Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1606: Smash with money

Dzerzhinsky was helpless. He had to execute orders from his superiors to be responsible for selling goods. However, he spent half a year researching around, but the rabbit economic status information with detailed data and actual cases was not paid attention to.

The reconciled Dzerzhinsky simply sold the intelligence for $ 500,000. After some bargaining, unknown international intelligence brokers bought it for only $ 5,000.

Selling the information, Dzerzhinsky had to **** the second batch of armored vehicles to a vehicle machinery factory in Northeast Rabbit. The condition of the second batch of armored vehicles is obviously better than the first batch. It seems that the big men in Moscow are very satisfied with the previous transaction.

Hundreds of armored vehicles were covered in tarpaulin, and flatbed trailers were transported to the open space in the factory for parking. This time Dzerzhinsky did not leave immediately after delivery. He found another Russian who had come here earlier in the name of a visitor.

"Maharin, it's not easy to find you." Dzerzhinsky walked in a repair shop for a long time, and his boots finally stopped in front of an armored car being repaired.

An oily man was drilled under the chassis. After seeing the people in front of him, he asked in amazement: "Damn Dzerzhinsky, why are you here?"

"You seem a bit unwilling to see me, worried that you might be kicked away?"

"No, I just don't want my colleagues in the factory to misunderstand me. I have revealed my identity to them, and I have nothing to fear from you."

The oil-stained man stood upright and beckoned to Dzerzhinski and said, "You must be fine. Come on, let's go to the lounge to talk about anything. I don't want to cause misunderstanding, let alone trouble."

This open posture surprised Dzerzhinsky. But think about his current identity is actually semi-public, he has nothing to hide, so follow the oil pollution man to a lounge not far away.

The lounge is very simple, it is a metal shed with air on all sides, several chairs and a square table, for workers to have a place to rest and drink water when they are tired.

When the wasteland trade contacted a major figure in Moscow, they asked the other party to provide a group of professional technicians familiar with the maintenance of armored vehicles. Mahalin was sent that way, but he was given a little secret mission before he set off.

Who will the rabbits modify these armored vehicles to sell to? The big man in Moscow who has some relationship with the military obviously wants to do business directly with rabbit customers, so that he can earn more.

Money, it's all for money.

The rabbit was so mad that year that it even sold ballistic missiles. Now Xiong Da is too mad and wants to do any business. However, the two bears and rabbits have always been wary of each other and guarded each other, and they laughed and stabbed the knife in the ground.

"Don't ask me who are the ultimate buyers of these armored vehicles? I don't know." Mahalin grabbed two bottles of Gvas from the refrigerator in the lounge, lost one bottle to Dzerzhinsky, and said, He didn't know anything about it. "Don't expect any confidential information from me."

Dzerzhinski looked at the gas bottle packaged in the glass bottle in his hand and asked a different topic: "Looks like you live well here? You seem to have lost a lot of weight."

"Ahhh ... yes. Life here is very good. The doctor said that I had fatty liver and severe obesity, so I was scared and asked what to do? They said ..., eat less. So I managed to lose weight. "

"Hahaha ..." Talking about his situation, Mahalin was overjoyed. He took a sip of Gawas and said loudly: "In the beginning we only had fifty people working here, but do you know how many people are now? More than three hundred!

My friends, my teachers, my comrades in arms, I pulled them all over. Most of the armored maintenance personnel of the Second Guard of the Arch Guard Moscow are here. Yes, it is the famous Taman division, we all ran over to make money. "

Upon hearing this, Dzerzhinski's first reaction was 'impossible'. But look at Mahalin's calm expression, and then think about Moscow's bureaucratic temper of wanting money, and he can only sigh: "No one stops you?"

"As long as you give money, who will stop it?" Mahalin shook his head. "The companies here have countless college students, a large number of scientific researchers, and very good bureaucrats and managers, but they lack excellent technicians. And we are They need people. "

Mahalin also raised his dirty hands and said, "This factory was not good at first, but it didn't pay much attention to the cultivation of mechanics for a long time. The salary paid was not high. The original mechanics went elsewhere to find Go to work.

As a result, the company that took over the factory had to pay a high salary to come to us to work. We don't care if it's dirty, just give it money. "At the end, Mahalin added," The new manager is very generous in giving money. My companions and I are very satisfied, and we want to continue to do so. "

Hearing the news of the digging, Dzerzhinsky's face was a little cloudy, but he said nothing. Over the years, he has encountered many wonderful things, and it is not bad. Watching the Russians flashing from time to time in the busy crowd of the repair shop, he believed in each other's words.

"How long can you stay here?"

"At least four or five years."

"so long?"

"The managers of the factory want to train their own mechanics. They have recruited many young people to study in the factory. We are their teachers and teach some practical knowledge about mechanical design.

There are also professors from local universities. But those who are well-groomed look at scholars without any practical experience. They will only use the textbooks to teach useless dead knowledge ~ www.readwn.com ~ It really makes them unable to create even a hammer.

My teacher was found to have extensive theoretical and practical experience, and the factory manager specifically hired him as the technical director. He has been serving the Russian army silently for more than 20 years, but he has never left when anyone else has gone abroad. But this time it was sent out by domestic bureaucrats.

By the way, guess how much money he can get in a month? "

Mao Xiong's electronic technology is rotten and dregs, but Mao Xiong's ability to dominate the world at that time also has the ability to suppress the bottom of the box. People's mechanical technology is very good. Classic weapons come out endlessly, simple, solid, and reliable. These are all advantages.

After Mahalin asked the question, he crossed his fingers to figure out the answer. Dzerzhinski frowned and asked, "One hundred thousand ..., soft sister coin?"

"Hahaha ... my teacher seemed unhappy when he was sent over. When the manager of this company wanted to stay with him, he said 100,000. He felt that it was scary to have 100,000 rubles a month. The offer letter that came over stated that the monthly salary was 100,000 US dollars.

My teacher sighed all night holding the offer. Tell me back then that he also came to the florist. How poor was the florist at that time, and now he just gave him an ordinary mechanic a monthly salary of 100,000 dollars. too terrifying. "

"how about you?"

"I'm far worse. I've been rated as a Level 6 fitter, assistant technician. Monthly salary is 10,000 ..., USD."


Think about the report you wrote for half a year, and it only sold for 5,000 US dollars. An old mechanic here earns 100,000 US dollars a month, and one mechanic can also get 10,000 US dollars. Dzerzhinsky's psychology was immediately imbalanced.

He yelled at his mother unpleasantly—a savvy intelligence worker hadn't earned much more than a greasy mechanic. This makes it difficult to think of no mutiny.

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