Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1540: ‘Prince’

[Title: Wasteland rise beautiful sister and terrorist disaster Chapter 1540 'Prince' Author: take-all Taoist .QD]

The latest chapter of "The Rise of Waste Land" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: teachers of entertainment are also crazy undead mercenaries criminal psychology: crime and punishment Shengshi medical fragrant eating in Seoul one night affectionate, chief executive is too dangerous mountain village famous doctor rebirth army has room Zhou Qingfeng came quietly, and Leave silently. Only a few people knew his presence, and even the old Likus himself knew the two reached a seemingly non-binding oral agreement.

There is no record of black and white words, no third-party witnesses, and even no vows and sentences. Only a seemingly inconspicuous pill bottle confirms this union that may change the pattern of European power.

Zhou Qingfeng didn't want to be tied to the Likus family, but the old-fashioned former Likus family patriarch sneered and looked at the medicine bottle in his hand. There are already many plans in his mind as long as Zhou Qingfeng and the 'Prince' have similar abilities, and even With half the power, the Likus family has earned.

After Zhou Qingfeng left, Ai Jielin stared blankly at the window he left, and turned to her father and asked, "Is that guy still coming tomorrow?"

"Come, he will come. He doesn't want to stand with us, but he can't escape." Old Likus played with the medicine bottle and opened it gently.

Inside are gelatin-sealed pills that look very ordinary. Old Likus reached out and pressed a button on his wheelchair, and the family's lawyer quickly entered from outside the door.

"Sir, do you have any instructions?"

"give me a glass of water."

A cup of warm water was quickly placed in front of Old Likus. He poured a pill from the medicine bottle and swallowed it with the water. He didn't have the patience to do any human test. He believed that Zhou Qingfeng didn't need to lie to him, because the identity of the prince had been told that killing him would not be of any benefit to Zhou Qingfeng.

It was just that the family lawyer saw the pill bottle and medicine from unknown sources and exclaimed: "Mr. Likus, what medicine are you taking?"

"I don't know, but I believe it should be a bit useful." Old Likus carefully recapped the medicine bottle and tucked it into his own pocket. "Send me back to the room now, I want to rest."

The medical staff came up and pushed the old Likus away, and the family lawyer asked carefully: "Mr. Likus, the person you just met was the biggest suspect who killed your son. Do we need to do some prevention or follow up? Measures? 'Unlucky Ronald Likus was shot down by Zhou Qingfeng at the server headquarters. The head of the family died, which caused a great uproar within the Likus family. It is naturally everyone ’s consensus to track down the killer .

But now the old Likus saw that the enemies who killed his son were not angry. Instead, he wanted to marry a girl at first.

The old man in the wheelchair was silent on this question for a long time, and said after a while: "This question is well asked. I am not angry at all, as if it is just a competent employee who died. As long as there are greater benefits in front of me, , I immediately forgot about it. "

The family lawyer has been following the old Likus for decades, and he is also an old man with white hair. When he heard this, his heart trembled. Old Likus turned out to be a raging character. Even a son who has been trained for many years can still Such an understatement can even talk to the enemy for a long time.

On the other side, 'Poison Spider' is walking the streets of Monte Carlo, Monaco's capital. The sound of her high-heeled shoes attracted the attention of many young men on the road, and her enchanting figure and beautiful face attracted waves of whistles.

Monaco is a small country less than two square kilometers in the south of France. Although it is small, it is extremely prosperous. It makes huge fortunes through gambling, tourism and banking. It is ruled by Prince Albert II. That's right, the title is Prince.

‘Poison Spider’ was holding a small piece of paper in his hand, asked a few passers-by at will, and walked to a splendid palace building. She stood and watched like a tourist for a while, and then continued to walk forward to another smaller ancient house near the palace, knocking the copper ring on the gate.

After a few bangs, the door opened a gap. A man dressed as a housekeeper glanced behind the door and silently let the way go to let the poisonous spider enter.

"The host has been waiting for you in the parlor for a long time." The steward seemed to want to blame the woman for being late, just thinking about her importance, and finally shut up.

This ancient house was built of rock, with a grand exterior and a magnificent interior. The decoration of the medieval court can be seen everywhere, and the tables, chairs and accessories are expensive. Anything you grab is often an artifact.

'Poison Spider' saw a large portrait in the living room. It was the former ruler of Monaco's René III and the father of current Albert II.

"Poison Spider" couldn't help but be curious, she found that this big house looked at the luxurious atmosphere, but no one lived, except the housekeeper who could not even see the servants. When walking to the parlor, she saw a guy with a paralyzed head in a wheelchair, like Hawking.

"Are you ... Prince?" ‘Poison Spider’ asked uncertainly.

"Welcome, Ms. Costa, you are a rare guest here. I haven't entertained guests for a long time." The paralyzed man in a wheelchair is playing chess. He moved the handle on the armrest to control the wheelchair. "Come with me, and I will tell you what you need to know."

This meeting seemed weird. No one had expected that the 'Prince' who was famous in the dark forces of Europe was a punk person. But this waste actually lived in such a large and luxurious house, and it didn't look low in status.

'Poison Spider' tightened the Kun Bao tightly in his hand, and followed the 'Prince' generously. The electric wheelchair walked very slowly. "Prince" controlled the wheelchair and said, "Ms. Costa, you must be wondering why I am looking for you, right?

It's actually very simple, I just want you to help me kill Lin Sen. That guy, he is threatening my life. I didn't expect him to be so difficult, nor did I expect that I would pay a high price and no one would take over the job. The only person I can find now is you. "

The "poison spider" behind the wheelchair poked his lips, and didn't take it for granted that he wouldn't have known the "Prince" without the huge reward from the "Prince". Now these troubles are completely asked by the prince.

The Prince continued: "I can be considered a member of the Monaco royal family ~ www.readwn.com ~ My father is the authentic Prince of Monaco 'Reniel III' and the current 'Albert II' is my brother. And I ... I am the illegitimate child of 'Renneier III.'

"I thought you were going to say that you are His Royal Highness the Prince who rules Monaco." Poisonous Spider said sarcastically. She seemed careless, but was stimulating 'Prince' to say more.

The 'Prince' on the wheelchair smiled, a very unpleasant kind of laughter, "My father refused to marry my mother as a princess, so I can only be an illegitimate child, I can only look at the stupid Den of Albert II On the throne.

I also want to thank my brother for being willing to give me a huge fortune, and I also swear allegiance to him, allegiance to the glory that should have belonged to me. I'm only one street away from the stupid palace, but I can never get on that real throne. "

It sounds like a giant fight ...

Follow 'Prince' through a golden corridor. After passing through a door, ‘Poison Spider’ found himself as if he had changed place the next second. Her eyes changed from gold to white. About twenty or thirty guys in white coats and masks were busy in a large laboratory.

"It was originally a garden in my backyard. I converted it into a laboratory. I purchased the world's top research equipment, recruited the world's best biochemists, and I participated in it myself. Come on, visit My kingdom. This is where it really belongs to me. "

In the laboratory, the prince became interested. In a wheelchair, he kept talking about his current research, and uttered some words that were extremely professional and made ‘the poison spider’ completely incomprehensible.

"Damn, what the **** is going on here?" A misty 'poison spider' was completely confused in this laboratory. 166 novel reading network

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