Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1712: 'loan'

Before entering the black market town, Tony Parker had no idea how big the 'free trade' impact of the Aurora Army was? He only felt that there must be a lot of oil and water, and this oil and water was unilaterally composed of commodities provided by the Aurora Corps.

However, after knowing "Thief Bruto" and other powerful local players, Tony Parker was the only one who knew that the original purchase of the Aurora Corps also contained extremely amazing benefits.

The black market town is in the southeast of Boise. The boss of Bruto really got rich by blocking roads. When Shangluo was cut off and no one could grab it, he could only occupy one of the towns, but after the Aurora Corps opened a large number of purchase orders, he immediately discovered the business opportunities.

It is too tiring and troublesome to engage in agriculture and mining, and picking up garbage is much simpler. Bruto wanted to join hands with other small towns around him and press the Aurora Army to accept their terms. The leaders of more than a dozen small towns joined forces, and there are also tens of thousands of people.

Look at the strong soldiers and strong foundations, and think about the arrogance of more than a hundred people to be robbers. Tony Parker suddenly felt his pride of pride was too ridiculous.

"'One ear'."

At night, the offensive and defensive alliance was negotiated, and Bruto's boss became more confident in the sale of monopoly scrap purchases. He called Tony Parker the next day and assigned several other men to explore the road in Boise. It is said that there should be help inside.

Tony Parker has fallen to this tragic state, and he can't listen to the boss's order. Not only did his off-road vehicle run out of oil, it was also confiscated, leaving him alone to starve to death.

At the departure, the companion with earrings accompanied Tony Parker. This guy's nickname is 'Earrings'. At first glance, he is also an old bandit. When he looks like an ordinary person, he is really cruel. The group of two drove out of the black market town and drove down the road to Boise.

"What are we going to Boise?" Tony Parker asked after hitting the road.

"Go see the situation." ‘Earrings’ did n’t say.

‘Earrings’ drove but did n’t go directly to Boise. He stopped in many towns along the way, and inquired about wherever he went to ensure the safety of the road. After passing five or six towns, it was discovered that one of the town's people was celebrating.

"What are the people here?" Tony Parker sat in the car and looked outside strangely. The people in the town sang and danced during the day, grabbing beer and drinking, and even the passerby was stuffed with a bottle.

"I don't know." ‘Earrings’ shameful, and got out of the car to find out the news.

Tony Parker looked at "Tsingtao Beer" with the English logo on his hand. He pulled off the ring and drank a sip into his mouth, which was not very suitable for American habits. But beer is still in short supply. Even if it is made privately, the price is prohibitively expensive.

"Do you make a lot of money in the business?" Tony Parker asked loudly to the person who had stopped him.

Several people in the town shouted in a loud voice, "Yes, we are making a fortune. We have obtained an agricultural loan from the Aurora Corps, and we can resume normal life."

Agricultural loans? Aurora Corps?

After a closer inspection, I learned that Aurora Bank really issued loans in North America, and mainly in agriculture. Idaho's agriculture is very developed. This is the 'Potato State' in the United States. However, the legion ’s demand for potatoes is not great, so farmers here began to grow wheat.

Zhou Qingfeng cleared out the real world grower's Chen Hualiang. These vacancies need to be filled. However, the food for the flower farmer had to be imported for a long time, so he simply supported the North American farmers in the wasteland to engage in agriculture.

There are too many tracts of farmland in North America, and experienced agricultural populations are the easiest to survive. They are good at mechanized production, and dozens of people can plant tens of thousands of acres. Agricultural machinery can be used after a repair, pesticides and fertilizers can be purchased from the Aurora Corps, and the market is even more worrying.

After questioning, Tony Parker learned that hundreds of thousands of acres of land near this town are now all planted with wheat, and all harvests will be underwritten by the Legion. There are only three or four thousand people in the town, and the sale of agricultural products will bring huge wealth, so that they can casually stuff beer with strangers.

"Long live Your Majesty Hugo!"

A man jumped onto the roof of a truck and shouted loudly as he raised the wine bottle. Underneath, a large group of white men shouted eagerly for Victor Hugo's name. The people in the town were almost intoxicated and almost insane. This scene is too weird, but with some kind of necessity.

Tony Parker was stunned at the scene, because it was not only this town that got the loan to develop agriculture. He saw a newspaper plugged in by the townspeople, which clearly stated ‘Aurora Bank ’s support for agricultural recovery in North America will provide trillions of dollars of Aurora currency loans. ’

This 'Aurora Loan' project immediately won the same cheers in North America. Local newspapers in North America even praised Victor Hugo with the praise of God, and bluntly called him the savior.

Such naked shameless farts have been echoed by the community, and no one feels that there is anything wrong with such a title.

The newspaper also saw the Aurora Loan as the North American version of the Marshall Plan. Tony Parker's history is not good. I don't know what the ‘Marshall Plan’ is.

According to the praise in the newspapers, post-World War II Europe can be revived under the 'Marshall Plan', and North America can also be revived under the 'Aurora Loan'. Getting a loan is like getting a ticket to board the Noah's Ark, and you can return to a happy life out of the bitter sea.

Right now, the town is celebrating because of the loan approval. The townspeople buy a few trucks of beer and drink it. There is land, machinery, fertilizers, good seeds, and an experienced agricultural population. A bright future can already be expected .

The joy of the townspeople even infected Tony Parker. For the first time, he envied so many people shouting names and praising his favorite Victor Hugo. What he has been pursuing is such a face-to-face life, which is a great achievement in life!

After drinking the beer in his hands, Tony Parker is waiting to hear the news of ‘earrings’ coming back. The old gangster didn't have any joy. He even closed the door heavily when he got on the car. The loud noise represented his inner anger.

"What happened?" Tony Parker was surprised. "People in this town got a loan. Can we get a loan too?"

"We? We can't get this kind of support loan." ‘Earrings’ started the off-road vehicle, turned the steering wheel to drive away from the agricultural town, UU Kanshu www.uukanashu. He complained resentfully: "Do you think the Aurora Corps is stupid? This kind of loan is only for honest people, not for gangsters like us.

Do you know why Bruto wants to recruit you? Because he is really a wanted criminal, there is a huge reward on his head. Just like you, Tony Parker, don't think we don't recognize who you are? You are also a notorious villain, stop dreaming of returning to normal society. "

The scolded 'earrings' made Tony Parker startled for a while, and then extremely frustrated. The joy just disappeared in his mind, and he was thinking about it, even afraid.

Consistently willful, regardless of the consequences, he really regretted this time, regretting his behavior of running away from home this time. No one rubbed his **** this time, and it was too expensive.

And 'Earrings' scolded while driving, "Fuck the Aurora Corps, who do this, who else would like to do it with us? In the town just farmed, there are several people who fled from the boss of Bruto. Really let the army Take root here and there will be no place for us. "

Some people like it, and some hate it. Obviously an old bandit like 'earrings' will do everything to trouble the Aurora Corps. Tony Parker, who was in the car with him, was in a daze, a look of wonder, wondering what was in his mind?

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