Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1594: Picking up trash is addictive!

The Aurora Corps, which occupied the wasteland of Mexico, is working for great development, and Zhou Qingfeng has returned to the real world to prepare sufficient supplies for the great development. Thanks to the huge territory and the tens of millions of people who have been included in the ruling system, he can easily use the space-time gates and material quotas to pass through.

Returning from the wasteland, Zhou Qingfeng ran to find his sister to sleep. The communication with the government was left to Xiao Yi who accompanied him.

And when Xiao Yi determined that she was traveling through time and space again, the excitement made her a girl who had always been reserved and immediately jumped up and screamed. Looking at her surroundings, she knew that this was a secret base planned to be built on the outskirts of the imperial capital, and the place was disguised as a train cargo station.

Opposite Xiao Yi, it was Xiao Jinlang who was responsible for the transfer of tasks. In his opinion, Zhou Qingfeng had just pulled away a batch of war-ready grains in stock for more than three years, and all the grain piled up in front of him disappeared. Instead, Zhou Qingfeng had his own daughter beside him.

"I'm tired. I want to sleep. What's your question to ask your daughter?" Zhou Qingfeng hurriedly left the warehouse without stopping for a moment.

Xiao Yi, who was screaming and jumping, saw her dad in front of her eyes, and immediately stood up like a cat when she saw the mouse.

Lao Xiao couldn't care too much at this meeting. Seeing his daughter's joy, he quickly stepped forward and asked, "How is it? Is everything OK over there?"

Xiao Yi nodded quickly ...

"Are there any relevant documents?" Lao Xiao still knows his daughter very well. When he sees this good girl nods, there must be a good situation, and his heart is happy.

Xiao Yi quickly grabbed a large-capacity USB flash drive from his body. But before waiting for her to speak, Lao Xiao quickly said with a serious expression: "Take it away, don't give it to anyone. Follow me right away, the central leadership is waiting to report."

Lao Xiao shouted for a while, and Xiao Yi immediately became as precious as a panda. A dozen or so heavily-armed soldiers ran around and took her away from the warehouse to the nearby heliport. She was returned to the capital by several military helicopters.

At the Xishan Underground Command Center, several leaders, including the elders, were waiting for a report in a small humble conference room.

Xiao Jinlang personally guarded the door, and no one was allowed to approach. Xiao Yi was a little nervous and inserted the USB drive he brought into a computer. A large number of documents and reports quickly appeared on the large screen of the conference room.

"Let's get started." The elder was also a bit eager to hear the report. This is information from another world.

After the honorifics and nonsense, Xiao Yi opened a map of the Americas region, with a map of the Aurora Corps and its surrounding forces in different colors.

"From the current point of view, Zhou Qingfeng's actual control is mainly in the Caribbean region, especially Cuba belongs to his stable rule. The Aurora Corps he founded just captured Mexico and has now dominated Mexico City, but the forces are not yet stable. "

Xiao Yi probably told Zhou Qingfeng's family history, very detailed report that Zhou Qingfeng started from New York, brought a nuclear-powered scientific research ship to the Bahamas to avoid nuclear bomb washing; told Cuban strategy, Caribbean strategy, North American strategy, And the recent Mexico strategy.

The report of this family history makes the elders sometimes dignified and sometimes smile. After reading the various catastrophe pictures and nuclear bomb scrubbing materials provided by Xiao Yi, he smiled to the other elders: "This young man is able to lay such a big place in more than two years. This young man is also amazing."

Ha ha ha ... Zhou Qingfeng's open life is really exciting.

It was only after reading the general introduction that the elders began to talk to each other again, and carefully interpreted the current strategic situation of the Aurora Corps from a professional perspective, and even the senior military generals analyzed the current situation of the Legion from the confrontational situation.

The conclusion reached is not so optimistic ...

"Without a navy, there is an aircraft carrier in the air, but it cannot play its combat power. Once the war begins, it will suffer too much. This is undoubtedly a failure."

"The Air Force is also equal to zero. Small-scale battles cannot support it. Ammunition reserves cannot be held for three days. It is too dangerous."

"Army, huh, huh ..., the quality of the soldiers is poor, the organizational ability is not up to date, and the equipment is even older. Fighting against Mexico is overwhelming, but none of the two North American enemies is easy to deal with."

"Only a few 'Dongfeng-Three' scenes, such military strength is too weak."

The elders broke Zhou Qingfeng's seemingly good situation in a few words. After talking about the military, everyone came to criticize other aspects of the army.

"Ethnic conflicts will become a big problem. Zhou Qingfeng is a minority ruled by the majority, and life will be increasingly difficult."

"The economy, the economy is too fragile. The recovery of industry and commerce is too slow. This is not possible."

"There are too many poor people in the society. Once a Mars is lit, it is a disaster. At that time, the old house is on fire, and there is no way to save it."

There is hardly any aspect that can be reassuring. Just after the criticism, the elder smiled, "Are we still there?"

Hahaha ...

Everyone laughed in the small conference room.

And while the elders were happy, Xiao Yi briefly introduced the situation of the two giants in North America, and by the way, "the free trade" Zhou Qingfeng wanted.

"From the current point of view, there are still 60 million people in North America, about 30 million in Mexico, and the exact number in South America is unknown, but not less than 50 million. In addition, there are compatriots in Africa, and the population is in Europe After the influx of refugees, at least 100 million.

Farther away, the situation in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia is not well understood. In general, catastrophes and nuclear winters have killed 70 to 80% of the world ’s population, and the losses in the tropical impoverished areas are particularly huge ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the remaining population alone represents a huge market and Spending power. What's more, they don't need any special high-end things. They are daily consumer goods and general industrial goods that we can mass produce at present. "

This is a huge market all over the world, and the supply is still in a monopoly state, which is coveted!

No wonder this business is not profitable!

Zhou Qingfeng is currently targeting the North American market, and the trade agreements that he has opened are mainly steel and cement to restore social production. In fact, ordinary people even need goods related to daily life such as clothing, food, shelter and transportation. No matter what it is, they are all the best at flower planters.

We may not be too high-tech, but do n’t talk about the needle and brain, the world can't find a better seller than us!

Compared to the previous ridicule of the strategic situation of the Aurora Corps, the elders immediately took a lot of seriousness when they saw Zhou Qingfeng's "Free Trade" agreement-an extremely hungry, can swallow countless goods, and still have a lot of money Market, this is the perfect world!

"Zhou Qingfeng hopes to use minerals, agricultural products, last-generation materials, scientific and technological materials, precious metals, etc. as payment methods in exchange for our products." Xiao Yi said while changing various patterns on the projection screen.

Everyone doesn't feel much about minerals and agricultural products, but when they see the materials left in the last days, a group of elders can't sit still. Someone asked, "Can that aircraft carrier also work?"

"The" Kennedy "used by the Aurora Corps may not be able to do so. At most, it was lent to us for maintenance and maintenance. Too much! "

That being said, it's exciting!

Picking up trash is addictive!

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