Rise of the Wasteland

: Wasteland Little Theater

Strike the last period, take the old road and sigh in his rented room. The Rise of Waste Land, which took nearly two years, is finally over. This book is his work of turning over the salted fish. He wrote seven books in five years, but it's overwhelming.

"I have to rest, I have to play games, I have to sleep every day!" I screamed and screamed and vented the depression of my heart for years. I just felt a lot of hard work and wasn't in vain—when he was the worst, he almost Run desperately to be a security guard. Fortunately, others did not want him.

Suddenly, someone patted him on the shoulder while shouting. He looked back, and Zhou Qingfeng emerged out of his kennel room.

"Hmm ...? Why are you at my house?"

"I came to take refuge."

"You are the emperor and you are going to open the 'Ethnographic Museum'. What are you trying to avoid?"

"Isn't it hurt by you? You can write so many women to me, but you can do so many taboo matches for your own bad taste. My harem is now rebelling every day, and I can't live."

Hearing the emperor's complaint, he took the counter refusal and said, "Don't you be in the blessing without knowing the blessing? Look at me, I write you out, and I'm still stingy."

Zhou Qingfeng looked at the rotten computer and broken table that used to code words, and nodded, "Your environment is really worse, but it will be better in the future. I'll tell you, your next book ..." "

Just now mentioning the next book, Zhou Qingfeng suddenly became excited and jumped out of the window in front of Tong Tiao.

"There is a security window ..., fuck! You pay me for a security window." Chase all the way to the window, and I can't see the emperor who jumped out. As he looked around, the two women whispered behind him and asked loudly, "Where did you hide that sao pig?"

When Zhou Qingfeng turned back, he saw Rachel and Anji glaring at him.

"How come the two of you ran out? Why are you so angry? Wait ... that's my table, don't take it apart! Oops, don't hit anyone, there's something to say. Injustice, debt With the Lord, aren't you looking for Zhou Qingfeng? "

The wife, mother, and daughter took the table off the legs and took the meal together. It was a violent meal, and they yelled while yelling, "You are the one who is worse than Victor's saucy pig. If it weren't for you, our mother There aren't so many things between them. "

Ah ..., ah ..., screamed a few times and begged for mercy: "You queen and queen, such a happy life of a family, are also recorded in history after a hundred years. Is it not beautiful to be passed on to the next generation? "

"Miss you, what do you think of our mother and daughter? The whole book was joke, and you were all hurt. You can't find Victor's bad guy, and pack you today."

Rachel and Angie finally got tired of their efforts before they stopped, and chased Zhou Qingfeng again. All-in-one was beaten, and a crying face rose from the ground. Before he wiped his nosebleeds, he looked up and saw several women standing silently in front of him.

"Wow, you ..." Zhou Qingfeng felt that his heart disease was about to be frightened. "Can you make a noise when you appear? It's easy to get neurotic."

Five women, Yuan Mei, Feng Wan, Xu Rong, Li Minghuan, and Xu Yun appeared this time. All of them looked at Tongxian with anger, and their weird eyes straightened at Tongxian. He shouted quickly: "Don't think you are women and you can bully me, but I will fight back."

Yuan Mei first came out and sneered and asked, "Who is bullying who? It is you who bullied our sisters."

"You are also one of the princesses. What is lacking in status and power? What are you dissatisfied with?" All-in-one argued.

Yuan Mei Leng snorted, "I was a good family, and I was broken up by you asshole. You also call it a fool. You wrote me such a stupid thing."

Feng Wan and Xu Rong also said dissatisfied: "Our two sisters are unlucky. When they appear, two women meet each other to see a man. Have you ever seen such a thing in the world? And we have also appeared in a roll, and the vase is behind . "

Li Mingxuan also scolded angrily: "Even if you write Rong Rong, why do you write me out? How can I be a man in the future?"

"And me." Xu Yun also stared at Take All. "I was a big star when I played, but I didn't do anything at all. I'm not even as good as a vase."

The five women finally argued together: "take-all, what do you write about so many women?"

"I ... I slipped a bit, too." Take All helplessly said: "I don't have an outline of this book, where can I think of where to write it. It is a blessing to be able to write more than 4 million words. I promise the next There will never be so many women in this book. "

With this remark, Zhou Qingfeng's shout came from the distance, "No, write more. I can hold it."

"You can hold it, I can't hold it." All-in went to the window and wanted to see Her Majesty hide there. As a result, the first five women stepped on his head and jumped out of the window, looking for trouble with that saucy pig.

Waiting for the five women to leave, taking a long sigh, "It's too scary, my life is almost gone. I won't write so many women in the future."

"Really?" A voice came from outside the bedroom.

Shocked at all, he rushed over to close the door and locked it, and shouted: "There is no one in the house. If you want to see Zhou Qingfeng, please go outside."

With a bang, the door of the room was collapsed directly, and it fell down with all-take-all, pressing him to the ground and screaming constantly. Catalina stood outside the door, slowly putting away her violent biochemical thigh.

Lena Fox walked on the small door to the fallen door, and lowered her head and asked, "Take it all, do you know how I feel now?"

"Miss fox, please forgive me. I'm good enough for you." Take-all stretched out a slap under the door, trembling with pain.

"Oh ... I wonder how you treat me well?" Lena Fox asked.

"I didn't want to write about you at first, it was a temporary plus a character and a stage show. Later I felt that I was still lucky, so you became one of the heroines."

"Is it ...? I really want to thank you." Lena Fox asked for a long tone, but turned sharply and asked sharply: "I worked so hard in your book, why do you want to give the Queen's place? To Rachel? In terms of popularity, I'm not as good as her? "

"Uh ... because I like blondes and big tits. Rachel's chest is bigger than you." All-in tells the truth.

"What? It's because of this." Miss Fox was petite and immediately furious when she heard this. Standing on the door panel, she kept stomping and jumping, calling for help from the pantomime underneath. "Just because my chest is small, you won't let me be a queen?"

Waiting for Miss Fox to step on enough, the fierce girl Caterina came up again and asked, "So why can't I be a queen? I have a big breast."

"Ahhhhhhh ..." Being weighed by the weight of hundreds of kilograms of the fierce girl, eating all this is considered to be suffering. He shouted bitterly below: "The widow is in trouble, and the widow likes his wife. Is it okay for me to change this book? Let me go."

This time, it was replaced by Miss Fox and Huanniu, who stepped on the door and tried to spit blood for three liters.

After waiting for the two unreasonable women to leave, they lay on the ground for a while and then got up. But when he got up, he found himself surrounded by a circle of women again.

Jenny took her daughters Anna, Nancy, Sarah's family of five, Mirta, Valena, Irene, and Ellie, and everyone watched all together.

Take a look at this posture, and immediately cried with a headache: "Rape, queen concubines. This book is finished, and it is useless for you to ask me again. I have arranged a good ending for you as much as possible. . "

Jenny chuckled. "I thought I was a bit heavy."

Nancy sighed, "I also looked very personal at the beginning."

The five members of the Sarah family were most dissatisfied. "Anyway, you guys are still here, but we are there for h. We are unlucky."

Mirta snorted a few times, "Victor once called Xiaotian Tian, ​​but turned around and almost forgot me. What is this setting?"

Valina had a fierce look with her arms in her arms. "You changed my settings many times, and finally wrote me as a bottomless pit for dissatisfaction. You are so shameless."

The twin sisters also sighed: "We are so cute and so cute, but you have kept us two hard-working thugs. This is too unfair."

A group of women finally said in unison: "Take it all, won't your conscience hurt?"

"I don't have a conscience." All-in went out. "You weren't originally planned, so your shows weren't enough. Why did Rachel become the queen? Because she was originally intended to be the hostess."



"Shameless fun."


"It's disgusting."

The woman also had no choice but to eat all around, and violently beat him again and left.

After all the calculations, I knew that the harem girls had gone. He felt that he was having the most trouble, and wanted to go to the bathroom to wash his nosebleed after being beaten. Waiting for him to step out of the door, he found that someone was waiting for him.

"Hi all-take mulberry, hello." A young girl stood at the door with a beautiful woman, and an obscene middle-aged stared at Tong-tong with an angry look behind her.

People who are frightened by taking all the food want to turn around and run away, but they can't avoid running back to the bedroom. They can only bite their heads and look carefully in the future.

It is the Hashimoto family in Japan.

"Uh ... what are you doing?"

"Take mulberry, why didn't you write my mother and me into the harem of Zhou Qingfeng, we have been looking forward to it for a long time, but you are too disappointing."

"There are really too many people in the harem, and ..." I took a look at Hashimoto Ichiro who followed him. "And your homeowners are still there. If you write, I'm so sorry."

"The harem can't get in, we really can't accept it. Please think of a way."

"No way, the books are over."



"Our mother and daughter can play, please."

"No, no, I'm a man with a bottom line."

"Eat all mulberries, you probably fed your dogs with martial arts. Still ... as long as you are willing to go out, we are willing to pay some price."

"Wait, what are you doing? Don't take off your clothes casually. If I was seen, I couldn't wash it when I jumped into the Yellow River. I'm innocent, I'm an upright person."

"Take mulberry, you say no, your body is honest."

Ding Dong Ding Dong ...

All-in, half-pushing and half-pushing shouted, "Someone in the door shouted," All-in, you have your express delivery. "

"Wait a minute, I'll get a courier. You wait in bed, and I'll be right back. Mr. Ichiro, please don't wait. This is a private matter between you and your wife and daughter. I don't want others to watch. You want understanding."

All the trousers were taken off, and Pidian Pidian ran to open the door with his trousers. As a result, the door opened and a bang sounded. The anti-theft iron door fell down and pressed him down again. A special police officer in uniform swarmed in with a ticket.

"Have you made a mistake? I'm a good man, how can I break into my house like this?" Muttered Tongtong.

Waiting for the special police to be controlled throughout the room, Xiao Jinlang with a serious expression walked in from the outside, "Is it all right? Our Guoan has been looking for you for a long time. You have leaked the country's top secret without authorization, which has brought great damage to our diplomatic work Trouble, your sin is too great. "

Several special policemen lifted up all-in-all and struggled all-in-all: "Is there anything wrong? I am good for the country and I am not guilty of the nation. If it weren't for me, Lao Xiao's daughter would be an unnamed" national security officer " Not to mention the identity of an empress in the harem of the emperor. "

"So I would like to thank you for that?" Long-legged sister Yu Yi appeared with frost on her face. "You ignored my existence for a long time, and you didn't give me a name until you finally couldn't help it. You also made Rachel a queen, and that's why I'm going to pack you up."

Chasing his neck angrily, "Who told you not to give me processing money? You still have to grab me. This year there are not many such" * "avatars, so let me go."

Xiao Jinlang sneered sneerly: "Let you go? Dream it. From now on we will all stare at you, supervise you, spur you, write books well and write more quickly to satisfy the spirit of the people Cultural needs. As for the others ... don't get distracted. "

Kyoko and Hashimoto Nana's mother and daughter are lying naked on the bed, but now Zhou Qingfeng can only watch them driven away. Also driven away were Helena from the United States and Ai Jielin from France, all of whom were protagonists who wanted to increase the drama and were unavailable.

All-in was taken into his bedroom and claimed not to write enough 10,000 words a day. His tearful, heartbroken knocked door shouted, "Let me out, I'm going to experience life in the Red Light District, I need inspiration to create, I'm an elegant literati, and I need the nourishment of love."

"Don't knock, we still want to settle accounts with you."

Take All is smashing the door, and suddenly a cold chill appears behind him.

Fernando, Nito, Governor Alfonso, Professor Arenzo, President Diago Zombie, Fedro, Guo Jiaming. The seven wasteland eggs appeared together, and the anger was soaring.

"I grab Rachel and you let Victor run around."

"I managed to be a president, and I was still a puppet."

"I hung up after a few chapters, and then you asked a fake to raise me for me?"

"The ntz project is mine. As a result, I didn't get any benefit. It was all cheap Victor's bad boy."

"I've been a zombie since I played. Why don't you let me die?"

"I was unlucky from the beginning to the end, and I had no luck. You have always written me as a clown."

"You wrote me as a soft-sick and disgusting character. In the end, I used my life to embody the fierceness of the protagonist. You are too bad."

The unlucky seven-member group would encircle all-encompassing condemnation. All-encompassing could only hit the door and call for help: "Let me out, let me out. You can't pit me like this."

As soon as the bedroom door was opened, he ate all the way to the toilet. He decided to stay in the toilet rather than go back to the bedroom. Who knew that when the door of the toilet opened, there were a bunch of turbans, robes, ak in hand, and a beard with explosives around his waist.

"We are embarrassed to take all the food without being religious or dying."

"For seventy-two raisins, eat all the chrysanthemums."

"What is our slogan? 'Foolishness is power.'"

The beards in the toilet turned their heads to take a look at all-taken food, and rushed to kill him. All-in-one was frightened and quickly closed the toilet door, holding on to the people inside. Who knows a few swipes, the wooden door of the toilet was split open with a few machetes.

At this time of crisis, sarcoma covered, ugly Marco Shi came up with a flesh bone. Chase quickly shouted: "Big guy, hurry up and help."

Marco Shi was very happy. He put his flesh and bones on his waist and flew a few hundred bullets in the direction of the toilet with six tubes of Gatling. He immediately drew out the turban bearded man.

All was shocked, and Marco was helped.

"Take it all, you wrote me well, and I'm satisfied. Would you like some meat to supplement the nutrition? I grilled it myself." Marco Shi stuffed his meat and bones with Tone.

"Thank you, I can't eat it." There is an appetite there for all-in, and I don't want to eat it at all. Instead, he asked, "Where is your flesh and bones? Looks like ~ www.readwn.com ~ like a human thigh, right?" Marco said.

Hmm ..., twitching the stomach and vomiting.

"Hahaha ... this is the leg of lamb." Marco Shi patted the shoulder of All-In-One. "Your IQ is actually not as good as mine, so easily fooled."

Being ridiculed by a mutant, it was extremely depressing. When he took it easy, he found Tony Parker and Dania standing in front of him. The two stared at Tong-Tong and said nothing, just staring at them was shocking.

Enemies have a narrow road!

"Hehe, hehe ..." Just laughed twice, and turned away. As a result, he slammed his head against a tall, strong two-headed monster, David Lawrence.

'David Lawrence' was full of anger and yelled like a sullen thunder. "Take it all through, do you know how much damage you have done to me? Do you think I sliced ​​you? Or eat it raw? ? "

"It's all for the manuscripts, and I don't want to do that either." Tong Tiao wailed, "Help, who will help me ?!"

Zhou Qingfeng came up again and shouted at Tongchi: "Will you still let me be the protagonist in the next book? If you let me be the protagonist, I will come to your rescue."

"Jean Jean ..." All-in-one even said three times, "Save me out quickly, I can't stand it!"

But as soon as Zhou Qingfeng appeared, all the harem girls who were looking for him all ran out, followed one by one of his enemies, and surrounded him with staring eyes.

Taking a look at this posture, I lamented immediately: "You have more vengeful enemies than me, and it's over!"

After eating for a long time, I cried for a long time, and suddenly hesitated and said, "No, I'm God. I'm the boss, OK? You scared me like this is wrong. This book is over, the crew disbands, you all give me Get the box lunch. "

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