Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1647: Detect

Jonathan is an energetic person. The companions he brought from Texas were also stubborn, conservative, and extremely proud of the ‘Red Neck’. These guys firmly believe that white people are supreme, are devout to God, and are willing to dedicate themselves to spreading the gospel of the Lord.

In Jonathan's view, Zhou Qingfeng often jokes about God, persecutes the believers, and even says that he is a heresy of God, and is definitely sent to hell.

After two days of repairs, Jonathan took a four-person squad to drive out two off-road vehicles in search of fighters. He understands that his current strength is weak and he can't beat it, so he chooses to infiltrate and secretly destroy the attack.

The previous successful attack on the waterworks gave Jonathan's team a lot of confidence. They drove down the north and south in an attempt to trouble the Aurora Corps.

"Boss Jonathan, Tula is twenty kilometers ahead." The Mexican guide said with a map in his hand, pointing at a sign next to a highway.

Tula is a small town north of Mexico City with a Tula refinery near the city. Jonathan's goal this time is to kill the refinery. Of course, such critical facilities must be heavily guarded. He didn't plan to succeed easily.

Twenty kilometers from Tula, Jonathan's team sneaking in from the wild found a small six-axle unmanned reconnaissance plane over his head. This reconnaissance aircraft has a short battery life, a maximum control range of five or six kilometers, and a limited monitoring range. Generally, this type of military aircraft will not choose this type.

But this kind of drone has a benefit, cheap.

Seeing the drone circling overhead, the Jonathan squad could only temporarily hide. They left the vehicle behind, and got off on foot to sneak forward in the woods. It didn't take long for the leading men in the four-man squad to report: "Head, there are sentries ahead."

Jonathan slowly stepped forward, poked his head behind a dirt slope, raised his telescope, and saw that there was more on the road two kilometers away ..., a large sentry post.

Hey ..., didn't you see such a sentry when you passed here the last time?

The extra sentry was not a few sandbags piled up on the roadside, a few wooden barriers across the road, and a few gun soldiers back and forth. The scale of the sentry was quite surprising to Jonathan.

Around the road intersection, seven or eight staggered cement piles are arranged. Any vehicle that wants to get close to the sentry must walk in a zigzag between the cement piles. If someone wants to use the vehicle to launch an attack quickly, this will limit the speed and it will definitely be hurt by the soldiers inside the sentry.

A high wall was built behind the cement pile, and at least four heavy machine guns blocked the surrounding area of ​​two kilometers. The shooting range was wide and the control range was extremely large. No one wants to sneak in on this sentry. Coupled with drones that constantly search for air, any movement in the surrounding five kilometers can't hide from the eyes of the sentry personnel.

"The Aurora Corps moves very fast." Jonathan snorted a few times, giving up the idea of ​​approaching the sentry. Although there are other directions to approach or pass the sentry, there may be something like a mine hidden in the dark waiting for him.

"Changing places." Jonathan led the team to retreat two kilometers and moved a place to continue forward. After a while, the leading soldiers who explored the road reported again: "Head, we have two drones flying overhead."

Jonathan looked up in the grass by the side of the road, and saw that two drones about hundreds of meters away seemed to be changing jobs. He raised his binoculars and carefully looked for a while, and found that it was basically impossible for him to continue to avoid the surveillance of these drones.

A head will definitely be found. Image processing software can easily recognize ground moving targets and issue alerts to surveillance personnel.

Everyone likes to use surveillance drones for surveillance. But this thing is actually very expensive and easy to break. Because of the many uses, the drones that can be easily carried are almost worn out in the last two or three years, and there is no place to add them.

Where are so many small drones these days?

"Changing places." Jonathan faintly had a bad hunch, and this trip to Tula was afraid to run into a wall. But he is not willing to give up easily, after all, it is common to lurk for several days in order to complete the task. "Be patient, we can always find holes in the enemy's defenses."

But after half a lap, Jonathan was extremely depressed and found that he couldn't live and die close to Tula twenty kilometers. There are a lot of drones flying around here, which surround the entire small town of Tula and form a tight monitoring network.

"Head, I'm afraid our troubles don't stop there." The sharp soldier gave a new discovery, "The people of the Aurora Corps seem to be building a fence."

"What ..., the fence?" Jonathan held up his telescope and found a lot of Mexican workers in green uniforms outside Tula. These workers are removing a lot of barbed wire from one truck after another, and pulling it can create hundreds of meters of obstacles.

Behind the barbed wire, there are several specialized battlefield diggers digging. They dug a trench of one meter deep and thirty centimeters wide on the ground, and then placed a piece of cement board into the trench with a crane. .

A concrete wall is simple to build.

Seeing this scene, Jonathan felt extremely surprised. Not only did he see the cement wall, he also saw the similarly complex sentry posts near the cement wall, and several of them had already been seen. A cement wall surrounding a large sentry post is a semi-permanent fortification.

"Where are there so many reinforced concrete for the Aurora Corps?"

Enclave also faces a large number of building construction needs. Several million-ton cement plants have opened several but cannot meet the huge social needs. Cement is now a hard currency and is needed everywhere.

No high technology is needed to produce cement, but it belongs to the high energy consumption industry. Jonathan didn't understand, "Inkley set up a special power supply network in order to start several cement plants at full capacity. Where can the Aurora Corps have so much power supply?"

The members of the Jonathan squad looked at each other, and they didn't realize how powerful the Aurora Legion had been before. But now, with a small amount of cement, a puzzling thing is reflected ~ www.readwn.com ~ How can rivals come up with such strong industrial capabilities?

After staying outside Tula City for two or three days, Jonathan watched the city with the refinery surrounded by barbed wire and semi-perpetual fortifications. Hundreds of semi-permanent fortifications plus tens of thousands of armed men in green uniforms guard the place.

Slowly as the heavy artillery positions appeared, the city of Tula was completely fortified.

In the end, Jonathan could only hide outside the city, drink wind and eat soil, and then watch the comfort of the enemy soldiers hiding inside the fortifications.

"They can still take a bath." Jonathan was furious when he saw a water truck transporting domestic water from the frontline soldiers.

There is a Tula River near Tula City, but the river water cannot be used directly. This requires a water treatment plant in the city to perform water treatment to open the supply.

"No, when I last surveyed Tula, the city's water plant was obviously paralyzed. After just a few days of work, it resumed operation?" This discovery made Jonathan extremely angry, feeling the previous The effort seemed to be in vain.

And there was even more irritating Jonathan. Just after the fortification of Tula City, another motorized force appeared on the road behind the city. This unit went out of Tula to reach the next city called San Juan, and repeated the set in Tula.

Barbed wire, cement walls, large sentry posts, semi-permanent fortifications, heavy artillery positions, once fortified.

Jonathan felt that this was a little awkward. If he could see the order issued by Zhou Qingfeng to the Nineto government in Mexico, he would definitely see a concise description of this tactic-'Be tough, fight hard, slow Push forward slowly. ’

Don't ask for hard work, but seek nothing. This is a war specially prepared for the war. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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