Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1929: Dragon Country

Potomac River, Washington DC.

With a big stroke of Zhou Qingfeng, the place was renamed, and it will be called 'Dragon City' from now on.

The SAR has been subjected to too many nuclear bombs and the building has been damaged. However, here in the past it was the capital of the United States. Various ancillary facilities, underground pipelines and even military buildings are very complete. Zhou Qingfeng decided to use this place as his own capital.

The Aurora Corps will be renamed 'Holy American Empire'. Now that the country has changed, the entire capital will naturally be rebuilt.

It can take too long to transform the entire city, and the founding ceremony and the emperor's ascension ceremony can't wait that old. At present, only the grass palace has been covered. Uncle Zhou ordered the original White House to be leveled. To build a house for yourself.

According to the habits of the Chinese emperor before and after bedtime, while taking into account the characteristics of Western architecture, a huge royal palace complex will soon rise from the original White House location.

In just five months, the Ministry of Construction of the Empire first built a series of halls to be used by Her Majesty to ascend the throne. Our Emperor Victor Hugo was in a daze in the office of his palace at this moment.

"Your Majesty, what are you thinking?" When Nova entered the Emperor's office, she saw Victor Hugo, who was dressed up, leaning against the window and looking at the garden outside.

As a contributor to the development of NTZ-50, Nova was registered as a 'Baroness'. In addition to her place in the Imperial Academy of Natural Sciences, she also has an honorary position as a 'court lady' in the palace. This is a special treatment that Zhou Qingfeng rewards to those who are close to him-no cost anyway.

Zhou Qingfeng turned his head and chuckled at Nova, who was wearing a modern court dress: "You look really nice and beautiful."

Nova's palace dress is gorgeous and elegant, showing a luxurious atmosphere. Low-cut, off-the-shoulder, waist-tied, skirts, and tassel fringed tops are particularly eye-catching.

"Thank you for the compliment, I also think it's a good body." Nova put her own skirt and smiled. "Everyone is busy preparing for your ceremony, but you're in a daze. Do you know Your queens and queens will be nervous to death one by one. "

"You can also get nervous." Zhou Qingfeng smiled in a double pun.

"No ...!" Nova chuckled and shook her head. "Your harem is already too many and too lively. I don't want to be your vassal. I would rather be independent forever."

Among the women around Her Majesty, Nova rarely refused to have an intimate relationship with him. The two were more friends, and Zhou Qingfeng felt very good about it. Their free and easy temperament fits well.

While chatting, the old Martin, the emperor's director, stepped in. He saw his Majesty talking to the Baroness and made a cough.

Nova felt that old Martin must be saying something special, and quickly took the skirt corner and said, "I think I need to avoid it."

"No no no ..., what can I do to avoid you?" Zhou Qingfeng felt that he had nothing to hide from Nova. After all, the other party knows all their bosses. He asked Old Martin, "What's the matter? Let's talk."

Old Martin has served as Zhou Qingfeng's steward since the city of Merida, and is now directly promoted to serve as an emperor's servant. During this period of time, he was full of energy and was almost thirty years younger.

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng insisting on talking openly, and then thinking about his cheeky emperor, the old Martin Shen Shenghui reported: "Regarding your plan to form a 'ethnic museum' in the concubine of the harem, I have specially selected some features. A show girl with great wisdom, body, and background ... "

Cough cough ... Uncle Zhou coughed like a seventy, eighty sick man, trying to cover up Martin's voice. Nova rolled her eyes and said disdainfully, "Your Majesty, do you still think your harem is too small?"

"What is this ..., you should think from another angle. I just want to make a small contribution to the eugenics of human beings. At present, the number of human populations has greatly decreased, which is not conducive to the development of social production, and 'more people 'Strong' is correct in a sense. "

Zhou Qingfeng was a serious bullshit. Nova kept laughing at him mockingly. After he talked nonsense, the court lady said cheerfully: "I want to write down your words in my memoirs. I do n’t have any money in the future and I can definitely sell them."

"Don't ... there's something to say, I'll give it to you when you have no money." His Majesty the emperor immediately persuaded, he also knew how to face.

"Ethnographic Museum?" Nova refused to let go of Her Majesty the Emperor easily, and she repeated the word, "I hope your Majesty's funding for biochemical research will not be too stingy, otherwise ... . "

Zhou Qingfeng suddenly became a bitter face.

Old Martin quickly siege to his emperor: "Your Majesty, the ascension ceremony is about to begin, you need to go to the main hall for the coronation ceremony, and accept the worship of guests and subjects from all countries."

In order to build a house for his ascension, Zhou Qingfeng poured out a lot of money. He took Nova along the luxurious palace corridors, followed by his guard in the main hall where he received worship from the monks.

The large main hall is already crowded, and Zhou Qingfeng is the last one to arrive. His people, his courtiers, his queen and concubine, as well as the guests who came to watch the ceremony were all present, and everyone was there. When he appeared in costume, the court ceremonial officer loudly announced the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor.

The grand music sounded, the rumble of cannons sounded, and the cheers of all people sounded. The sound of thunder sounded like a mountain tsunami, accompanied by the emperor. The queen and concubine followed behind His Majesty, enjoying this supreme glory together. Net starter

When the coronation ceremony began, Adams stepped forward from outside the main hall. He took the exquisite crown and walked to Zhou Qingfeng, who was at the top of the palace. This is also the glorious moment in his life.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to wear a crown on behalf of God. God will bless you, and you will rule this land under your feet." Adams was in his eighties, and he has managed to live to this day. He was happy for several days in order to complete the coronation of the Holy Emperor.

What a glorious honor to crown the emperors of the Americas!

History will record this feat.

Zhou Qingfeng stood up from his dragon chair ~ www.readwn.com ~ But he was a little bit upset about Adams coming to the crown, so he politely ordered: "Kneel down."


Adams, holding the crown, couldn't figure out which drama his emperor was going to play? Stunned.

"I said you knelt down on my knees and be respectful."

"Your Majesty, I have come to crown you on behalf of God."

"Well ... what about it? The rule of the dynasty was that monarchy was commanded by heaven, but did not say that it was commanded by God? This 'sky' represents the legitimacy brought by all my people, and it has nothing to do with God. So ... …, You just hold a crown and kneel down for me. ”

Uncle Zhou doesn't bird you what God is not God, he just wants Adams to kneel. The old teacher took a moment to bow, and his intestines were regretful—I knew this, why should I compete with the grandson of the patriotic Catholic Church for this crown errand?

Too shameful!

But Adams had to kneel on both knees, holding up the crown.

The people who attended the coronation were all surprised, which showed a significant position of ‘Holy America’. But Adams knelt down, who will crown the emperor? Could it be that the emperor wore himself a crown?

No ... our majesty is ingenious.

"Rachel, you come." Zhou Qingfeng turned back a little and said to his queen.

The glory that crowned the emperor fell on the queen, and Rachel, who was half a step behind Zhou Qingfeng, wept with joy. She was pregnant with Rokko, and her abdomen was swollen. When she heard the emperor's call, she quickly lifted her skirt and stepped forward. She took the crown from Adams and solemnly put it on her man.

When the crown symbolizing power was worn on the top of Zhou Qingfeng's head, exciting music resounded in the hall, and the cheering from one to the other never stopped-Long live, Long live, Long live the Emperor! Long live Divine America!

An unprecedented dragon kingdom has now appeared on the earth.

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