Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1689: Whetstone

Another civil war battlefield was opened, and another **** entrance to **** was opened.

Six recruits had just completed their recruiting, had not completed their recruit training, and had not even equipped their weapons and equipment. Only infantry divisions with rifles and a small number of mortars were sent to the front of the Shivata. The ignorant soldier was killed by more than 10,000 people on the first day by the artillery of Sargeras.

At the front of the crater-heavy front, General Sargera walked in the trench wearing a dirty uniform. He had no air force or navy, but had to rely on fortifications to block his opponents. To this end, he deployed the troops at multiple levels on the land side of the Shivata Port, focusing on using gunfire to prevent the enemy from approaching.

To the west of Mexico City is a complex terrain of hills with poor traffic conditions and few and narrow roads. After mastering more than 50,000 reinforcements, General Sargeras cancelled his plan to rush to Mexico City to kill him. He hoped to build a base on the back of the port of Sivata.

"Backing up to the sea, I don't worry about being copied by the back road, and I can still get support through the sea. I do not occupy this place is a dead end." General Sargerasa is still a bit of a military character, he has decided that regardless of fame and fortune Fight for Mexico.

"Go tell the commander of the government army that you don't want to be killed by my artillery, so don't break into my defensive position. With their current level of training and the commanding ability of the officers, they will also be killed if they run up, don't kill the tyrant Now. "

There are only a few roads that can attack Shivata. As long as they are blocked by heavy artillery, it is difficult to break through without air support. General Sargerasa looked at the government soldiers who were killed by artillery.

With more than 50,000 troops, His Excellency General feels that he is not weak. However, just as he felt that his opponent should be hit hard, the new troops came to his position again.

The frontier sentry sent by the 'Rebel Army' was sent back, and it was reported that the troops directly under the dormant regiment had been sent up.

"Legion directly under the regiment? What's the name?" General Sargera could not help but be nervous, he knew what the government army was like, but he knew that the troops under the regiment were not easy to mess with. Even if they are also Mexicans, the legion's combat effectiveness is much higher.

"I don't know. It should not be the elite at the beginning of the" guards. "The sentry sent back provided little information. So the general could only send more troops to investigate, and the information was quickly returned.

The enemy is the first division of the legion. This is a mixed army, Cubans, Mexicans, Chinese and even South Americans. Spanish is commonly spoken in the army, and it is said that it has just completed three months of recruit training. Now it feels like a small test.

The first division of the Legion built a starting camp in a valley 50 kilometers away from Shivata, and along the road step by step built forward attack positions and logistics containment medical sites. This prudence alone is much better than the government army that had previously killed without a brain.

The positions are well established. This infantry division does not follow the path, but advances over the mountains in the form of light infantry, occupying commanding heights one after another. He even transported the artillery to the hill by helicopter to build artillery positions.

After everything was ready, the division started playing simple rifle coordination tactics. After two days of tentative fights, General Sargerasa yelled in his command: "Are these **** training me?"

The first division was very conservative. Each attack was a group attack under the cover of artillery fire. Each battle is also like a textbook. They retreat slightly if they are not right, and reorganize and attack again.

From the battlefield organization, position building, field maneuver, artillery support, a series of subjects will be drilled one by one. This is a real battle, and you have to kill yourself without paying attention. So the officers and men of the First Division were very serious, very, very seriously.

"Asshole!" Facing this style of play, General Sargerasa trapped in the port of Shivata felt that he was humiliated greatly.

These two days of artillery battles were very fierce, and several forward positions of the 'Rebel Army' were almost plowed. The first division opposite each time was an artillery raid plus an infantry attack, and if it was cheap, it was taken away, and if it was not taken, it was withdrawn. Can't withdraw, the other party depends on ...

The long-range M7 tactical missile can remotely kill the artillery positions of the 'Rebel Army', and then dispatch a helicopter to withdraw the trapped troops. By the way, the first division also uses helicopters to transport the wounded, and the death rate of the wounded is very low. After easy recovery, it can become a veteran.

After playing for a few days, General Sargerasa felt that the opponent was getting better and better in the coordination of the artillery. From the beginning, he only organized one regiment attack to three regiments to cooperate with the attack.

The grieving General Sargerasa also tried to fight back, and he would have to bite off a piece of meat from the opponent. To this end, he even put a rare armored unit in his hand to fight the tank.

As a result, the opponent rejoiced to exercise a successive resistance, artillery fire blocked the enemy, and finally a wave of air-ground coordinated counterattacks. The battle was rejoicing and more and more handy.

Fighting like this for a week, General Sargeras has been crazy. Watching the loss of the frontier troops, he gritted his teeth and prepared a counterattack for his opponent. However, the first infantry division on the opposite side was changed to repair and summarize the experience and lessons, and a second infantry division directly under the regiment came.

Continue to play ..., and start again with rifle coordination and air-ground coordination.

This is a real dog ...

The casualties of the 'Rebel Army' were not significant, and their opponents lost up to 1,000 people. But the army's troops can be withdrawn and repaired. One of General Sargerasa's troops managed to gain some experience, but had to switch to another army due to fatigue issues ~ www.readwn.com ~ So many times, the Legion was forming five All the infantry divisions pulled out of the rounds. After the last five divisions were trained, the Army even launched multiple divisions from multiple fronts to conduct army-level cooperative operations.

The low-intensity fighting has greatly improved the newly formed troops of the Legion. No matter whether they are grass-roots officers or senior commanders, they have all trained their experience points on the sharpening stone of the 'Rebel Army'.

At the beginning, General Sargerassa still confidently wanted to develop a base, but was exhausted by this uninterrupted battle. After the Corps had completed a group-level battle, all five divisions were withdrawn and repaired, only to give the ‘Rebel Army’ a breathing space.

After fighting for more than a month, the legionary forces surrounding Shivata finally left. The 'Rebel Army' trapped around the port has reached the point where it has almost run out of food. Its personnel have been consumed from more than 50,000 to less than 20,000. The combat forces have almost been exhausted, leaving only logistics and auxiliary personnel.

At this time, the army sent a mockery, "General Sargerasa, you can ask your allies for support. The sea blockade has been released, and we will give you a week to get supplies. If this is not possible, we can provide some food and Weapons and ammunition.

The next war forecast, the three most elite brigades of our army will join the battle sequence, of which the newly formed third brigade of the guard appears for the first time. This is an experimental unit we have formed to adapt to the future large-scale armored warfare. I hope you can cooperate and help them sharpen one or two. "

He was very modest, but he was very loud.

When General Sargerasa received the message, he was so angry that he scolded the table: "This is a battle of life and death, how can these **** tease people?" 898) More exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school

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