Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1549: It's-show-time

The best actor such as Zhou Qingfeng last week, this year's Cannes Film Festival is destined to be bad luck. He didn't even have to come to the opening ceremony, and waited until the most grand award ceremony ... it's no wonder that nothing happened.

When the two 'Lin Sen's appeared, both the movie star and the director, as well as journalists and fans, were extremely excited about the situation. This kind of red carpet show has never been so special. It is more attractive than wearing a backless, hips and breasts.

Foreigners like to engage in this kind of tune. They feel very happy even if they are shocked. The media praises this unique appearance.

I ca n’t wait until the gunfire and screams are heard in the movie palace. The crowd rushes out, and the reporters and movie fans outside the field are immediately aggressive. The police who maintained order at the scene were scattered by the surging crowd, and the French special police who received the alarm were also blocked from entering.

The bright lights and laughter in the hall where Lumiere was preparing for the awards ceremony. Celebrities from all walks of life greet each other and make fun of it, and everyone is excited for the next awards.

Suddenly, when the hall was suddenly closed and the passage was blocked, the staff in the background were driven out one by one. More than ten gunmen wrapped in turbans appeared, and everyone at the scene suddenly looked at each other. A security officer tried to stop the gunfire.

The burst of gunfire screamed all the more than 1,000 men and women in the field, some panicked, some were paralyzed, and some simply fainted. The continuous gunfire forced everyone to be quiet, and the sober person could only lie on the back of a row of chairs on the field and sobbed quietly.

At this moment 'Poison Spider' is in a dressing room in the background. She is as beautiful and beautiful as she was in the mirror, but she can't stop sighing. It is too unexpected that things have come to this point.

On the floor of the dressing room lies the chairman of the organizing committee, Vio. This great director with a good body is Spanish and has a good reputation at the European Film Festival. However, it is inevitable that there is something contrary to human beings in private in the arts. Now he also begs for benevolence and goes to hell.

There are still a few people in the dressing room, such as Charlize, who once had a leg with Zhou Qingfeng, or a few beautiful big horses known for being sexy. These beauties were frightened at this moment, either spitting or trembling.

"Go to the front desk, I will introduce you to a super big guy, a real super big guy. Because you are nothing compared to him. He is the real actor, an actor who cheated the whole world." The spider's finger waved slightly, and several jihadists behind him immediately stepped forward.

The big horses were violently pulled out of the dressing room, and they all screamed and begged, or their legs softened. The poisonous spider in the dressing room took out a cigarette, spit out a ring of smoke in front of the mirror, and waited silently.

When Tamarix Zonghan fled, he warned the 'poison spider' prepared on the third floor of the movie palace. The 'poison spider' immediately wanted to escape. But she soon realized that she couldn't walk because the people she arranged around the movie palace to provide evacuation routes kept losing contact.

I can imagine that a large net is shrouded around the movie palace. As long as the ‘poison spider’ rises, it will be captured. The desperate 'Poison Spider' has few choices. She can only tell those jihadists around her: "Do what you want to do, destroy it, kill it."

The jihadists who did not recruit themselves were like runaway wild horses. They don't care about life and death, they just want to vent freely and use their lives or others' lives to declare their existence. The entire movie palace immediately caused a storm of terror.

别人 There is no one else in the dressing room. ‘Poison Spider’ grabs his phone and calls the police in Cannes. After identifying her status and current situation, she articulated a few requirements.

"Communication and power cannot be interrupted, and live broadcasts will continue."

"If the police dare to surprise the rescue, the explosives installed in the hall will explode immediately."

"I want to save thousands of hostages and let Lin Sen come."

"If Lin Sen does not show up within ten minutes, we kill one person every minute."

"We have a lot of hostages, we can persist for a long time, or we can kill blood."

The ruthless words stunned the French police and even the French government, but the face of France at the Cannes Film Festival. Such an important international event was held by terrorists more than 1,000 hostages?

It's over!

的 The images of the film festival are spread all over the world through satellites. The media staying in the film palace are desperately reporting. The original movie event became a horror party, and the demands of the terrorists made Lin Sen stand on the edge of the wind.

"You can't go." Faced with the request of the "poisonous spider", it was the Guo'an female officer who first stood up and stopped. She grabbed Zhou Qingfeng's hand first, followed her or even held him directly, her face was serious and determined, and she did not intend to make any concessions.

"I have to go to receive the award. My golden palm, my best actor." Zhou Qingfeng also smiled helplessly.

"You still want to receive the prize?" The female officer looked at the counterfeit goods, "Let this guy go."

I did n’t know what was going on with the counterfeit goods. Zhou Qingfeng split his neck with a split and said, “This guy wo n’t work if he wins the prize. I have to go by myself.”

"You go to death is equivalent to death." The female officer did not let go.

"You have to go to death, you may not die." Zhou Qingfeng reached out and scratched the female officer's nose, "I know you care about me, but I must go. Let go, you can't stop me."

The duty of the female officer is to ensure the absolute safety of Zhou Qingfeng, but Zhou Qingfeng opened her arms with only slight force. She was so anxious that she was sweating and useless, almost crying. After breaking free, Zhou Qingfeng pointed at the counterfeit goods and Liu Zonghan commanded: "It is your responsibility to dispose of the corpse well."

出 Out of the lounge on the third floor of the publishing hall, Zhou Qingfeng walked down the stairs, just to see the other four people coming from the wasteland and a ticket to the police.

He did not wait for Zhou Qingfeng to speak, and a police officer came forward and ordered: "Mr. Lin, please leave from the evacuation channel at the rear, and we will handle the situation at the scene."

"No, I have to save people."

"The terrorists' unreasonable demands are absolutely unacceptable. Our negotiators will persuade the other party to change a condition."

"If it can be persuaded, it is not a terrorist. I have a responsibility to rescue those innocent people."

"Those terrorists have killed many well-known people in the venue, they don't care about killing one more. They must want to force you to appear, because killing you can make a bigger sensation. This is what they want.

"If you can trade me for more than a thousand people to survive ~ www.readwn.com ~ I should even play."

The righteousness that Zhou Qingfeng said is full of noble feelings of self-denial. The police at the scene were already anxious. They didn't want to let Zhou Qingfeng go, but they couldn't let him go because of reason.

There were also many media reporters who were also being evacuated at the scene. They took a picture of Zhou Qingfeng's request for rescue. When these photos and videos were uploaded in the media, Zhou Qingfeng's image became more and more magnificent. This liar is always deceiving.

"Ten minutes is up, let me go." Zhou Qingfeng pushed away the policeman who had no God, and walked generously to the entrance of the Lumiere Hall of the Palace of Cinema.

The entrance of the hall was blocked by debris, and more than twenty special policemen leaned against the doorpost to hide. Police negotiators in bulletproof vests are persuading terrorists to leave, and police have promised not to pursue them and are willing to give money and transportation.

However, a jihadist in a turban ignored the police's requirements at all. He held a gun behind the barricade in the hall and yelled, ‘Linson, let Linson, let Linson’.

Zhou Qingfeng walked extremely fast and passed through the special policeman who hid behind the doorpost to the hall entrance. Along the way he straightened his suit, buttoned his chest, chopped his hair, and shouted, "Well, don't worry, I'm here."


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