Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1608: Biggest cents

One month before the thief found something wrong ...

Huludao, Bohai Heavy Industries ’new nuclear submarine dock is heavily guarded. The huge sealed shed sheltered the entire dock, making the light in the dock very dim.

All the 500 meters around the dock were cleared, no one was allowed to approach, and only heavily armed soldiers were on duty to face outward. In the direction close to the dock, only Guo'an Xiao Jinlang's people closely monitored, and even soldiers outside were not allowed to come in.

Since Xiao Yi brought back a lot of secret information about the wasteland, and conveyed Zhou Qingfeng's initial willingness to help pick up the rags, the elder of the central government immediately ordered the construction of this new nuclear submarine dock in Huludao.

This dock is relatively simple. It was re-excavated in an abandoned dry dock without much ancillary facilities. It looks like a temporary docking station for maintenance.

The only thing that is special is the high level of security and the speed of construction of this dock. In just over a dozen days, the shed used to cover the outside view was built. After the completion, the elders of the central government couldn't wait to witness a miracle in person.

The convoy escorted by the guards came to Huludao silently, and the elders came down to the shed under strict security measures. As he slowly moved forward, he also asked Xiao Jinlang with a smile around him: "You lost all your daughters, how is the effect?"

"The specific communication process between them has been recorded, and there is a special psychological analyst research. From the current point of view, the boy is still somewhat resistant, or vigilant. However, the relationship between the two is quite harmonious, more like a close superior. Xiao Jinlang talked seriously about this topic.

The elder shook his head slightly and smiled: "Relax, the more we put on a posture of trying to plant people, the more disgusting they are."

Xiao Jinlang repeatedly said that the group went into the shed.

In the shed, Zhou Qingfeng waited for a long time. He walked around the giant support at the bottom of the dock, determined that he would move the position of the equipment, and climbed up from the large pit in the dock when he was ready.

The meeting with the elder was very simple. The two sides only said a few words of embarrassment, and they were not used to the first contact with each other. After all, Zhou Qingfeng was too young and experienced too legendary to make people difficult to follow.

"Can we start?" The elder was particularly concerned and excited about the next 'pick up' link. There were only a dozen people left at the scene inside the shed, and everyone was holding their breath.

"Any time." Zhou Qingfeng drove the plane to the wasteland last time, Xiao Jinlang only saw his sudden change on the radar. But this time I saw it with my own eyes, and I was extremely excited and excited.

For everyone, the position of Zhou Qingfeng standing by the dock has not changed at all, but the original empty shed suddenly became crowded. Everyone's eyes narrowed, because a huge 8,000-ton submarine suddenly appeared in the large pit in the dock in front of them.

The 'Virginia' class attack nuclear submarine 'Georgia' was seized from the mutants by Zhou Qingfeng during his attack on Baltimore. After being towed back to Havana, the nuclear submarine was soaked in a port to serve as a power station, and now it is covered with climbing objects such as seagrass.

The 'Virginia' class is the most advanced attack nuclear submarine in the United States and even the world. It is top-notch in terms of speed, silence, and attack. It is by no means a simplified version of the 'wave' class.

"Uh ... this sale is really bad." Zhou Qingfeng only saw the water surface of the Georgia before transmitting it, but after seeing it, he saw that the part soaked underwater was like a waste product. It's also embarrassing. "I promise this submarine should still be usable."

Zhou Qingfeng was still explaining that everyone in the shed was dumb. Imagine traveling through time and space and seeing such a heavy military weapon appearing out of thin air are two different things. All the people present were well-informed, but the scene in front of them still deeply challenged their cognition, which was shocking.

"It's probably still working. It should be cleaned up. Well, I admit that I didn't take care of it, because I can't find the right professional. This thing has been in the port for two years. It is possible Somewhere is broken. "

"It's okay, it's okay." The elders couldn't help but be excited. He first broke his own peace, took the initiative to shake hands with Zhou Qingfeng and expressed gratitude, "Young man, you are really amazing!"

It's really amazing. A nuclear submarine of great value is here. This is not a toy, but this is the treasure that all countries in the world dream of. With it, national strength and national defense security can be greatly improved.

A group of people rushed forward to express their excitement, holding Zhou Qingfeng's hand and shaking. Even Xiao Jinlang, who is familiar with him, laughed and burst into tears. He really laughed and cried ...... Excited, really excited!

Hehehe ... Zhou Qingfeng only smirked at the moment.

"It won't be bad for two years, just care for it."

"This is the 'Virginia' class, and the Americans are the active combat equipment."

"This is actually a later model of the 'Virginia' class, which is even more rare."

A bunch of people are laughing and joking. Even the elder, who was just now serious, smiled, "It feels so good to pick up the trash, I wish I could pick it up everyday."

Yeah, Bai Bai's baby, who doesn't like it?

The reason everyone is so happy is because ... Of the five hooligans, who is the worst underwater nuclear force-rabbit!

The technical difficulty of nuclear submarines is too high, even if the rabbits make a lot of mistakes in nuclear submarines. Some are still confused by the high-levels, making the technology fault. It's taboo to say a few more words.

And if anyone has the best nuclear submarine technology on earth, it is undoubtedly the thief eagle. Great America can be described as one step ahead in this respect, alone in defeat-do you say a bear? Mao Xiong's nuclear submarine was frustrated, but the actual combat power was quite limited.

Mao Xiong's nuclear submarine was blocked in the Barents Sea and Okhotsk Sea, and life was better than rabbits blocked in the South China Sea basin.

The most annoying is that the rabbit's nuclear submarine is far behind in quality and quantity. In contrast, Eagle Sauce's random type 1 nuclear submarines can build dozens of ships at a time, and we are in the single digits.

What's the situation now ... it's just that Monkey Monkey picked up the 'Ruyi Golden Hoop' from the Dragon King, and stirred the sea waves. Not to mention the sourness in this heart, it is going to be hi!

The elder was interested, and even accompanied by Zhou Qingfeng entered the 'Georgia' to make a circle ~ www.readwn.com ~ Especially in the command cabin, I saw the sonar display console that had been demolished by Zhou Qingfeng. Haha laughed. The elder said, "We initially suspected you because of this."

Zhou Qingfeng can only smile and embarrassed, who made him come in random?

After the occupation of Mexico, the effect of the Georgia on the Aurora Army was greatly reduced. In addition, the Legion has successively collected some other nuclear submarines in more than two years.

"Georgia" was towed away into Huludao's secret cavern soon after a brief overhaul. In the following days, Zhou Qingfeng kept dragging the nuclear submarines he collected from the wasteland. These things are basically useless to him, but they are big killers in the eyes of the rabbit government.

Two 'Ohio' class ballistic missile nuclear submarines, five 'Virginia' class attack nuclear submarines, and even three older 'Los Angeles' class attack nuclear submarines.

These were all scoured by the Aurora Corps around the wasteland, and more nuclear submarines in the wasteland were actually sunk in the sea, I'm afraid they will never be found again.

These big kills that came to the real world need more or less maintenance, and it will take years to get them into the rabbit army service. However, due to the changes in the international situation, the rabbit government leaked a few vague photos to deter opponents.

And no matter how shocked the United States will be with these nuclear submarines, it is difficult to justify the show, which is responsible for explaining the origin of these equipment.

He could only say in an uncertain tone: "This ... 095 and 096 are similar to the American 'Ohio' and 'Virginia'. Oh, you don't care too much. You can only say that the original American design is too OK, we are the biggest cents! "

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