Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1595: Iron ore

Regarding what **** to pick up, the real-world planter has only the right to suggest. Xiao Yi compiled a lot of videos and texts about waste soil, which opened the eyes of the elders of the flower farmer. They wanted to send a team to join Xiao Yi, but Zhou Qingfeng did not respond to this.

Zhou Qingfeng's indifference caused the elders to immediately stop talking about this topic and no longer speak up-now the situation is very good, very good, extremely good, keep it up. Don't make any mistakes.

However, there is no way to intervene in the wasteland. There are too many things that can be done here. Think of the huge market on the wasteland that is about to open. The elders who are worrying about domestic production capacity and economic problems are simply ..., ha ha ha ha ha!

Can't describe my mood!

The history of human civilization for thousands of years is actually a history of economic development. Whether mankind engages in politics, science and technology, or religion, it is actually for a better life. A simple description is actually to get more living materials, for small money.

Money is not a panacea, but no money is a panacea!

For individuals, money can solve 99% of the problems.

For the country, there is nothing that money cannot solve.

Politicians are always thinking about how to do more with limited resources and money. And if there are more resources and money, it will naturally rejoice!

The United States, the world economic engine, is weak and the world's economy is following along. This has led to the florists calling ‘overcapacity’ in recent years, and even some stupid and bad publicly known da v have tried to pack ‘overcapacity’ into peculiar florist-specific troubles.

Nima ... Isn't overcapacity an economic crisis?

How many times has this thing appeared in the West, with each occurrence being accompanied by disaster and war. Both World War I and World War II had something to do with the economic crisis. It was just that the flower-growing family was too poor in the past, and it never felt like getting rich. Now it is aggressive to create a 'overcapacity'.

Too many products cannot be sold, which was unimaginable in the past. And now there is a super-rich man like Zhou Qingfeng who is not picky eaters, has an excellent appetite, can devour almost all commodities, and has a good ability to pay.

In order to meet Zhou Qingfeng's huge demand, the central government and the National Development and Reform Commission even have to adjust their policies, which can often mean that for the middle and lower levels ...

"Why ..., the NDRC said crude steel prices would increase this quarter?" Robert Lee jumped from his desk in surprise when he heard the good news from the phone. His name sounds like an American, but in fact, the authentic second ghost of Chinese origin from abroad.

Robert Lee hung up the phone, and the whole man jumped and jumped excitedly in the office, laughing. He is an agent of a foreign iron ore company. He has little strength, but has made a lot of money based on the huge steel production capacity of flower growers near the year.

Sitting in the office of a bd building in Pudong, the capital, Robert Lee opened his own wine cabinet and had a good drink. The whiskey's wine power amplifies the excitement brought by the good news, and makes him feel comfortable and happy.

There are too many insiders in the steel industry, and there are countless things to do, especially the steel-producing country, which has an amazing output and huge benefits, and it has hidden a lot of unseen transactions.

But no matter what the deal, the guiding policy of the NDRC is something everyone in the industry must pay attention to. In recent years, the planters have strongly eliminated backward production capacity, improved production efficiency, and promoted industrial upgrading. A series of measures are aimed at turning steel power into steel power.

During this period, a large number of international iron ore suppliers made a lot of money, even in turn suppressing the industry development of flower growers. A comprador like Robert Lee doesn't care how the country's steel develops, he just wants to sell his company's iron ore at a high price.

Rising crude steel prices will naturally stimulate steel production, and naturally more iron ore will be required to increase production. There are so many big flowers in Huajiadi, but there are not many iron ore rich ore, and they are strongly dependent on imported iron ore.

"It's great, it's great, it's really great." Robert Lee drank a glass of wine, his body was hot and his hands rubbed with joy. He looked at the international stock and futures markets online. Sure enough, the stocks of several major iron ore suppliers were rising, and the futures of iron ore were also moving.

It looks like the futures market is a bit sluggish. Isn't everyone confident?

Robert Lee was a little over-excited when he was stimulated by alcohol, and his eyes were desperately swiping back and forth across the computer screen. In the end he suddenly came up with a bold idea to buy iron ore futures, bullish!

In the past few years, because of the rapid increase in steel production by flower growers, stocks and futures related to iron ore have been fiercely fired, and those who invest in it will make a lot of money. Now Robert Lee feels that he has made enough money.

buy! Not only buy but also use financial leverage! Not only the use of futures leverage, but also all net worth! Not only do you want to borrow money!

Robert Lee tapped the keyboard with a trembling gesture to confirm futures trading orders. As a result, iron ore prices in the global futures market rose in less than ten minutes. Looking at the constantly beating price line, He once again took out a bottle of brandy from the wine cabinet and poured a full glass.

It feels like jumping on the boat of fortune at the last minute, making a fortune!

Robert Lee's phone started ringing ~ www.readwn.com ~ his boss, his colleagues, his friends, his opponents, and news began to circulate everywhere. It's all about planters deciding to raise crude steel prices.

Some people are exclaiming that another round of iron ore price rise is coming, some people are annoyed why they didn't know the news for the first time, some people are seemingly calm, but they are frantically watching iron ore futures prices soar .

Just tapping on the calculator, Robert Lee found that his net worth doubled in just a few hours. And in the foreseeable future, it may double several times.

Hahaha ..., alcohol is not drunk, people are drunk!

Leaning on an office chair, Robert Lee has begun to imagine the wonderful scene when he became a rich man. Tickets, cars, houses, girls, everything you want. Jiu Jin got up, he was asleep in his office.

After a few hours, Robert Lee woke up and it was dark! He saw that the price of iron ore was still high, and he felt relieved. Thinking that all of his net worth is inside, happy and worried, I look forward to iron ore rising all the way.

Leaving the office and going home, he turned the radio on while driving. Modu ’s traffic channel is broadcasting the news. The first major event is ‘the NDRC raises the price of crude steel’. Hearing the news, Robert Lee nodded with a smile, feeling great.

The announcer's next news is ... ‘Domestic will reduce import quotas for iron ore and digest huge domestic inventory’.

Squeak ...

Robert Lee shook his hand, stepped on the brakes, and hit the roadside barrier. He stared at the radio with his eyes wide open, trying to make sure the announcer was bullshit—don't be kidding, crude steel prices have risen, and production has naturally risen. How could it still reduce the import of iron ore?

Don't mess with the news, this news will hurt people!

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