Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1596: Trade stick

Due to the huge amount of iron ore imports, the planters tried to control the pricing power of iron ore. It's a pity ... Failure bird!

International mining giants such as Vale, Rio Tinto, and BHP Billiton are definitely not willing to give up pricing power to rabbits. The embarrassed rabbit then set up an iron ore import quota system. However, the implementation of this system is not very good, because the planters need too much iron ore.

Planters import billions of tons of iron ore at every turn, accounting for more than 60% of total global imports. In order to seize such a huge supply, those mining giants did not know how many ghosts were behind the scenes and how many traitors were bought.

Now Robert Lee stared blankly at the radio in his car, even if it was covered with blood. Because the radio news just broke ... The rabbit government plans to reduce its iron ore imports to half of its current level within three years in order to reduce its production capacity.

Is there anything wrong? Where is the production capacity? This is clearly suicide!

Hearing this news, Robert Lee was shaking and kept shaking!


"Isn't this true?" Robert Lee found a cell phone and immediately contacted a source he knew. After asking a few words, the other party was also vague, and finally hung up the phone and could not get through.

The car that ran into the road attracted traffic police, but Robert Lee couldn't handle his own car accident. He ran away before the traffic police came. After a brief bandage, he quickly called for a taxi to return to his office.

On the computer screen in the office, the Magic Capital Futures Exchange has stopped trading after work. However, the iron ore prices of other futures exchanges in the world fell in response, and they collectively knelt down-if the flower growers really reduced their iron ore imports by half, many people would not kneel but die.

"No ...!" Robert Lee's head buzzed immediately, and the drunken cricket that had been drunk had disappeared at this moment. Only the pain of panic and palpitation almost made him utterly suicidal. He immediately went online to try to find the latest news, but what he saw was sadness.

Various mining forums have messed up. Official, corporate, and even private networks are desperately asking what happened? No one really believes that the flower-growing government will cut off half of the iron ore imports in order to reduce production capacity, which means that even domestic demand cannot be met.

But what happened? Who knows? The flower-growing government has always had a sound policy and is doing things right. Unlike the A-Three government, it has tossed around at any time, and it has become the world's top secret to waste money. But now in this tone, cutting half of the iron ore import quota is terrible!

At this time, don't say that the individual can't sit still, even the country can't sit still. The Australian government shouted at a regular press conference of the Foreign Ministry, talking about win-win cooperation, removing trade barriers and increasing product quotas.

Because Australia ’s iron ore exports are 7.8 billion tons per year, most of them are bought by flower growers. Now the quota is half less ... This is not a problem of an export value of US $ 120 billion or more, but a problem of large enterprises having to smash and collateral loss of employment.

It can wait until the next day, the planter will directly reduce the iron ore quota imported from Australia by half. This is really dumbfounded ...

Rabbit, didn't you meow that it would be reduced by half in three years, how can I reduce my quota by half the next day?

The planter said: Yes, now it is within three years. Buying or not buying your iron ore is my business. how? Do you still want to interfere in my house's internal affairs!

When the Rabbit Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a press conference, some reporters asked questions about iron ore quotas. In particular, the Australian side's request to open the market was mentioned.

However, a Chinese spokesman said: China has always maintained international liberalized trade. Regarding the issue of lowering iron ore quotas, the Australian side should reflect on why it has been boycotted by our company and not go further and further down the road that affects regional peace.

The rabbit almost pointed at the nose of Australia and said, "You, a dead kangaroo in Tu'ao, used to talk about human rights issues or raise Lao Tzu's money on iron ore. Now I have nothing to do and always send warships to the South China Sea. It makes you embarrassed to make money without being grateful. Today you have to pack up your early bird!

The economics of the thief eagle is not good now, affecting the whole world. Various countries are counting on flower growers to become the new engine of world trade. And Australia ’s exports account for a large proportion of the mining industry, which is suddenly less than half. Today ’s GDP, let alone increase, must decline.

Everyone in the global village knows that rabbits have become more and more powerful over the years, but now they find that they are playing with a big stick of trade, and directly letting a local bully taste the pain. After all, everyone is still very uncomfortable!

Robert Lee doesn't care what international trade is all about. The next day, he wanted to immediately throw away the iron ore futures he bought, but he did not expect that the price of the futures plunged at the opening of the market, giving him no opportunity to operate.

The bank didn't even have time to ask Robert Lee if he wanted to increase the margin, and several times the financial leverage had collapsed. All of the speculative homes he went into yesterday were emptied ~ www.readwn.com ~ and owed a **** debt at a stretch.

Robert Li understands that yesterday ’s slow response in the futures market was not at all slow. In all likelihood, some people invested a lot of money into the market to harvest leeks. And he was the leeks that had been cut.

Desperate, Robert Lee walked out of his office. When he pressed the elevator, he wanted to go to the roof of the building, only to see that a pale, shy man came out of the company next door.

"Have you fired iron ore futures too?" Robert Lee asked, in his heart.

The pale man shook his head and said bitterly, "The copper ore, copper ore is over. There are nickel ore, bauxite, and the transaction volume of almost all major minerals today has plummeted. This was a disaster and no one expected it. There will be such a huge drop that even the most pessimistic analysts failed to think of. "


Robert Lee didn't know if he should cry or laugh? It wasn't him who was unlucky, it turned out that this crisis had dragged countless people into the water. "Why? Why is this happening?"

The pale man murmured: "The Ministry of Commerce of the flower-growing government has just released a forecast saying that mineral imports of flower-growing may decrease sharply in the future. Even ... even oil imports will be affected."

Hiss ..., oil?

This is too messy!

If the price of iron ore plummets, the affected countries will remain limited. But if the price of oil plummets, there will be more countries to die.

In this case, let's not talk about Australia. Australia doesn't sell iron ore and can sell other things. Some countries have no production except oil. Even the United States, which is currently engaged in shale gas, cannot escape.

Someone's doing something is terrible to the world.

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