Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 248: Encounter warship

When Xu Guoqiang and Yan Tao left, the prospective bride seemed to have been taken out of the water when she came out from under the table. Zhou Qingfeng pulled out of her body and brought out a stream of white pulp.

"You, you ..." The prospective bride was so sweet and soft that she was incoherent. It took her a long time to recover some energy, and she fled from the office.

Zhou Qingfeng also spent almost a month in the real world in 2016 this time. He found an opportunity to return to the wasteland 'Aurora' with a lot of low-value anti-inflammatory drugs.

Due to freezing time and space, the 'Aurora' is leaving New York at the speed of a turtle for two or three days and is heading in the direction of South America. Zhou Qingfeng secretly threw the medical supplies he brought into the warehouse and returned to the deck.

The long sea is extremely leisurely, but also extremely boring. After the beginning of the excitement period, everyone began to become dull. The fleet uses a variety of fishing tools to pull a lot of seafood from the sea, but fresh fruits and vegetables are consumed quickly. And because the future is uncertain, the morale of the crew has fallen rapidly.

The sea is not only the 'Aurora' and 'Bird of Paradise', there are a lot of other clever people who get the boat floating on the sea. Ellen Derek, who has been promoted to captain, communicates with the surrounding ships via radio every day, and the management team under Lena Fox is responsible for detecting useful parts from the rumored messages.

"The entire east coast of the United States is a mess, but some small cities have returned to peace." The captain's room of the 'Aurora' hangs a large map projection on the wall. The entire city on the east coast of the United States is represented by red and green colors. The red is dangerous, the green is safe, and the ghost place in New York is still deep red.

"South America can't be better. According to the information we have received, many countries in South America have disintegrated directly, and many warlords have started to divide their territory and engage in fierce crossfire." Lina personally acted as an interpreter and reported the current top of the fleet. Peripheral form.

"Then where can we go?" The butcher was bored on the boat. "I want to walk ashore now, but I don't want to stay on this boat all my life."

The butcher's complaint caused a chuckle, and Minsk, who had recovered more than half, punched the old **** hard. Everyone cast their eyes on Zhou Qingfeng. Although he was the youngest, his prestige was shot with a single shot.

"Now the southern island closest to us is the Bahamas. Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, has good port facilities. Where should we be able to replenish some fresh supplies and live for a while." Zhou Qingfeng said, adding a sentence in his heart: The remoteness of the place doesn't matter, as far as possible to avoid the upcoming nuclear bomb attack.

Everyone had no opinion on this, so they drove over!

Due to the drag of the "Bird of Paradise", the fleet fought along the way for more than twenty days before arriving at the sea off the Bahamas. Just when everyone felt that they could reach the land and rest for a while, someone used the International Maritime Rescue Channel to make a loud call on the radio.

"Emergency help, emergency help, I am the captain of the 'Sedalin'. We encountered pirates in the '*,' area. For God ’s sake, who can come to our rescue, there are a large number of innocent women and Children, come and save us. "

After receiving the report, Zhou Qingfeng hurried to the bridge. Captain Alan Derek pointed at the chart and said, "This ship is about forty miles away from us. The radar can already see it. It seems to be missing With the power to stop at sea, we don't know what pirates are attacking them? "

The drone quickly flew over. And just over ten minutes later, Captain Derek issued a warning: "The radar showed that a ship was approaching us, and it was very fast, more than twenty-four knots. Their radar should have found us."

"A speedboat?"

"No, the radar reflection shows that the ship is about 1,000 tons, which feels like a warship."

Hearing this judgment, the top of the fleet is the same as seeing a ghost. The cataclysm is almost three months now. How could anyone still consume precious fuel at this high speed? You need to know that the oil bunker of "Bird of Paradise" is obviously full of fuel, but in order to reduce consumption, the "Aurora" was dragged away.

"Release the cable,‘ Aurora ’speeded up to attract the other ’s attention, and‘ Paradise Bird ’started the engine and fled temporarily.” At the critical moment, Zhou Qingfeng had to order.

At this time, the two nuclear reactors of the 'Aurora' have shown a strong advantage. It can easily output surging power, accelerate a 30,000-ton ship to a maximum of 24 knots, and shelter the 'Bird of Paradise'.

After a few more minutes, the drone finally found the fast approaching ship. An extremely old warship appears on the reconnaissance display screen, and it appears that it has been in service for at least half a century, and it was the product of the 1970s and 1980s.

"What kind of warship is this?" Zhou Qingfeng asked everyone.

The butcher looked for a long time and said uncertainly: "This seems to be a 'Kony' class frigate designed and built in the former Soviet Union. This thing is really like the batch of Spam cans we made. It can be my grandpa. "

Lena asked inexplicably; "The army has disappeared. How can anyone still fly a warship now?"

"This old warship is very easy to navigate. Find a sailor to make it move. On the contrary, modern warships are more professional and require professional soldiers to control them."

But even the grandfather-level warship is also a warship. When the two sides approached fifteen nautical miles, Zhou Qingfeng ordered a turn, while the old warship on the opposite side accelerated to a high-speed approach at 27 knots.

"That bastard, he's following us," Captain Alan Derek said, looking at the radar screen. At this distance, the drone captured the shot of the opponent's gun firing.

"Beware of collisions." Zhou Qingfeng had to shout. The individual bravery on the sea was useless. No matter how good the Aurora is, it is just a scientific research vessel.

The opponent ’s artillery was about 70 millimeters in diameter, and the maximum range was about 15 to 17 kilometers. ‘Aurora’ just entered the fire range of the other side ~ www.readwn.com ~ When a curved trail was drawn on the sea, shells dropped from the sky and hit the side of the ship.

The shells fell hundreds of meters away, and the violent explosion was shocking. Minsk inside the bridge said with a husky voice after a little judgment: "The other party's fire control radar should be defective, otherwise it won't be so biased that we can't even wash the deck for us."

"I would prefer it to be more partial." For the first time, Zhou Qingfeng encountered something like naval battles, and he could do nothing but watch the opponent's shell fall. "I knew it this way, I should really get a warship, even a torpedo boat! It's not my style to beat a fight.

But now, apart from desperately escaping, everyone on the 'Aurora' can't do anything, and the opponent's warship just chased them behind and hurled them hundreds of nautical miles. In the end, it was estimated that the other engine was old and could not sail at high speed for a long time, and finally they abandoned their big fish.

After escaping from the sky, the whole ship looked at each other, which is not the same as the beautiful life they envisioned. An old frigate drove them away.

Zhou Qingfeng scolded resentfully: "Who the **** is this on Lao Tzu's road, I'm not finished with them!" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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