Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1548: Struggling

As soon as Zhou Qingfeng appeared, the audience was stunned.

Everyone's eyes stared at the Linsen in front of them, and after a few seconds they all turned to look at another 'Linson' on the steps. Two people are exactly the same!

Media reporters responded the fastest, and they started to take pictures. This is a piece of news material anyway. This year ’s Cannes Film Festival ’s awards ceremony actually has an unprecedented miracle-but there is a tradition of funny stars. What ca n’t be done for the sake of eyeballs?

After the wasteland five people got out of the car and lined up, Zhou Qingfeng led his companions side by side in the middle. In front of the five people is the red carpet, full of journalists and fans. When heading forward, Uncle Zhou muttered: "This place is too small for him."

This remark made the other four people choke up.

Yes, at the world-famous Cannes Film Festival, it is doubtful whether its red carpet is twenty meters. Cannes was originally a small seaside town with a very narrow layout. Everything seemed to be a mini-size, and it didn't match its fame at all.

The red carpet is not specially prepared for celebrities. People from various festivals and other festivals must enter the movie palace from here. This ghostly place is full of people, like a vegetable market. Only the shouts of enthusiastic movie fans can make people feel a bit of the style of the world's top film festivals.

Zhou Qingfeng simply nodded to reporters on both sides of the red carpet. He can walk for less than ten meters for a minute, but walks forward at ordinary pace.

As the venue of the film festival, in front of the red carpet is the red step at the entrance of the Cannes Film Palace. This place looks extremely high-end under the shooting of various media. In fact, when it arrived at the scene, it was just a very ordinary step.

The counterfeit goods on the steps were intimidated by the sudden Zhou Qingfeng. He would really regret why he just didn't go faster. Hurry up and enter the movie palace, one can avoid the embarrassment in front of you, and the other can quickly escape when you hear the news. And now ...

Desperate, Li Gui met Li Yan!

As soon as Liu Zonghan saw the appearance of Zhou Qingfeng five people, his heart was agitated, and he immediately knew that today's plan failed again. He did not hesitate to drop the counterfeit goods and turn away, leaving the crowd to flee.

There were a lot of people on the red steps. Liu Zonghan constantly collided with the people around him during the passing. Suddenly he felt a slight tingling under his ribs, reached out his hand and lost his senses.

As a former agent of cia, Liu Zonghan suddenly ran into his death. He turned his head to look around, and suddenly saw the Guo'an female officer in a white dress passing by behind him. The female officer smiled at him with disdain, and a lipstick-shaped high-pressure injection syringe was plugged back into her kun bag.

Oops, is ricin or a stun agent?

Liu Zonghan was panicked, cold sweat came out. The idea of ​​survival forced him to turn around quickly, chasing the back of the female officer, disappearing in the crowd while walking.

The counterfeit goods would stand still and stand still as if they had taken root until Zhou Qingfeng came up and patted him on the shoulder. The reporters and movie fans present only laughed when they were played by the super big name.

"Well, let's go. Don't be embarrassed here." Zhou Qingfeng whispered, holding his counterfeit shoulder firmly in his hand and holding him forward. Counterfeit goods were pulled away like crickets, with stiff hands and feet.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin. I'm extremely sorry, I'm sorry ... I just want to be famous, I pretend to be just a prank." Counterfeit goods were held by Zhou Qingfeng, crying with poor excuse.

"Yes, yes, this is just a prank. So we should laugh, smile naturally, and show everyone around." Zhou Qingfeng squeezed hard, and fakes laughed even more ugly than crying.

Walk through the red stairs and enter the foyer of the Movie Palace, where people from the film industry come together. When Zhou Qingfeng popped up, someone stepped forward to say hello to him, but he saw the two 'Lin Sen' standing together, all at a loss.

Hahaha ... Zhou Qingfeng resolved the embarrassment at the scene with a big laugh. From the perspective of art people, two identical 'Lin Sen's are typical performance arts, and they are still very creative artistic inspirations. Although I don't know what it means, just laugh at this time!

Seeing the two Lin Sen's people all laughed, but Zhou Qingfeng didn't give others the chance to disturb himself, and drove off counterfeit goods.

The third floor of the Movie Palace, this place is the press center and the publishing hall. There is a special lounge for celebrities in the release hall. The Guo'an female military officer who was waiting here brought Zhou Qingfeng and counterfeit goods in.

There were only a few simple chairs in the lounge, and female officers watched the door. Zhou Qingfeng pushed in the counterfeit goods, and saw Liu Zonghan who was constantly twitching on the ground. This cia spy looks terrible.

Realizing that his companion was about to be finished, he immediately wanted to scream. Zhou Qingfeng jammed the counterfeit goods and pressed it on a chair. Facing two enemies twitching and shaking, he asked in Sen Leng's tone, "Where is the 'poisonous spider'?"

The fakes only shook their heads in tears, and Liu Zonghan was sweating on the ground, no one answered. Zhou Qingfeng looked aside from counterfeit goods without knowing the truth. He squatted and moved Liu Zonghan's head and asked, "Actually, I'm curious. What is the experience of being a spy?"

Liu Zonghan knew that he would die, and there was no hope for life. He twitched on the ground, gasping and asked, "I'm also curious, what's it like to deceive the world?"

"It's good ~ www.readwn.com ~ Putting the enemy in the palm of your hand, it seems like God easily changes things that could not have been changed. For example, repeatedly messing with the United States, and repeatedly making the US government thunder. Can't catch me. "Zhou Qingfeng was kind of proud.

"You can't succeed every time."

"I've been successful at least until now."

"Surely someone will stand up to stop you."

"Ah ..., a hero of the United States? If you say 'Poison Spider', I'm looking forward to seeing her again. Say, you're going to die anyway, why hide it? It's good for you to say it quickly. "

Zhou Qingfeng asked about this, and suddenly heard a crowd screaming from the lounge, followed by the banging gunfire. He turned his head to look at the doorway, and the Guo'an female officer immediately grabbed the radio microphone on her chest and asked what happened?

Hearing the gunshot, Liu Zonghan on the ground tried his best to laugh out loud: "Where can 'Poison Spider'? She has nowhere to run, she is in this movie palace. She is waiting for you to appear, She wants to kill you more than anyone! "

The female officer listened attentively to the report from the intercom on the intercom and recounted to Zhou Qingfeng: "Extreme terrorists have occupied the Lumiere hall where the awards ceremony was held and controlled thousands of celebrities participating in the film festival.

It is unclear how many terrorists they have, but they have shot a few hostages and asked for them ... "

Having said that, the female officer stopped.

Zhou Qingfeng frowned, "What is required?"

On the ground, Liu Zonghan screamed sternly: "What else can you ask for? If you want to go, you will kill the hostages if you don't go. Hahaha ... this is the 'poison spider'. Don't you want her, you go. There is Go boldly in front of the whole world! "

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