Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1641: Will go up!

Time goes back again, back to when Zhou Qingfeng had just brought back the 'Stannis'. The new 'Zhu Rihe' Blue Army has not yet appeared, and the alien dragon is still in a state of tatter. However, a project has been initiated to meet the launch of the dragon.

There is little technical content in digging a channel. It requires thousands of dredgers and dredgers to dig a shovel. At most, it takes a bit of brainpower to plan the channel. However, how to raise the giant bridges on the Yangtze River to give way to the dragon requires precise planning.

Jiang Jin now faces a choice. As a little boss among civil dogs, did he follow the roads to take the Yangtze River to 'lift the bridge', or did he honestly do a less challenging design and planning job?

Jiangjin moved bricks at the China Construction Bridge Corporation. After a few years, he was considered a little qualified. Thinking of going to a large project like 'lifting the bridge', I was afraid to be the lowest level. He finally felt that he had done some ordinary design and planning, and could be a little boss, right?

"Jiang, have you heard that?" In the office, a young brother who moved bricks rubbed his feet with both feet, and brought the pulley of his seat to Jiang Jin's desk. Jiang Jin knew that the younger brother probably broke the news, and he waited for the other to speak.

The brother lowered his voice and said, "The director next to us was taken down."

"What?" Jiang Jin was a little surprised, but his unit was a state-owned enterprise, and the level of the government university was overwhelming. Usually, the director of the planning office next to him was arrogant and arrogant. "Isn't that guy with a deep background?"

State-owned enterprises have a stronger background than anything, and connections are more important than ability. As long as you have a background, you can speak decently and not offend people, even if you have poor ability, you can still be mixed. Every time Jiang Jin encounters such a person, he is envious and jealous, but this is the normal life of state-owned enterprises.

The younger brother is very proud of being able to grasp the news in advance. Xiaoxiao revealed: "I listened to the company's big heads when I was at work, and their faces were very ugly. It is said that the Discipline Inspection Commission came directly to get people and did not say hello at all. People have to be involved. "

Sure enough, Jiang Jin discovered in the following days that a group of people in the head office were cleaned up by a group of people who were usually vegetarian but did not move their butts. Most of these people entered the company through relationships. Some have been in the head office for many years and have deep relationships.

But now it is said to be cleaned up, it is said to clear obstacles for major projects.

"Weird thing! I haven't heard of any major project recently." Jiang Jin was a little uneasy, thinking secretly whether he would be cleaned up, too? He has also done a lot of things in the past few years, otherwise he will not be a little boss.

When Jiang Jin was worried, the director of the design office he called him over, took a few project planning documents and survey data, and arranged tasks: "Get these projects done and make detailed project progress. , Manpower planning, materials procurement and budgeting. "

Jiang Jin took the mission information back and took a closer look at several planning requirements for bridge design and maintenance. His job is to bring his brothers who are moving bricks to make detailed engineering plans based on existing survey data.

"This work is not difficult, it is a very ordinary design project. But this deadline is too tight, right? Now you have to work overtime every day." As a civil dog, Jiang Jin has to lead the team even if he is a small boss. Work.

When the task was assigned, the director also said in a serious manner: "Xiaojiang, these projects should be completed as soon as possible, and you must pay attention to them. Now you are watching closely, and you must complete them with quality and quantity.

Also, Party B stated that each time a design plan for a project is completed on time, the designer can be given a reward ranging from 100,000 to 100,000. "

Alas, it is normal to say that the second party's follow-up period of the project is normal, but it is rare to start after the design phase. And this reward is even more strange. According to the meaning of the director, this is directly sent by Party B across the company, and does not give people the opportunity to intervene.

Could it be that this is the so-called 'major project'? This project is not big at all.

The key is Party B here? Such a cow!

"Waste land trade, strange party B."

Jiang Jin saw the company's name on the project contract and felt that he didn't know the small company that emerged there. He didn't care too much, thinking that the boss of this company might be a little patient, and it should have a lot of influence in the head office.

But within the next half month, Jiangjin found himself underestimating the company. He received extremely shocking news from his classmates and colleagues. This wasteland trade is too bullish, and the design requirements issued by it are so bullish that it has filled several large state-owned enterprises in the rabbit engineering design industry.

Bridges, roads, ports, airports, farmland water conservancy, power grids, water supply and drainage, and hospitals. This company has design requirements for all the infrastructure in society, with few projects involved.

Some projects are very large, such as the railway network, highway network, or overall urban planning. At first glance, it is a large project that could not be achieved in 20 to 30 years. There are also some projects that are very small, that is, several-story social housing has also been sent to ask for design.

"The boss of this company is really neurotic. What is he doing with so many design requirements?" The project that Jiangjin knows is hugely scary. The consumption of reinforced cement alone is enough to grow flower homes. The industry is working hard to produce at full capacity.

"If the company's project planning is realized, almost half of the florist can be rebuilt."

Jiang Jin couldn't help but sigh ~ www.readwn.com ~ After finally working overtime for a period of time, he finally got a complete set of engineering schemes for a bridge, and successfully received a reward of 30,000 yuan, and then ... " More and more? "

Jiangjin's second special project is to plan the restoration of a bridge destroyed by the war. In the survey data, several photos of the bridge's destruction were mixed. "Where is this project? Middle East? Africa? Anyway, it is not our planter. . "

There is no full picture of the destroyed bridge in the photo, and Jiangjin has no way to judge which bridge is the specific one. But he is a good-looking civil dog. After building a digital model of the destroyed bridge with a computer, he felt that the bridge was destroyed by a large-scale bomb blast at a close range.

"Every way I look at it, this is the damage caused by a nuclear bomb, but I haven't been bombed there in the past?" Jiangjin was puzzled. He tried to get verification from his friends, but learned that there was a similar need. The repaired building needs quite a bit.

"This is really a hell." Jiang Jin guessed as he worked. If it is just that these design requirements are just on paper, then when he simply counts the labor and materials required for these projects, he realizes, "If these projects start, I must buy infrastructure stocks."

Will go up!

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