Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 249: Self-exploding drone

In the following two days, the 'Aurora' encountered this old 'Kony' class frigate three times, and every time the broken ship tried to catch up like chicken blood. If the 'Aurora' had a strong power and a large range of radar and drone surveillance, it would have been accidentally attacked by it.

Lena Fox gave more information, "According to our information database, this frigate number 383 is a ship of the Cuban Navy, but it has been retired long ago. I really don't know Who opened it again. "

who is it? This answer was soon revealed.

After two days in the circle, the antique frigate across the road also discovered the special features of the Aurora. It is estimated that they also checked the information, and the result was a shock. This is a nuclear-powered vessel, and the fuel-consuming approach doesn't work for it!

So a two-seater sightseeing plane flew out, found the 'Aurora' and called on the public sea channel, and landed on the back deck of the 'Aurora''s hangar with permission.

A dwarf with a big head jumping from the helicopter, watching Zhou Qingfeng and others around him, he laughed and said, "Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the Bahamas! Your boat is really good. One ship that can deal with our 'Great General'. "

"'Great general'? Are you the rotten 'Kony'-class frigate?" The butcher mocked, "The ship is expected to run away in a few days."

"Your ship is big and advanced, but these two days have been chased by the rotten" Great General "." The dwarf in his head smiled proudly, "I know where you are from? I also know you want Where to go? But to pass through the waters of the Bahamas, you have to pay taxes to the great General Santos. We noticed that you have two ships and just hand over one. "

"This tax rate is really reasonable." Zhou Qingfeng sneered, "You just blocked in the Bahamas and prevented people from fleeing to South America?"

"Oh ... we can't say stop. We just charge the appropriate fee." The gnome shook his head and said, "Don't try to go round. This area has our patrol ships. We have more than one warship. . "

"You are a bunch of pirates at all," Lena Fox yelled angrily.

"Whatever you think, if you think we are pirates, now the whole Caribbean is full of pirates. I remind you that if you surrender a boat, we can also send a warship to **** you to a country in South America, if not……."

The dwarf has a ‘I ’m good for you’ attitude, but Zhou Qingfeng obviously does n’t buy it. He sneered and said, "Do you think we can't help you?"

"Oh ... did I say that?" The gnome had a weird expression on his face, but he laughed quickly: "You guessed it, that's what I mean. You have a freighter and a ship. Examination of the ship, what do you use to fight our warships? You must yield to the great General Santos, but there is no other way. "

The talks broke up and flew away with the gnome. Before he got on the plane, he shouted, "This is the only chance to solve the problem peacefully, and next time I will see you in the captive camp."

The helicopter flew into the sky, and Zhou Qingfeng commanded Captain Alan Derek on the radio: "Let the radar and drone stare at it. I want to know where it went? I want to know where their old nest is. ? "

And half an hour later, Captain Derek reported: "The helicopter was heading for Nassau, but now the sea-search radar found that three high-speed vessels were coming towards us, one of them was extremely fast, exceeding Forty-five knots, maybe a missile boat or something. "

If the adversary owns a high-speed missile boat, the Aurora will be in trouble. This can't be escaped, Zhou Qingfeng immediately ordered to dodge, and said resentfully: "Launch the self-exploding drone, you can only fight with the enemy to consume it."

Zhou Qingfeng got a lot of good things in the logistic center of the skull and crossbones. There is no shortage of various explosives, and there are hundreds of drones. The number of high-performance military drones is not large, and it is not convenient to use them on board, but there are many drones that are generally used for express delivery.

With an order, the Aurora immediately began to arrange the launch rails, and took out a few seemingly ordinary drones from the warehouse. These are the means of transportation used in modern fast logistics, and are now converted into war equipment.

At this moment, the head dwarf was approaching the port of Nassau quickly on a helicopter. When he saw an obvious wave trail on the sea, he immediately found his own missile boat that was speeding at high speed. They cannot escape. "

The gnome shouted to the driver next to him, "Let ’s go back and see how the guys are unlucky? I really want to see their painful and desperate faces. Unfortunately, no one can control those missiles now, otherwise we can relax Kill them. "

The helicopter turned around again, catching up with the fast-attack missile boat. This is a 'Wasp II' guided missile boat. Although the speedboat of more than 200 tons is old, it can still pose a great threat to civilian ships.

"Quick, fast, fast! Although these warships are older, they are still very powerful." The gnome yelled on the helicopter, and he could even see 'Aurora' on the sea level in the distance. Ship building.

But at this moment, the three drones flew from the air and quickly approached the missile boat on the sea from the rear. The pilots on the missile boats have all focused their attention in front of them. Their sea-search radar has found the majestic 'Aurora' in the distance, and the 30mm dual-mounted cannon on the speedboat has been Ready.

"No, no!" The dwarf on the helicopter immediately realized the danger, and he tried to contact the people on the speedboat by radio, but the two channels couldn't match. He could only risk the pilot flying low, approaching the side of the missile boat and waving a gesture to remind him of danger.

In the cabin of the speedboat, the driver quickly saw the helicopter flying around them, and when they turned around with the reminder of the dwarf, they discovered that three drones with small heads were slowly approaching the top of their heads ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Fools can also know that these drones are afraid of bad intentions.

"Cut them down."

"Steering, steering, turning the muzzle."

"Hell, you can't get these drones close."

The missile boat maneuvered in a serpentine shape on the sea surface at the same time. At the same time, the guns that originally had to deal with the Aurora also tried to raise the angle. Some crew members desperately released a bullet into the sky while holding an assault rifle.

In the sound of the banging guns, a drone that was slowly approaching was hit. It fell into the water crooked on the spot and was detonated with explosives, setting off a huge wave.

Twenty kilograms of explosives also have a lot of power, and the explosion in the water has produced a huge tumbling wave, and the guided missile boats are bumping and shaking. Several crew members shooting on the deck were immediately unstable, and some even fell into the sea.

At the same time, the other two drones did not stop attacking, but instead reduced their height and approached from both sides. The dwarf on the helicopter was stunned when he saw the missile boat engulfed by two orange flames. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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