Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1540: Memory pieces

[Title: Rise of the body of wasteland Chapter 1540 Memento Author: take-all Taoist .QD]

The latest chapter of "The Rise of Waste Land" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Shengshi Medical Incense Immortal Mercenary ’s teacher who eats in Seoul ’s entertainment is crazy for one night. The CEO is too dangerous. Criminal Psychology: Crime and punishment. A world-class biochemical laboratory is hidden in a noble mansion. Yes, it is indeed world-class in a way.

The scale of the laboratory is not very large, but biochemical experiments do not require any particularly large places. It is sufficient to rebuild a noble back garden with two or three floors.

The equipment here is the most advanced in the world. The capital of ‘Prince’ is already abundant, and no one has embargoed him, and no one has made random investigations. He can do whatever he wants, with a high degree of freedom.

The staff in the "Prince" laboratory are also top-notch, with a salary of millions of euros per year. Various consumables can also be easily purchased without any restrictions. So 'Prince' has reason to be proud of his site.

After walking around in this private kingdom, the poisonous spider found that this laboratory is extremely tightly managed. Various departments must be strictly protected and sterilized before entering, and there is even a negative pressure compartment. Experimental personnel can only External operations completely eliminate internal leaks.

"Oh ... oh my gosh!" ‘Poison Spider’ walked to a glass window and suddenly saw compartment beds inside. On each hospital bed lies a humanoid ... that thing can only be called a perishable piece of meat, or the flesh ulcerates, or it is swollen and distorted, or even indescribable.

"Are you doing human testing here?" ‘Poison Spider’ asked in surprise. She felt that she was vicious and vicious, but she was also pure compared to those in white coats.

"This is all research for the future of mankind. Let these useless social dregs contribute their lives and their glory. Anyway, their original life is worthless." "Prince" leaning on a wheelchair, closed to the closed The subjects in the laboratory were full of disdain.

"Poisonous spiders" are disgusting. The subjects include males and females, old and young, different skin colors and races, and their sources are very complex. She saw several researchers wearing full sealed protective suits fiddle with the subjects inside, or put the no longer valuable subjects directly into the body bags.

"The research here is very dangerous. What if it is leaked?" Poison Spider felt that she was qualified to question a few words on the moral level. This place looks clean, but a biochemical crisis may be triggered in the next second.

"Prince" hushed two times, "Can't say that there is no possibility of leakage at all, but I can minimize this possibility. For example, there is an incineration room in my backyard, and all waste will be transformed into thousands of degrees of high temperature Ashes, security is guaranteed. "

During a tour of the laboratory, 'Poison Spider' also saw many experimental animals and living people locked up waiting for the experiment. Due to the very free movement of people in Europe, the missing group did not care about it at all and could not investigate at all.

"Prince" finally led "Poison Spider" to an office, and the two sides sat face to face, and the housekeeper brought refreshments. ‘Poison Spider’ will never dare to underestimate the futile man in front of her. She stared at the other person coldly and asked, “Are you a biochemist?”

"I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Paris 6 in the early years. I studied clinical medicine and determined to be a doctor. But my destiny changed later. I became interested in life sciences and hoped to create a kind of Magic drugs strengthen humans. "

Speaking of which, "Prince" paused a little. He turned to the Poison Spider and asked, "Do you believe there are other parallel universes outside this world?"

"This is an unverifiable scientific fantasy." ‘Poison Spider’ said.

"Prince" nodded, "Yes, it can't be confirmed. But I feel part of myself trapped in another parallel universe, another world of me. Since ten years ago, my mind has been constantly jumping out of all kinds of All kinds of memory fragments.

At first I realized it was just a dream, and I even went to see a psychologist for this. But in the end I found out that it was not a dream. Those fragments of memory were like God revealing me, guiding me, and letting me get some knowledge beyond modern times.

To verify this knowledge, I built this lab, purchased equipment, recruited staff, and I was a huge success. I was so excited by these revelations from God that I felt like I was chosen by God until one day I was paralyzed in a wheelchair. "

"Prince" shrugged and smiled, "Don't you think I'm born a waste?"

"Poison Spider" silently, "Prince" continued: "I took the medicine I created, and I thought you were omnipotent, so I made myself like this. I came to the conclusion that I didn't have enough knowledge.

And then the revelation God gave me changed. At the beginning I was the protagonist in my dream. I experimented in the chaotic doomsday to learn knowledge and create new human beings. But I failed, and simple experiments could not resist the disaster that destroyed humanity.

So the protagonist changed a girl, a character like Jeanne. She is trying to build a human refuge in Africa, calling on all to unite against the disaster. But she also failed. She was too kind, and there were too many ambitionists around her.

The protagonist was replaced by an American strong man, a soldier. He turned the tide like a hero in New York, allowing millions to survive. But he was also unsuccessful. He wanted to restore the glory of the United States, but not everyone thought the same.

Until the last two years, a flash of memory flashed in my mind replaced another protagonist. His name was Victor Hugo, and he was cruel and unkind, and he even used a nuclear bomb to survive.

But he is not simply killing people. He also solicits subordinates, stays away from chaos and right and wrong, and builds a powerful army. An organized, disciplined and shared ideal army, he has supreme authority in the army, so that an organization cannot be easily defeated.

His presence made me understand that only research can not save the world, only the Virgin can't save the world, only empty slogans to sacrifice yourself or not to save the world. To be the master of the world must be multifaceted. "

Speaking of this, "Prince", "Poison Spider" looks at the Frankenstein in front of him like a mental illness. She frowned and asked, "What are you talking about? Because of your dreams, fragments of your memory, you are going to kill Linsen, who plays Victor Hugo?"

But "Prince" shook his head again, "I swear before my memory fragments flashed out ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have never seen the movies and TV shows made by Lin Sen. And why should I kill Lin Sen because he is fast It worked. "

‘Poison Spider’ is very at a loss, she really does n’t understand the dream of ‘Prince’.

"Prince" continued: "Trust me, I'm not talking nonsense. When I was the protagonist of the Fragment of Memory, I persisted for a year at the end of the day. When the girl like Jeanne played the lead, she persisted for one and a half .

When the beauty is the protagonist, huh, huh, huh, huh ... I found his reality in reality. In the memory fragment, the guy actually said his real name. I sent someone to find him and slaughtered him, so in another world he only persisted for more than three months and was finished.

And now this Victor Hugo is different. He persisted for more than two years, and I felt he was about to win. It scared me, and I wanted to kill him. My gut tells me that only by killing him can this game continue, otherwise I will be finished. "

The story tells this, 'Poison Spider' feels that he is really talking to a mentally lunatic. She didn't believe everything the prince said, but she couldn't question anything. She could only ask: "You called me to tell me this story?"

The "Prince" leaning on the wheelchair laughed again and again. He could see that the woman in front of him did not believe what he said, "I know you won't believe me easily. But it doesn't matter, you just need to complete my The task is just fine.

According to my latest memory shard, Linsen must win the best actor award at the Cannes Film Festival. I don't know what this award means to him, but you can destroy it. As long as he can't get that award, the 500 million dollar reward is yours. "

So simple? !!

This is the most valuable word that ‘Poison Spider’ has heard tonight. 166 novel reading network

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