Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1667: Household account

Overnight fighting ended, the smoke gradually dispersed, leaving only the rotten ground.

When the second Guards brigade led by Julio's dad rushed into San Miguel, the enemy ’s commander in the enemy ’s second armored division ’s camp left only a scorched black ground washed by biplanes. He ran away, leaving at most two or three thousand captives.

"It's really cunning and couldn't catch the enemy's backbone." Mo Thong Zhen "will come again as long as it supplements its forces. It looks like there will be hard battles here." Father Julio stood on his tank, rushing at a car. The wreckage of a blown self-propelled artillery sighed.

M109A7 self-propelled artillery, last night the army's Celaya defense line suffered enough of this artillery. Numerous firepower points were destroyed by rolls of this kind of gun, and I don't know how many people died under its large caliber grenades.

"Daddy, we have to go. The defense here is given to the Mexican 5th Infantry Division." A tanker came from the battalion and waved to Father Julio.

The Fifth Infantry Division was a reserve team, originally intended to fill Queretaro's defensive positions. As a result, their lives were huge, and the 'Mexico Front' attacked Zelaya.

"These guys are just living a few more days." Watching the Mexican army transported by an old-fashioned Dongfeng truck, Father Julio asserted. Those ignorant soldiers escaped a fierce battle, but could not escape the next one.

The Second Guards Brigade fought overnight, and the casualties were relatively small. Only more than 20 tanks and armored vehicles were lost. All losses were destroyed when facing the M60A3 head-on, without exception. Father Julio's company also lost three cars, which is considered to be a serious injury.

The Second Guards Brigade withdrew and repaired. On the way back, they saw a large number of trucks continuously transporting troops and building materials to San Miguel. Presumably, the Legion would fortify it. All the troops directly under the regiment withdrew from the battle sequence and replaced the newly-formed Mexican government army.

At the Corps headquarters, Zhou Qingfeng just got the preliminary statistics of the casualty report. The second infantry division of the government army stationed in Celaya and the two supplementary regiments that were subsequently filled in were exhausted, and a total of 16,000 troops survived. Less than a thousand people.

This is just a loss for one day ...

"President Nito is asking us for help. When he learns that the enemies moving north and south almost broke through the line of defense, he is even more afraid than us." Xiao Yi held a document and made a report beside Zhou Qingfeng.

"What does he want?"

"Weapons and ammunition, military uniforms, logistics supplies, almost everything. His Excellency the President recently set up a government reconstruction plan. He has recruited many surviving intellectuals and some experts from the private sector, and reluctantly built the government structure stand up."

"Nieto has actually improved, I thought he would always be a straw bag."

Zhou Qingfeng pouted, he took over a document from Xiao Yi. This is a military aid formally issued by the Mexican government. From naval vessels to baby diapers, Lhasa is all-inclusive. This is simply to treat the Legion as a responsive nurse.

"I think it ’s not that Nito has improved, but that more people have given him ideas." Xiao Yi also handed Zhou Qingfeng two rough-printed newspapers, "New Mexico and Clarion. One is Government agencies, one is a publicity newspaper. "

Zhou Qingfeng took the newspaper and aimed at it, the content was unremarkable. In general, it is a tribute to the kindness of the Aurora Corps and the greatness of Victor Hugo, while President Nito is a loyal assistant to the legion leader, and everyone should serve the legion's interests.

"Interesting, the people who give Nito an idea are really interesting. They want to control the mouthpiece of propaganda, but also use touting to cover me." Zhou Qingfeng's brows were even more frowned.

Xiao Yi was relieved to hear Zhou Qingfeng had such a sober understanding. She reported again: "According to Ms. Milta's investigation, many scholars around Nito have some idea of ​​reviving the national interest of Mexico. This group of people meet in private to discuss the future of Mexico."

"Mexico's future is my colony." Zhou Qingfeng politely affirmed his tone.

However, he paused and said, "If it is my position in Nietto, I will hold the leg of the legion tightly to develop my own forces. At this stage, I desperately advocate the friendly relationship with the legion, but I will rebuild the army anyway. "

Xiao Yi listened quietly, guessing what Zhou Qingfeng would do? In the past, she will feel that it is a good way to appease or beat properly, but Zhou Qingfeng is often more terrible than anyone when he is cruel.

"I guess the intellectuals around Neto must have another meaning. They might want to expand this war and use up the power of the Legion. Otherwise, depending on the current situation, they really have a little chance No. So ... "

"It's just that the army's strength and family base are more than they think." Zhou Qingfeng picked up the report of military aid on his desk again and turned it up seriously again.

"I want a million rifles and a billion rounds of bullets. They look down on me. This year's guns are worthless. I gave them 3 million rifles and 5 billion rounds. Anyway, the number of five or six gun families Too much.

Want to form a regular artillery? Ten thousand small- and medium-caliber artillery pieces and fifteen hundred large-caliber artillery pieces are required, with a total of 50 million rounds of ammunition. This is trivial, I promised. I have an industrial country as a backer, and there are so many bad products in stock.

Want a tank force? `` We must learn the thoughts of the army commander who is going to sharpen the army, '' hahaha ... they will really praise me. No problem, I gave them tanks, a thousand old '59's, and guaranteed enough. To be honest, the Guard Brigade recently complained that '59' was too backward.

I also need to help them form the Air Force and the Navy, which are expensive. There are still many missile boats and the old 'Yun-5'. But they have to pay for the oil. I won't give it away.

Form military academies and provide training systems. Hmm ... pretty smart. I happen to be setting up a regular military system myself. They can send people to train, and by the way they can put a few nails in. "

Zhou Qingfeng approved almost all the military aid needs of the Nito government. Basically, what is needed and very happy. It was just that he added the words ‘the northern line of defense will be handed over to the Mexican government forces for maintenance’ when signing.

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng write this sentence, Xiao Yi can already imagine the corpse mountains and blood seas that will appear on the front line. She bet that even if the people around Nito did not mention military assistance, Zhou Qingfeng would find a way to arm a large number of Mexicans to the front line.

On this issue, UU reading www. uukanshu.com When Xiao Yi made a report in the real world, the elders of the central government repeatedly mentioned: How can the stability of the minority population rule the majority of the population and the foreign nation rule the native nation?

Either assimilate or kill.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xiao Yi bravely asked Zhou Qingfeng, "Did you let Suzano go, did you expect it to be today?"

Zhou Qingfeng was signing his head, answering non-question, saying: "In addition to letting the Mexican government form troops as soon as possible, make another request for Nito and his cabinet for me.

I need 10 million Mexican workers to develop South America, mainly in agriculture and mining. Let them get the workforce ready as soon as possible. I will provide some troops for this team to facilitate their survival in South America. "

Ten million with armed bachelors threw to South America, where warlords are everywhere?

Xiao Yi couldn't imagine how much chaos this would cause and how many people would die.

When it comes to driving tigers and swallowing wolves, they are cruel and ruthless. The commander of the army recognizes second, and no one dares to say that he is first.

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