Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1690: Brush experience

Shivata, the suburbs.

The building was shattered and shattered by artillery, and only a few low walls were still standing alone in the rubble pile. Behind the low wall, a mechanized class led by Sun Shaoyang is on alert.

The round of battles with the 'Rebel Army' entered the second phase. The five newly formed infantry divisions have been well trained here. The next step is to have three guard brigades who have just completed the expansion and formation to come here to experience experience.

These things of tactical coordination can actually be well practiced on the training field, especially the three guard brigades are basically reloaded and not very suitable for the mountainous terrain around Sivata. However, the regiment sent infantry from the Guards Brigade to combat, all for the purpose of training.

No matter how good the exercise is, it is very difficult to practice courage. Only by walking in a real gun can you realize what it means to be calm and calm-the army has been expanding and there are too many recruits. Many soldiers are fine in training, and they scurry around as soon as they enter the battlefield.

Sun Shaoyang's mission today is to stand behind a low wall for 24 hours. One day, one night, it seems very simple, but the whole class is currently nervous to death, because the 'Rebel Army' is not a weak chicken now.

There is a rumor on the front line that the soldiers of the northern 'Mexu Front' have been drugged, and their technical and tactical levels are not bad. Except for their stay, they were totally qualified infantry. This is much better than the soldiers of the Mexican government, and it is not easy to take advantage of the opponent.

Moreover, in the previous round of battle, the troops of the Legion were trained, and the soldiers and officers who survived the 'Rebel Army' became extremely capable. Being able to survive the fire and blockade for more than a month, no matter who completes these feats, it will become difficult to mess with.

"Squad leader, there is movement to the east," a soldier whispered, "just across from us."

Nine people in Sun Shaoyang's class are scattered in a range of about 20 to 30 meters in diameter. Don't look at the quietness in the ruins. In fact, the crisis is perilous, and the enemy is ambushing without knowing that place. Everyone didn't want to cause trouble, they just wanted to spend 24 hours peacefully in the ruins of the city.

And in this seemingly dangerous place, anyone needs to be vigilant. Upon hearing his reports, Sun Shaoyang immediately moved his cat a few steps around his waist, poked his head slightly through a gap in the wall, narrowed his eyes and retracted.

To the east of the low wall is a street full of construction waste. After just glancing at it like this, Sun Shaoyang saw someone rushing down with a gun and low waist, "Damn, the rebels came up again. Maybe two A three-man battle group, something nasty like a bug. "

General Sargerasa originally commanded the guerrilla guerrillas. His ability to fight positions was average, and he could master the infiltration tactics of the squadron very well. He has now given up field battles and engaged in street fighting or guerrilla warfare.

Sun Shaoyang hates street fighting. The enemy's appearance within ten meters is too terrible. Human nerves are always tense, and the equipment advantage cannot be exerted at all. Now when he encounters the enemy's combat team, the first thing he does is call for fire support.

"Deputy Officer, call the mortars in Lien and let them fire a few rounds towards Thirty Meters east of Position 52. By the way, remind the grandchildren of Turtles not to hit us." Sun Shaoyang shouted in his intercom. Road.

The deputy was in charge of a machine gun group and two riflemen on a broken building floor twenty meters behind Sun Shaoyang. []

The original mechanized infantry equipped heavy machine gun of the Guards Brigade, but soldiers complained about the so-called world's lightest heavy machine gun, especially the shooting accuracy of its rotten home.

As a result, these heavy machine guns were handed over to the Mexican government army. The army group changed the four-person heavy machine gun group into two double light machine gun groups equipped with 80-type general machine guns. The ‘80 Zero ’is good. The problem is that there is no need for precision in street fights, but the penetrating power of large-caliber projectiles is particularly needed.

"I'm nostalgic now." Sun Shaoyang was thinking about it, and a few cannonballs flew over his head and smashed into the ruins to the east.

Seeing the rising smoke and dust, Sun Shaoyang cursed to the deputy on the radio: "I knew that the tortoise grandsons in the artillery platoon would be distorted. They were to the left ...

After the shell exploded, the opponent was shocked, and Sun Shaoyang saw five or six armed men alternately advancing and covering each other suddenly behind the street to the east. He turned around and shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Activate one to six bursts to the east, and the enemy will come up at least one platoon."

A soldier scrambled for a detonator. This was an anti-infantry mine originally set up outside the position and buried under the rubble. The mine was set to detonate by wire, and it exploded soon after startup. The flying steel **** quickly swept down the first two enemies that rushed up.

Soon after seeing the enemy soldiers who were not afraid of rushing up in the explosive smoke, Sun Shaoyang cursed immediately: "He meows, I let the six start."

The soldier behind was so sweaty that he kept pressing the button of the detonator and shouted, "Six are activated, but only two exploded."

There were many thieves in the smoke, and they were not afraid of death. Some people also shouted the slogan ‘for Mexico’ and so on, just a distance of twenty meters and came up in one breath.

The machine gun group under the control of the squad opened fire immediately, and the bulging bullets swept into a barrage, knocking down several enemies in front of Sun Shaoyang. The enemies behind him immediately lay down and rummaged for cover, and threw up a few grenades.

A grenade exploded right next to Sun Shaoyang. The air wave rolled over him and covered him with a layer of soil. Waiting for the dizziness of his head to pass, he wanted to raise his gun to fire, but found that he could not lift his arm.

Looking at the bleeding on his arm, Sun Shaoyang could not care about bandaging. With his other hand, he pulled out a pistol and slammed it a few times. Then he saw the soldier who operated the detonator behind him hurriedly passed him, one fell to the ground and inserted an anti-infantry mine in front of the front.

‘This is facing the enemy’.

The soldiers arbitrarily arranged the arc mines, quickly plugged in the initiation wire and retracted. The mine was less than three meters in front of Sun Shaoyang, and he heard the mine's soldiers shout as he climbed over him, "Squad leader, bow your head."

With mines inserted so close, it's easy to kill yourself ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sun Shaoyang has no time to scold, and he can't get his head into the soil, so he feels the surrounding area shaking. The exploding mine blasted hundreds of steel **** and sprayed forward, while the air pressure in Sun Shaoyang's ears changed dramatically, his brain buzzed, and the sky turned round and round. He passed out.

The two machine gun groups in the squad fired at the same time, and the deputy led someone to drag Sun Shaoyang back. A few minutes after the first aid, Sun Shaoyang opened his eyes to see the sky still bright in the smoke, and asked, "I'm not dead?"


"Have we survived twenty-four hours?"

"Dream." The deputy watched Sun Shaoyang wake up, lit a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, and let out a sigh of relief: "We haven't been in the field for less than ten hours. You were only slightly injured by the monitor, after you got the treatment needle Not even qualified to go down. "

Sun Shaoyang was frustrated at once: "This is actually a low-intensity battle. I already feel like I can't survive it. Is it that everyone is a cannon fodder with high intensity? Is there any good news you can tell me?"

"We just repelled an enemy's platoon attack, and the Resistance retreated. Seven or eight people retreated. Our recruits performed well today, although there were a few minor injuries, they were still able to persist. But it was dark It is said that the fighting at night is more difficult. "

"He's meowing **** news. Who on earth wants us to come to the front line to experience it?"

"I want to start, it is our emperor."

"Damn emperor."

"Hahaha ........., when you were a Mexican girl learning Spanish, you said that your Majesty is coming."

"You idiot, I'm obviously a Cuban girl this time. As long as I'm alive, I have to soak up girls from all countries in the Americas."

"Squad, you still die." 21032.

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