Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1607: Split

Dzerzhinski ’s report on the rabbit economy has gone through several times, and finally appeared on Langley ’s headquarters, on the desktop of the new CIA director, Mr. Peo. Incompetent, has been kicked away.

It has been six months since he took office, and the pressure of the new Director Peo has not been reduced, and the United States and America still face severe challenges. .

Dzerzhinsky's investigation report was completely unrecognizable at this moment. It was integrated with other different sources and different judgments and presented in front of Peo. After reading these data reports in detail, the bureau can't help falling into deep thought.

At that time, when the bear was finished, the thief had hoped to reach an agreement with the rabbits to play the two strong balances-the rabbits were responsible for production, and the United States was responsible for eating and drinking. It was a perfect agreement.

The rabbit did not agree and embarked on the path of peaceful rise.

Nima force, peaceful rise. Why do you build so many aircraft warship ballistic missiles? Who is it?

But now, two or three decades have passed since Mao Zedong went through the ages, and when the thief and eagle are showing signs of fatigue, the rabbit suddenly said that he could not shoulder the burden of maintaining world peace, and said he would take a break.

In the past, the thief eagle laughed and laughed when he heard the news, but just when the rabbits reduced their imports for a month, the world ’s trade volume fell sharply, and everyone had no money to live a hard life.

The shrinking trade chain is global and has even affected the United States. Cheap goods from rabbits are still abundant, but the bottom people in the United States have reduced their income, their spending power has fallen, their lives have become more difficult, and social divisions have become more severe.

There is an analysis on the table of the Peo Bureau, saying that ‘there are fewer rabbit imports and fewer exports. The vacated market will certainly be filled by others, and it can even promote the production of American consumer products, increase employment, and improve the economy. ’

"Do economists eat shit?" Peio cursed relentlessly. At first, there were still people who believed in the market's optimism. But now it has been severely beaten by the reality-rabbits have fewer imports and can export a little, even more, lower prices, and more fierce market competition!

This situation makes it impossible for a bunch of economists to explain, but the reality is that many countries in the world are beginning to be unable to carry this increasingly fierce economic blow.

In the past, the thief eagle used trade sanctions as a stick to force other countries to obey their orders. Today, rabbits use trade orders as big sticks to seduce other countries to obey their intentions.

The effect is the same.

"Secretary, this is the latest news from the Philippines." An intelligence assistant sent a report to the Peo Bureau. "The opposition we support has failed. The current president of the Philippines has stabilized the situation again and he is cleaning our people."

Haha ... Philippines.

Thinking about how fierce the dispute in the South China Sea was at the time, but who can think of changing the president, China and the Philippines are like wearing a pair of pants. The rabbit sent money and guns, and he sent himself to help the Philippine president fight against dissidents.

The latest report shows that the Philippine president seems to be interested in leasing a port facing the Philippine Sea from the rabbit for military use in exchange for large loans and financial aid.

For this news, the US military can jump up in shock.

Philippine Sea? That is the sea facing the Pacific Ocean. If the rabbit has a port in this area, the so-called island chain blockade is a joke. By that time, the rabbit's strategic nuclear submarine would not be nested in the bathtub in the South China Sea, but would flock to the vast Pacific Ocean.

"Dammit, is it amazing to be rich?" Peo's sledgehammer on the table was helpless, but there was nothing he could do. The CIA is only an intelligence bureau. The intelligence bureau is capable of tasks that cannot come to the table. The adversary is now oppressing others and gaining benefits through diplomatic channels.

Rabbits are now rich, rich, and really rich. People can change the world by giving up money. No other country in the world can match the economic strength of rabbits, and the United States and the United States cannot do it. A thief can cry when he sees a bunch of national debt. Twenty trillion yuan. The annual GDP growth rate is all used to pay interest.

If the Philippines ’leasing bases are still rumored, and there is still room for recovery through military and diplomatic pressure, then the next news will make Peo a smirk. Hans’ Foreign Minister actually said at a meeting of EU foreign ministers: Please do n’t Split us Europe.

Nani? !!

This kind of remarks made the rabbits look aggressive-His Excellency Foreign Minister, when did he meow split you Europe? Did you get the wrong script? Wait a minute ... you Europe is already divided, okay! This **** thing is my ass.

But Foreign Minister Hans made this statement very seriously. He said at the meeting that the EU countries should be united, and then asked the rabbit to adhere to a European principle and not to divide Europe.

Hahaha ... A bunch of people eating melon said whether Foreign Minister Hans had taken the wrong medicine today, a serious joke.

But Peo, who had more intelligence support, sighed in his heart, and he was very clear why Foreign Minister Hans said this—because Europe did split, the EU could not speak with the same voice.

Because it ’s really rich compared to it!

The rabbit has shown that it is consistent, firm, unconditional, and supports the process of European integration. However, it is impossible for the black-bellied rabbit not to spoil the bad water. It hooks up with Eastern European countries that have not joined the European Union for a long time, and it also strengthens links with countries in southern Europe whose economies are about to collapse.

Many countries join the European Union to take advantage. Simply put, when the younger brother asks Germany and France to ask for money to spend. But now Germany and France are also poor and have no money to meet the needs of a bunch of younger brothers. As a result, the rabbit rushed in.

Now that rabbits are supporting the development of the economy, a bunch of small countries within the European Union have begun to listen to the boss. And this kind of rebellion cannot be suppressed either economically or politically ~ www.readwn.com ~ This makes Hans very distressed. To put it bluntly, a bunch of leading parties emerged within the EU.

With these leading parties, the EU can no longer make a consistent voice, let alone suppress the erosion of rabbits.

Now the situation is so serious that Foreign Minister Hans has publicly demanded that rabbits stop 'split Europe'-thirty years of feng shui turns. In the past, the most supportive of the split flower gardeners in Germany was France and France. Are these white skins today? !!

Compared to ordinary people who just watch a lively event, His Excellency Peo, the director of intelligence, is more aware of this powerful relationship. This is not unreasonable and uneven. Some people gain benefits by cooperating with rabbits, and naturally someone will follow suit. Once the fort breaks from the inside, it will be out of control.

The man in the office played the document containing Dzerzhinski's report. He didn't look at the data much, but focused on the conclusion.

Terzhinsky's closing sentence caught his attention-the rabbit was not a strategic withdrawal, but gathered his fingers in order to make a stronger fist.

Hmm ..., it really sounds like this!

His Excellency Peo was lamenting the sudden appearance of his intelligence assistant in his office and exclaimed: "Secretary, we are in trouble. The rabbit government has suddenly publicly displayed their two latest nuclear submarines. This is much earlier than we expected. Service time. "

"Two types of nuclear submarines?" His Excellency Peo said calmly though he was upset. "Just two or three years in advance. Don't worry, our nuclear submarines are the best."


"But what?"

"Bunny's new nuclear submarines look a lot like our Ohio and Virginia classes, and they are particularly numerous."


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