Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1648: construction

San Juan, less than 150 kilometers away from Mexico City, and more than 200 kilometers away from the northern 'Mexico Front' border, is logically the safe hinterland of the Aurora Corps.

"Don't believe in safety or insecurity. We do n’t have enough troops. The north has basically abandoned the garrison. We are now the front line." Sebastian cracked with a whip, and his Mexican workers were all The scared face was earthy.

To push north, the Aurora Corps called in ten light infantry divisions from the Mexican government to complete preliminary training. For every city in the city, semi-permanent fortifications were built twenty kilometers outside the city to complete the fortified layout.

The distance between each city is no more than thirty kilometers, and it goes all the way north. In order to build these fortifications, more Mexican laborers were organized. Those who were smarter would learn to drive engineering machinery, and those who were clumsy would work hard. In short, such a large project definitely has work to do.

Sebastian is stupid, but because he understands some English, he becomes the head of a coolie group. He was wearing a civilian version of camouflage clothing, with a pair of liberation shoes under his feet, and instructed twenty or thirty people to be responsible for miscellaneous work-the specific work was arranged by the Chinese supervisor.

Sebastian's group of workers had just completed basic training and were pulled up from the rear. When they heard that they were on the front line, they immediately became restless. So Sebastian kept waving the pink leather whip in his hand to startle and spur them to start working immediately.

"Don't be too scared. The army is all around us. The enemy is at most sporadic harassment. Compared with the past, we can't die a few people now. Work hard. You will like it here."

Sebastian said "work", but he actually wanted to be lazy. However, what he is doing is said to be a national defense project. Any slackness will be arrested on the charge of 'labour delay'.

At the construction site, graders, bulldozers, excavators, rollers, and pavers are all available. More than a dozen cement mixers rummaged up and poured a large amount of cement on a planned open space.

This kind of working efficiency surprised Sebastian for a time. His men could only assemble the house. By contrast, it was very slow. "These machines are really amazing, and the army has got too much reinforced concrete. "

It takes less than three days to build a large sentry post, and all components have been designed and built according to standards before being shipped. Workers on the job site only need to assemble it.

The three shifts lasted from morning to afternoon, and Sebastian's whip waving hand was tired. His team is going to build two simple houses today, but one is not complete yet.

"Group 111 is going to eat now." A Chinese supervisor inspected it and yelled loudly after comparing the schedule: "You are too slow, come back to work immediately after eating, otherwise you don't want to rest all day. This is the first warning. "

When he heard the word 'warning', Sebastian was startled. After three warnings, he was punished with a whip, and five warnings were arrested before it was useful. Immediately, he turned his head and waved his whip and urged his opponent: "Hurry up, finish after dinner."

Hearing that there is food, the laborers are still quite vigorous. A group of people in Hula La walked to a temporary canteen two or three hundred meters away from the construction site, where enough food was prepared.

After occupying Mexico City, Zhou Qingfeng brought all kinds of combat preparation materials for the rabbit. Now, after nearly three months of consumption, half of it has not been used up. Ordinary laborers still eat cheap food such as aged food, but Sebastian's foreman can eat slightly better.

Strong physical labor makes people appetite, and everyone eats. Sebastian quickly killed his portion of potato stew with pork and pasta, and took a bottle of cold salt soda in his mouth and poured it into his mouth.

Ah ... the cold liquid gurgles into his throat, and Sebastian breathes a sigh of relief-the present day is much better than in the past, eating, drinking, and playing.

Yes, and play. Sebastian just bought a human doll the other day. The simulation degree is really good. Everything feels first-rate. The only trouble is that you have to clean it after using it, otherwise it won't feel good the next time.

There can be no women on the construction site, and ‘Cat Claw’ will not open a branch to the front line. Many Mexicans choose to buy personal dolls to solve their physical problems, at least they need an airplane cup or something. This thing is pretty good.

Sebastian's pink leather whip comes with the doll. It's just that the Chinese supervisors always have strange eyes when they see him using this leather whip to urge his men to work.

After a five-minute break after the meal, many new workers also stared at Sebastian's leather whip. He is proud to impart his successful experience, "You guys, just don't study well. Evening school can't even learn English, so you can only do the lowest level of labor.

I'm different, I can communicate with supervisors in English. I also plan to study so that my salary will be higher. So ah, listen to me, and the days will get better. "

Sebastian doesn't say that his English was actually learned in the past while working in Texas, not to mention that what he knows is often cursed by the supervisor. Just watching him eat potatoes and stew pork is enough to make a new Mexican worker burst into a passion for learning.

"Follow me, learn from me." The rest time is over ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sebastian urged his men to return to work quickly. They will work with another group until the day's work is completed.

The workers slackly followed Sebastian on the construction site, listening to the cowhide blowing in his mouth. Someone is at a loss, some are curious, some are secretly determined.

And at this seemingly ordinary time, there was a howling suddenly in the sky, followed by several explosions with the ground blasting, and a lot of black smoke was rising on the construction site. Sebastian happened to be enveloped by a cloud of black smoke and was blown up on the spot.

"An enemy attack, find cover." The supervisor at the construction site shouted suddenly, and countless people were chasing away like headless flies.

The Mexican army stationed at the site responded quickly, and more than a dozen spare drones immediately took off to expand the scope of investigation. The artillery on the rear heavy artillery position also immediately entered the artillery position. As soon as the enemy was found, the artillery was fired in accordance with the coordinates assigned in advance.

It's just that no one left the site and went out.

Half an hour later, the retaliatory shelling began to explode for more than ten minutes, but it was not clear how effective it was.

The officer responsible for building the fortress determined that it was a sporadic enemy attack. Someone fired artillery shells at the site with sixty mortars a few kilometers away in an attempt to disturb the normal construction of the site.

The shell hit a newly constructed pavement without causing much damage. Several wounded were crying at the scene, and one fell to the ground motionless.

There was only one ‘Slightly damaged pavement on the report of the day that could be repaired. The loss of personnel was small, only one person died and two were slightly injured, and the labor and army were emotionally stable. Project progress can be guaranteed. ’

Woohoo ... this kind of report will not even be submitted to Zhou Qingfeng. The commander in front saw only one death and two injuries, and did not care at all, but ordered to continue construction. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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