Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1640: Exotic Dragon

How much does an aircraft carrier cost?

At that time, the cost of the 'Nimitz' class nine ship 'Reagan' was $ 4 billion, which was more than a decade ago. Now the cost of the 'Ford' class has skyrocketed to $ 10 billion.

Rabbits are cheaper to build aircraft carriers, with 20 billion soft sister coins, equivalent to almost two billion US dollars. However, the current aircraft carrier of the rabbit is only a medium-sized of 50,000 to 60,000 tons. If it is a heavy one of 100,000 tons ..., that is not as simple as one plus one equals two, and the cost must be doubled or tripled.

Zhou Qingfeng is not unable to get a more complete ‘Nimitz’ class aircraft carrier, it ’s just a broken ‘Stannis’ to practice his hands. It ’s not that bad to mess up.

It is reasonable to say that the reconstruction work is more convenient at coastal shipyards, but for security and confidentiality, the rabbit elders decided to rebuild this warship from a different time and space at a shipyard in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

At the beginning of the reconstruction, how to move the 100,000-ton steel monster into the sea in the future is a big problem. After all, the carrier is not an inland river gunboat, but the sea is its stage.

When Sakai Ichiro determined that an aircraft carrier was to be built in the rabbit inland, he planned for the rabbit to transport the giant ship in the future. In his opinion, his thoughts were crazy enough, but actually the rabbit elders thought more crazy than him.

Because after some calculations by water conservancy and bridge experts, a bolder, more mad and harder than Sakai Ichiro, a larger investment, but a more lasting benefit solution was taken out to engage in land-based ships, directly combing the entire Yangtze River .

When the Jinling Yangtze River Bridge was built, no one from the top of the flower-growing family could imagine that the country would develop into a supremacy of ‘sit and look at one’ after decades. At that time, I felt that the 5,000-ton cargo ship in the Yangtze River was already very amazing, and other people did not dare to think about it.

As a result, there are many restrictions on the golden waterway, and the shallow water bridges are stuck on the way of large ships. For decades, more than one person proposed to simply blast the reconstruction of the Jinling Yangtze River Bridge. Such people are lucky if they are not caught by the street lights.

But now that technology has developed, there are better ways to solve this problem.

In order to allow the 'Stannis' to sail into the sea, no no no ... this is to make the Golden Waterway play a greater shipping capacity, enhance the economic development of the entire Yangtze River basin, and improve the living standards of the people in the west By the way, a major project will boost GDP and solve employment.

Put the money saved by the aircraft carrier into economic construction!

Just when Sakai Ichiro became interested in the giant sheds of a shipyard in the Yangtze River, the navigation of the entire river basin began. The elders ordered me to dig down!

The Yangtze River floods every year, so it's better to invest money for remediation. Countless dredgers, dredgers began to dig in the waterway to earnestly dig. Anyway, the country has picked up a lot of ‘garbage’ in the past two years, and hundreds of billions of military savings have been saved, which is exactly for the benefit of society.

Anyway, for the country, not spending money is really waste paper.

Dredging ships are inadequate, either for desperate transformation or for full world charter. Rabbit said that I have money anyway, Grandpa, as long as the project is completed quickly. This kind of thing benefits the entire nation, and no amount of investment is lost.

Dredging and remediation of the entire Yangtze River basin cannot be completed overnight, and it may take more than ten years to complete it. However, the space occupied by the aircraft carrier is not large. First, a dedicated deepwater channel with a width of several tens of meters is dug in a river channel of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. This is very fast.

But digging channels alone is useless. What about bridges along the way?

It's easy to handle, carry a word!

After the bridge is lifted, the restrictions on navigable ships can be greatly increased, which is equally beneficial and harmless. As for the technical difficulty ... this year, when rabbits say that they have the second best bridge technology, no one dares to say that they are the first.

Each of the bridges we have built over the years is a miracle!

As for an aircraft carrier that is sixty or seventy meters high, this bridge can't be raised to this high level. This is also easy to handle, anyway, it is about to be lifted, just temporarily move away in the middle of the bridge to let this behemoth pass!

The bridges these years have no whole, they are segmented one by one. It ’s not a big deal to take apart the bridge body and move it up a bit.

So when one and a half years passed and the unrecognizable ‘Stannis’ completed its initial transformation out of its dedicated dock, the world was sensational that the rabbit had unknowingly built a carrier in its own inland.

100,000 tons of puppet!

Sloppy Deck!

嘞 Electrical Slingshot!

No chimney, nuclear-powered plutonium!

It is not comparable to the 'Ford' class, but it is much stronger than other weak dregs.

Heavy aircraft carriers leave the dock, this kind of thing can not be concealed and simply celebrated. When the rigorous giant shed was dismantled, revealing the steel giant with its red color inside, and in the distance mixed with the crowd pretending to look at the lively Ichiro Sakai couldn't help crying. He guessed right, but it was not the same.

Previously, he was still mocking Ichiro Sakai's predecessors for contacting him for more details. After all, the speed of the rabbit is too fast, unimaginably fast. But Sakai, who was deeply depressed, looked at the slow-moving giant ship and murmured, "What else can I say?"

The aircraft carrier was launched into the water, and a dozen tugboats pushed the ants along the specific deep-water channel slowly like the ants of the queen. On the banks of the Dajiang River are countless people who came to watch it. Compared with the previous launch of a domestic aircraft carrier, there were hundreds of thousands more people who were lively this time.

The towering giant ship was like a sailing hill. Looking up at it, countless people were screaming and shouting with pride. After all, in external propaganda, this is a second-level aircraft carrier built by Rabbit, which is full of deterrence!

Seeing this big guy marching in the river, he sighed at the rotten country that only had enough strength to build a medium-sized aircraft carrier. The BBC who came to the interview reported that it was sour gas: "The cost of building an aircraft carrier in an inland river is too great. We cannot imagine how it will pass through a large number of bridges on the river."

How to cross the bridge is a problem that everyone is paying attention to. The BBC reporter ran to interview the people who planted flowers, hoping to hear some doubts.

But now the people of the rabbit family are happy, and all said: "What is this? Since the government has built this thing, there must be a complete set of solutions."

How to deal with it?

When the aircraft carrier arrived in front of a cross-river bridge, the answer revealed that a specially-built crane ship directly lifted a section of thousands of tons in the middle of the bridge ~ www.readwn.com ~ and let it out of the channel.

This dazzling scene in the world is a dazzling and fascinating sight that has never been seen in a lifetime. The rabbit family is now the first to build a bridge, and the first to tear down a bridge. No one is our opponent when we play infrastructure. This situation made all the doubts vanish, and the BBC shut up.

When heavy aircraft carriers move slowly on the Yangtze River, one bridge after another makes way for them, as if it is a ceremonial honor to welcome the dragon into the sea. The world and the world must pay attention to it, and the sun and the moon must be captured by them. This steel monster from the exotic world will be the town house dragon that we planted in the future.

Regardless of who it used to be, it will be its own anyway.

When asked by the media how many ships of this type will be built, the Navy ’s senior rabbit officials said: “Uh ... we do intend to build more in the next few years.”

"How many ships?"

"Just a few."

"How many ships are they?"

"Oh, why do you ask so clearly? A few ships are a few ships!"

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