Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1666: Sea of ​​fire

San Miguel, commander-in-chief of the Front of Mexico.

As the commander of the Second Armoured Division of the 'Mexico Formation', Clark was the commander of this Celaya operation. While dozens of staff officers and senior officers in the headquarters were celebrating each other's rapid breakthroughs on the front line, he frowned and stared at the enemy and me on the electronic sandbox.

"Mr Clark, don't you have a refreshing drink?" Suzano came over holding a bottle of "Extreme Cool", "The drinks of the Aurora Corps are still good, just a little expensive. Hahaha ...

"No." Clark is a completely different person than McCain, the first armored division commander who likes to speak wildly. He always had a dark face, as if always having a mind.

"Well, I know your soldiers need to stay calm at all times, but drinks should be fine." Suzano said, "I actually want to thank you. Your command was very wonderful and laid the victory."

Clark just nodded coldly, knowing that Suzano currently has proud capital.

This time, the "Momentum Front" came out of the nest, but it was not just the first three armored divisions. In order to encourage Suzano, Dr. Osborne provided a full set of weapons and equipment including six armored divisions, eighteen mechanized infantry divisions, and dozens of independent artillery units.

I have to say that the United States has a very strong family base. Various weapons and ammunition hoarded during the Cold War are the highest in the world, more than rabbits and fur bears combined. Ordinary guns and equipment are worthless and piled up in various large military warehouses for decades.

It was this huge amount of military aid and the addition of a large number of military backbones that gave Suzano confidence to go south to fight against the Aurora Corps. Now on the first day of the start, I have penetrated the frontline defense positions built by the Aurora Corps. This situation is really good.

Air strike, long-range suppression, armored shock, Clark's second armored division used a series of fast and decisive means to fight the enemy defenders.

But Clark himself was not so happy, he casually said: "The Aurora Corps is not weak, their air force has not been dispatched, short-range tactical missiles have not been moved, they even have long-range ballistic missiles, ..."

What Clark meant was that his opponent was not doing his best.

But Suzano took the "brain supplement" explanation as a matter of course. "According to the information, the Aurora Corps should not have many advanced fighters, and they should guard their old nest Mexico City at most. Short-range missiles are also very backward and can only hit fixed targets.

As for long-range ballistic missiles, nuclear warheads around the world have disappeared inexplicably, and the Aurora Corps at most used it to carry a conventional warhead weighing several tons. The deterrent power of that thing is not as terrible as expected, it creates at most a scary crater. "

However, none of these explanations can reassure Clark, because he knows that his boss Dr. Osborne's plan is a battle of attrition, a battle of depletion of the Mexicans, but not to fill in the Ph.D. 'Do wedding dresses.

Suzano is still bragging about his views on the battle. A staff member in the headquarters hurriedly approached Clark and said in a dignified and hasty tone: "Sir, the armored forces that attacked Celaya were hit by the enemy's terminal ammunition and suffered heavy losses."

Ah ... Susano was blowing his addiction and suddenly heard the news he couldn't help screaming that he was just analyzing the lack of advanced weapons and ammunition of the Aurora Corps, and he was beaten.

The staff officer continued: "The air defense forces also sent an alert, and a large low-altitude aircraft group is flying towards us. Although this group should be a backward propeller aircraft, but our command position has been exposed, and the enemy is likely to be right. We conduct missile strikes. "

Ah ... Suzano screamed again. He quickly asked: "Can our air defense forces intercept the enemy's tactical missiles?"

The staff member looked at Suzano and explained a little: "A Patriot 3 air defense battalion around our command is enough to fight advanced fighters and missiles. As for those low-altitude fighters, the two" Avengers "air battalions are perfectly fine. Deal with them. "

This may sound reassuring, but Clark, the commander, hurriedly ordered: "Immediately allow the remote artillery group to be transferred, and at the same time let the guards of the divisional camp expand the search range. The Aurora Army will not easily launch a counterattack, it must We were found by special operations forces. "

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of explosion outside the headquarters, and all the staff of the division, including Chief Clark, were shocked.

It didn't take long for the guards to rush in and report: "Sir, a mutant and power armored army is attacking our outer security ring. Their goal is our air defense position."

The second armored division had a depth of three or five kilometers. At this moment, the mutants headed by Marcos were attacking in depth, setting off a wave of killing.

The first generation of mutants already had five or six times the physical fitness of ordinary people. Zhou Qingfeng also regarded them as his own guard. The ‘hero’ attribute doubled and strengthened this small-scale army again. Marcos, weighing two to three hundred kilograms, can carry out short-distance sprints with great speed.

The slogan of "born to death" made Marco Shi and his subordinates instantly violent. This brain degenerates to a war-fighting unit. It is not a silly shock. They cooperate with each other, cover alternately, and use precise and fierce firepower. In one breath, the peripheral defense of the second armored division was torn apart.

From launching the attack to entering the enemy's formation, the big man of Marcos has been a violent storm, always in the first place. When he tried to get close to several 'Avengers' anti-aircraft vehicles, several extremely agile guards tried to stop the terrible mutant leader.

Lying down, looking for bunkers, setting up machine guns, cross-fired, the cooperation of the guards is perfect. When he rushed up, Marco Shi saw that the opposite was actually a heavy machine gun. It immediately rolled on the spot, wiping a large-caliber machine gun bullet and hiding behind a broken armored car ...

Shake your hand in honor of an enemy's large grenade.

The grenade specially designed for mutants and power armors is powerful, and its throwing distance of tens of meters is particularly flexible. Just seeing the arc thrown by the grenade in the air, these difficult guards immediately moved and changed positions.

The opponent's reaction and speed are also misleading.

The enemy is powerful, but Marcos is even more sturdy. It bypassed the wreckage of the armored vehicle and rushed from tens of meters away. It was incredible faster than ordinary people, and it was incredible. A guard was directly hit by it while searching for a new shelter.

The guards grabbing, shooting, and placing orders were not panicked at all. It was just that the pistol used by ordinary people in his hand was too weak for Marcos. Two shots hit Marcos's chest, but it did not bring any obstacle to the mutant leader.

"You also deserve to be a mutant?" Mad Mad Marco didn't even use a weapon, and directly gave the opponent a headshot with his fist with iron gloves. With his brain cracked and bloody, Marcos was even more excited by this fierce scene. He shouted, "I'm the real mutant."

The tragic death of the companion did not have any psychological impact on the other guards. They quickly pointed the muzzle at the killed Marco, especially a large caliber machine gun was the most threatening.

As soon as the machine gun fired, Marcos had to dodge, and he roared again and called on his companions to cooperate. At this time, a dark shadow flew over from a distance, and flew to the two guards operating the heavy machine gun at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

"Dog Meat" rarely attacks directly. It always uses its speed advantage to sneak around behind the enemy to carry out sneak attacks. At this moment it jumped up with its four claws, and a sharp blade popped under the claws, quickly slicing the spine of the neck behind the guard.

Blood flower splashing ~ www.readwn.com ~ but not even the skin of ‘dog meat’. The stupid dog went away in one hit, never staying, and once again submerged into the darkness in search of the next opportunity for attack.

Marco is carrying his subordinates to kill indiscriminately. Irene, wearing optical camouflage and mechanical exoskeleton, is the biggest threat. Despite the killing sounds elsewhere, she was like a ghost in the night, silent and silent.

Through the chaos on the battlefield, Irene affixed one suction bomb after another to the body of the air defense vehicle. Occasionally, someone noticed something was wrong and was immediately assassinated by her.

As the killing scenes got bigger and bigger, more and more guards in the enemy's camp came to support. The bombed Irene immediately shouted on the radio: "Our mission is complete, retreat."

When hundreds of propellers of the Modified Y-5 were heard roaring at low altitude, when Irene and Marco Shi and others stayed away in one hit without stopping, the division ’s air defense position of the 2nd Armored Division of the “Meton formation” However, they were caught in a sea of ​​fire, and the "Avengers", one after another, dealing with low-altitude targets, were blown apart.

The two-winged Yun-5 entered and started to scrub the ground with rockets.

The area of ​​the sea of ​​fire is expanding ...

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