Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1713: Economic colonization

The production capacity of the Aurora Corps is really high.

The Aurora Corps has a big appetite.

After more than two years of miserable life with scarce supplies, people in the wasteland have a lot of excitement for the abundant supply of goods. After a few hard days, Tony Parker also began to really realize how terrible and rare the Aurora Legion can be.

However, the "earrings" accompanying him now have no such idea. This old bandit was an urban poor in the past, and now he is accustomed to hard work and can never return to a civilized world. He only knew that the expansion of the Legion had compressed his living space, and he kept cursing the Legion and the Brotherhood.

"You must give a lesson to the Aurora Corps and let them know who is the real owner of this land?" This is the phrase that goes back and forth in the mouth of ‘earrings’.

"Thief Bruto" Neiying is an official of a brotherhood in Boise. Since 'Earrings' was also a wanted criminal, it was inconvenient to show up, so he sent Tony Parker to connect with each other.

The joints are located in the newly opened lumber yard in Boise, where trucks and trucks carry a large amount of timber to rough processing. These trucks can carry loads of tens of tons and hundreds of tons at all times, driving along the road and constantly pressing the ground to shake, raising huge dust.

Tony Parker avoids the rumbling truck and walks into the gate of the yard, only to find a scene of intense work inside. Thousands of workers are busy.

The crane was moving the wood, the noise of the sawing machine made the ears hurt, and the sawdust piled up like a hill. The workers are as diligent as ants.

After asking a few workers, Tony Parker found the manager of the yard. The other party handed him a hand-drawn document and urged: "Let your boss move quickly, don't delay. Otherwise, this may not be possible."

"What can't be done?"

"Damage in Boise."

"Why won't it work?"

Tony Parker asked two questions, and the manager of the log yard stared at him like a fool, pointing to the workers working outside his office after a short while, saying, "Don't you feel it? The Aurora Corps is controlling North America and it's fast beyond imagination."

While talking, the yard manager also poked at Tony Parker's chest to strengthen his momentum of speaking. Tony Parker was startled by his lightning-quick gesture, stunned.

The manager continued: "Did you see my yard? Do you know how many people work here?"

Tony Parker shook his head.

The manager said with an extremely serious expression: "More than three thousand people. We are only one zone here, and then we have two and three zones. More and more people are working for the Aurora Army.

The purchasers of the Legion brought a box of Aurora coins, and when they opened the box, they could buy thousands of people to die for them. They used printed paper to buy everything from us. Wood is one of them. "

Idaho's logging industry is very developed. It produces white pine, yellow pine, Chinese fir, and cypress. Although it is not particularly valuable wood, the output is very large. Flower growers control logging. When a large number of imported wood, North America I am worried about more and more forestry resources.

Americans like to build wooden houses for no reason, because the wood here is too cheap.

Among the resources acquired by Zhou Qingfeng, wood is a large item. The Brotherhood of Iron and Steel is happy to see this happen, it is simply to find the head of the wrong to encourage the logging industry. It doesn't matter if the price is very low, there is so much wood anyway.

The most important thing is that this job has no technical content and anyone can do it. Low cost, quick results, large scale, simpler than mining, can easily solve the employment of dozens of millions of people. The only shortcoming is hard work, but this shortcoming does not seem to be a big problem at present.

A large amount of wood was cut down, and trucks transported it to the city's lumber yard for rough processing, and finally transported by rail to the port to Mexico.

These timbers will be hoarded together with other goods. After reaching a certain amount, they will be transported by Zhou Qingfeng to the real-world flower grower and become low-cost raw materials.

As another part of the transaction, Aurora Coins of the Legion were paid to the woodcutter of the wasteland. The workers will use these currencies to purchase goods from the real-world growers. It is absolutely satisfactory to eat and drink Lhasa.

Perfect trade cycle.

However, the manager of the logging yard was distressed by this and really hated to chant a few times. Sooner or later, we will become a pure raw material production place, and no longer a strong United States. '

Tony Parker pouted and didn't quite understand what the manager said. The other party took out a beautifully printed Aurora coin from his pocket, kneaded and squeezed it, and threw it on the ground, stepping on it, and scolded him.

"This thing was issued by the devil. It is exploiting us, eroding us, playing with us like vampires. We must resist the economic colonization of the Aurora Corps, otherwise we must become slaves of the Aurora Corps."

The righteousness spoken by the manager is astonishing, the image is brilliant, and he is simply a standard national fighter. It was just that he soiled and crumpled a hundred aurora coins, but picked it up again, patted it, flattened it, and drew it into his pocket.

Tony Parker said randomly: "Since this thing is so scary, why should you take it with you, isn't it good to throw it away?"

The manager immediately angered: "This is my money."

The Patriots also loved money, so Tony Parker had to roll his eyes.

The document given by the yard manager is a map showing the current key locations in the city of Boise. After all, everything was chaotic after the cataclysm, and no one pointed out that they would be lost when they introduced the city.

Tony Parker left the manager's office with the papers. He walked past the roaring sawmill at the lumberyard again, watching the workers sweating hard, inexplicably irritable.

Tony Parker is essentially a messy guy who likes to get into trouble and is very popular ~ www.readwn.com ~ He doesn't have much knowledge. After all, he has been in the senior level of the Brotherhood for more than two years. He has never seen pork run before eating pork. Although he didn't quite understand what the yard manager said, he also felt that the Legion was a threat.

This is an instinctive reaction from the perspective of the superior.

Neytoni Parker is no longer a superior, and he has made himself a cheapest junk by himself. Out of the gate of the yard, he went back to the car driven by 'Earrings' and repeated the words of the manager.

As a bandit's 'earring', he interpreted it from another angle. He reached out and pointed out the door of the yard. "Do you see people standing in line there? Those who want to work in the factory.

I don't know anything about economic colonization, but I know these people were still wandering about two months ago, still receiving meager relief from the Brotherhood, and fighting for a piece of ragged clothes. These people are now all around the Aurora Corps.

I don't quite understand why this happened, but it just happened, and it spread like an infectious disease. If the disease is fatal, it is best to stop it quickly, otherwise it will be too late. "

What this said was simple and clear, Tony Parker listened to him.

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