person trapped in the Louvre come out directly to reveal the truth, this idea has actually been recognized by many people.

"This is the fastest way to uncover the truth, and the public has the right to know what exactly happened?"

"Send reporters in, send reporters in immediately."

"We want to hear from the other side of the incident. He has the right to defend himself."

The voices of the people are getting louder and louder. The ‘poison spiders’ commanding at the front line cursing this group of French people are crazy. We must not let the guy in the Louvre come out, absolutely not!

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