Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1681: Tightly organized

The old driver encountered a new problem ... but Adams really didn't know what to do? He originally felt that it should not be difficult to preach in Mexico. It should be a paradise lost without the light of the Lord. As soon as he came, there would be a lot of lambs waiting for his salvation.

But the reality is too cruel.

In the past, missionaries had to talk about doomsday redemption, but now the doomsday really comes, and redemption has not come. The lives of the gods are really bad.

North America is still quite chaotic, with a pile of piles at the bottom of the confused society, a few words can still have some effect. In Mexico, on the contrary, ordinary people at the bottom have a clear understanding.

The distress of such a dizzying turn for several days, the dignified Mormon leader even gave up. He bought a "Aurora Daily" in a street market one day. The editorial in the newspaper frightened him. The trade union organization is an important assistant to the legion and should serve the legion.

"The union must unite the workers and become a communication bridge between the Legion and the workers."

"Trade unions cannot be independent and cannot be a tool for a small number of people to gain benefits and fight against the legion."

"The union's position is not neutral and its leader should be appointed by the Legion."

Lying trough, lying trough, I got a big trough!

After reading the editorial carefully, Adams had a curse in his heart, and then he kept chilling. The western union has always been the organization of strikes and troubles. It is their duty to confront the government under the banner of working for the benefit of workers.

But now it's different with the Aurora Corps ...

People set the tone from the beginning, and the union must follow the legion. It is illegal to not follow the Legion, that is, to cause trouble, and it will be suppressed. It's too bad for him!

"This government is really cruel." Adams grumbled resentfully. When he looked at the author of the editorial, it was Victor Hugo. "Our Majesty is still writing this stuff, and he is really free."

Let's see that this is actually one of a series of editorials, and there are several more in front of it. Suddenly, Adams became interested and wanted to see what Victor Hugo had written. He asked people to buy all the newspapers of the previous days. As a result, the first editorial ..., "On the Construction of Youth League".

Your uncle!

Your Majesty, can you write something normal? Funny birds walk dogs, bully males and females, can't you use your power well? You usually look so funny, it's weird to have such serious stuff silently.

"Youth organizations should be the reserve army of the Legion, and must not be a meaningless organization with strange or strange goals."

"The color of youth organizations should be simple, their activities should be positive, they should be based on learning and practice, and they should not become a concentration camp for garbage culture."

"Young people should have a sense of group and honor, and they should help the laggards make progress together.

After reading this editorial, Adams felt that compared with Victor Hugo, it was ‘Old Huyo meets Super Huhu’. Thousands of years of missionary experience can't live up to the crushing consciousness of others across the ages.

The Mormon set of flickering techniques was also used on a medieval basis. But the Aurora Corps has a clear structure and a well-organized way of spreading ideas can definitely kill the church.

After watching the Youth League, there is also the Women's Federation. This organization requires women to be united, united and promoted. This is even more difficult to parry.

Women's status has always been low in various religions, as is Mormonism. The church often teaches women how to take care of their families and how to respect their husbands. Women have never been left alone.

"Why do I look more and more like this Her Majesty?" Adams crowned Victor Hugo. This set is exactly a copy of a country that has "held a hundred years of unwavering collapse."

Western countries have trade unions, youth organizations, and women's organizations, but the development and evolution of these organizations often become some kind of bureaucracy, play organization, and Notre Dame organization. To put it plainly, it is a bunch of organizations that are useless and can only mess up.

In the editorial, there are neighborhood committees and street offices. Mexico's current population flow is not large. According to Victor Hugo's design, these small community institutions can play a large role in law and order and conflict mediation. Even in the future, community agencies can completely replace churches.

"Well, what is Victor Hugo's mind thinking about? These institutions really have a role to play, and there is still the status of the church?" doing what?

He now understands why Mexico ’s powerful Catholic power recognized it and turned it into a “loyal and patriotic Catholic” slapstick. What can we do without slapstick? Waiting to be packed?

Western governments tend to care only for the middle class and above, because these populations can provide taxes. And for the bottom of society that can't provide taxation, it basically gives up lack of education, no skills, and no future population will die.

But the Aurora Corps is too powerful, it has to control everything. The point is that it is also willing to spend a lot of money on those who can't provide taxation, forcibly dragging them away.

The disadvantage of this is that too much money is spent, and no money can not afford this governance model. The advantage is that the society is relatively stable, the bottom can climb up as long as they work hard, the social system is constantly updated, and the vitality is more sufficient, so that the class does not solidify.

"This is actually money. North America doesn't want to do this. Even if the government wants to improve the bottom of the society, it is difficult because these people do n’t pay taxes and the budget is not easy to pass. Take care of them. Those who have no money will be ignored and marginalized naturally. "

After thinking about this, Adams didn't feel happy under the crown, even full of sadness. This trip to Mexico looked interesting, but it was actually useless.

Victor Hugo did not use much skill in governance. He is rich, willing to spend, and willing to pay. The power is flat, making people unable to resist ~ www.readwn.com ~ The legion has many resources, and naturally there are more people willing to die for the legion, and the social elite runs towards him. Even if he is an Asian, whites have to sag for San Dou Mi.

"Forget it, go back to Salt Lake City. Hmm ... Mormons used to control a piece of Utah in the past, and they will stay there in the future." Adams was disheartened under the crown. If he is twenty years younger, he may still have the energy to fight hard, but he is now over eighty and too old.

The head of the church intends to leave for another day of rest. Even if the missionary matter is perfunctory, it is impossible to gain much benefit. But as he prayed every night, a follower suddenly came to him with a tense expression.

"Under the crown, someone secretly sent us a letter. They claim to be the Mexican Resistance and were created to overthrow the evil rule of the Aurora Army. This letter is named to you."

Oh ... Adams was asking God for guidance, and someone sent him a letter. This is interesting ...

Opening the letter and looking at it, the person who wrote the letter greeted Adams with a sincere tone, and stated that his side was very powerful in Mexico and could help the Mormon Church expand in Mexico.

"Under the honor of Adams, you are the messenger God sent to save Mexico. You must understand our distress. We not only have great influence in Mexico, but also powerful allies.

We now hope to work with you to break the cage of violence constructed by the Aurora Army in Mexico and save millions of Mexican people. "

At the end of the letter, it was also written that if the two parties undertook an alliance, the two sides could arrange high-level meetings to discuss anti-imperialist plans together.

Hiss ... This letter made Adams hesitate again. Is there any other opportunity? rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone reading school

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