Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1682: Resistance

The appearance of the secret letter gave Adams another ray of hope in his heart, and this ray of hope came from his inner fear. . Fastest update

The secret letter also talked about the Aurora Army ’s collision with civilizations in North America, and bluntly said, “If no one stops Victor Hugo, then the entire white cultural circle must be attacked and suppressed. The United States pays attention to multiculturalism. the Lord.

No one likes to be trespassed by outsiders. The person who wrote the letter hoped that Adams would stand up and turn the tide to save the tens of millions of people in Mexico who were deceived and North America, which was about to be poisoned.

Adams's letter was not sure if the description of North America in the letter was alarmist, but he knew that Mexico would have to be run by the Aurora Corps without an external force.

Out of caution, Adams first sent people to connect with the so-called 'Rebel Army' according to the address left in the letter. The other party strongly demanded to meet directly with the Crown, and stated that the high-level ‘Rebel Army’ is currently taking huge risks to contact the Mormon Church. The Crown should have some sincerity.

Old Adams finally agreed to this request. With his freedom to sway around the city, he got into a humble car by the side of a street.

The car began to scurry around the city, while a woman with a veil was sitting in the car. She apologized: "Please understand under the crown, we are completely forced to be so careful, the tyrant and his evil legion are full of eyes in the city, and their people are everywhere."

"Oh ..." Adams didn't really complain. He smelled a faint scent. In the high position, he recognized that it was a pretty good perfume, and the identity of the woman in front of him was indeed not low. "Does the Legion have secret police?"

"It is much more terrible than the secret police. The Army has two intelligence agencies, one is the External Military Intelligence Agency, which will be reorganized into the Central Intelligence Agency recently, and the other is the infamous 'Cat's Claw'. Committee. "Speaking of 'cat's claw', the woman resentful.

"Have heard of it." Adams nodded under the crown. "A guy named Lula is terrible."

"No, Lula is not terrible. The crazy dog ​​doesn't usually come out to bite people. The really terrible thing is Mirta, the master of 'cat claws.' The woman has always been low-key, but she has strong organizational management skills, 'cat claws 'It all depends on her. That's a **** who doesn't bite.

Although I despise the tyrant's character, I have to admire him for his talents. The talents he collects are often abandoned by others. But these people have become quite difficult to get into his hands. "

It sounds like this woman knows a lot about the Aurora Corps. And under Adams, after carefully examining it, he hummed and said, "The 'Rebel Army' behind you should be the current Mexican Nieto government, right?"

The woman's face was covered, but from her sudden nervous breathing and stiff shoulders, Adams knew that she had guessed. The woman quickly asked in an indifferent tone: "Under the crown, why do you think so?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh has been the suppressed mood for a few days under Adams crown." "Do you know where is the gap between you and Victor Hugo?"

"That **** tyrant should go to hell, ..." The woman scolded, but stopped talking.

Adams felt comfortable again under the crown. Fortunately, not everyone in this world is as wicked as Victor Hugo. Ordinary people are still ordinary after all.

Confidence that has been hit in the past few days has been restored. Adams has relied on his accumulated experience for many years and said, "All the plans of Victor Hugo are frankly shown. Such an opponent is the most difficult to deal with. , To fight against it must have the same strength.

And you are inherently disadvantaged in hiding, and it is difficult to change this situation. This is a manifestation of weak power. I guess you should have a high status in the Nieto government, and I can guess who the powerful allies you say? "

The woman just sneered, but felt guilty as if she were the key to the point. Adams continued: "The Brotherhood of Steel will not help you, nor will the current Enclave government help you, only the rebel forces in Enclave will find you to unite."

All the skins were unplugged in a few words, and the woman was a little suffocated. She immediately retorted: "Dr. Osborne is not a rebel. He is orthodox. The Duke-Inkley government is currently the stealer of the regime. And the doctor will return to power soon."

Ah ... things will be clear in a flash. Adams really had a sense of superiority in IQ, and he was in a good mood.

The Nieto government was unwilling to submit to the Aurora Corps, so he teamed up with Dr. Osborne, the enemy, and now came to visit the Mormon chief of Mexico City in an attempt to fight against the Aurora Corps.

Adams felt that details might have been missed, but that must be the case. He grinned again, "What are you asking us to do?"

The woman took a deep breath, knowing that she had been leaked by the abominable old man in front of her eyes. She continued to say indifferently: "Under the crown, I don't want to hide anything. I do represent somebody in the Mexican government, but we are also thinking about the future of the Mexican people.

The tyrant blinded all of Mexico by all kinds of delusions, and he forced thousands of Mexicans to kill him. The dead bodies on the northern front have been piled up, and more than 30,000 people have been killed or injured in the past half month. It is not yet known how long this tragic war will last.

The tyrant also forced us to send a lot of labor to develop South America, to mine for him, to cultivate for him, and to seize benefits for him. He treats those blind Mexicans like slaves. He doesn't care about the lives and deaths of those idiots at the bottom, but those idiots look at him like God.

Under the crown, do n’t you want to preach? Go to the Mexican government mission. Your missionary can join the army as a pastor and tell the army who to fight for? Why fight? We can make it easier for you. "

Mexican government forces?

The eyes under the crown of Adams were sharp and sharp. He recently read in the newspaper ‘In response to the fierce civil war, the Mexican government army is trying to expand two million’.

These two million troops are not controlled by the Aurora Corps ~ www.readwn.com ~ but are currently controlled by the Mexican government. If you can really teach in this group, maybe you can really make a comeback.

Old Adams' heartbeat began to accelerate. He silently took a box of heart-saving pills from his pocket and poured it into his mouth. After a while, he took a long breath and sighed softly, "You really let us Mission to the army? "

"Let at least half of Mormon missionaries enter the army. We can't make it too obvious, otherwise the tyrant will be noticed. At present the frontline casualties are very large, the army is a bit chaotic, and someone needs to be comforted and induced.

We had hoped that the Catholic Church could take on this great task, but the Catholic Church in the city had completely betrayed Mexico, and now they are only thinking about how to please the tyrant. So we hope that the Mormon Church will come to this task. "

The words of the woman did not seem to be of any benefit to the Mormon Church, but Adams knew that the greatest benefit of this was to prevent the Aurora Army from completely controlling Mexico and create a force in Mexico that could compete with it.

Although details need to be considered, Adams knew that he should have found a breakthrough. After several deep breaths, he said lightly, "I think I need to think about it."

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