Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 284: Get angry

Nassau's port fell, and Qi Guangrong, the second-ranked chief of the Aurora Corps, was responsible for organizing the follow-up landing of more than 2,000 reserve ships. At the same time, under the suppression of the AC-130 gunboat, Katerina personally led the team from the sky and occupied Nassau International Airport.

Dozens of transport aircraft brought hundreds of soldiers and various armored vehicles. Although these soldiers are small in number and not high in combat effectiveness, they call for air support when they encounter resistance. The dozen or so general-purpose helicopters assisted by 'Incree' specifically circled in the air, opened machine doors and bombarded the ground with machine guns and machine guns. In this case, the resistance of Cuban armed men became useless.

"It's over!" Old Santos, who was still in Guantanamo, fell down and sat down. He had no idea that Nassau would lose so quickly. The port and the airport are in the hands of the enemy, what can you do? Without thousands of Nassau's men, he is just an ordinary old man!

When hearing Nassau's fall, Zhou Qingfeng was relieved. Nassau has excellent ports and airports, cheap labor, and the surrounding islands are rich in resources. The Bahamas has a wide strategic depth.

It is more than two hundred nautical miles from the surrounding Florida and Cuba, and the safety factor is greatly improved. There is a sufficient safety distance here whether to isolate the invasion of other forces or the impact of nuclear bomb washing.

The strategic goal of the 'Aurora Corps' standing in the Caribbean is basically achieved, and the 'Increte' is also very happy. This represented half of the Cuban access to Florida. Moreover, the waters of the Bahamas were controlled by the 'Aurora Corps', and the passage of the 'Brotherhood of Steel' reaching South America for disruption was blocked.

Of course, in order to prevent the 'Aurora Corps' from being pulled over by the 'Iron Brotherhood,' 'Inkley' also speeded up the 'Aurora Corps' assistance. It took Catalina a day to clear Nassau's law and order. Nassau International Airport became busy the next day, and dozens of large freighters were added to the port a few days later.

It took only three days to prepare and implement the entire Nassau Raiders strategy. Now it is the eighth day before the nuclear bomb washes.

Ms. Mirta of Guantanamo has sold all transport aircraft, rotorcraft, and helicopters to the 'Aurora Corps' at a price of 150 tons of grain each.

Except that the transport plane was busy transporting technicians and key equipment from Nassau to the United States, other aircraft were detained in Nassau by Zhou Qingfeng on the ground that 'assistance was not available'. The rest is an 'Anchorage' landing ship. 'Incred' is still very interested in this ship.

However, Mirta felt that the price of food for aircraft had been too bad. She also seemed to see that Zhou Qingfeng and Clooney were two people. They privately told Clooney to sell the ship directly to 50,000 tons of supplies. 'Inkley'.

It's just that 'Inkley' is more interested in the aircraft carrier 'Kennedy' which is still under Zhou Qingfeng's control, and he dares not to leave the 'Aurora Corps' to contact Mirta. Zhou Qingfeng just didn't have much interest in continuing to fund the 'Alliance'. He just wanted to open the route for the carrier rescue fleet brought by Lena.

Newport News's carrier rescue fleet is in the process of being prepared, and it will be a few days before Lena Fox brings the fleet back to Nassau. Therefore, Zhou Qingfeng was willing to drag on for a day or two to hang on to the appetite of 'Inkley' and Mirta, and get more benefits from the two.

For a while, Zhou Qingfeng did not patronize with the Cuban female soldiers who served him. He thought of the Lawrence family in New York, so he set up a high-power radio antenna and called Anji, thousands of kilometers north.

It only called a few times, but it was David Lawrence who answered him first. The savior asked in surprise: "Victor, are you okay in South America?"

"Uh ..., it's okay." Zhou Qingfeng, in the Chinese modestness, didn't talk about it.

It just sounded different to David Lawrence, "If you can't stay, you can come back, don't be too stubborn. I understand that young people always want to go out and make themselves, and that's also true when I was young. But the world is too chaotic, and even the most powerful people need the help of others.

Your ability is very strong, I very much recognize it, plus your team is also very good, I can let you be my deputy. Yes, you heard me right! I can promote you this way.

I am now the Regional Director of the Brotherhood of Steel in New York, but I have actually run the entire state of New York and New Jersey. Tens of millions are following my orders. You can help me manage these people. This should be a challenging and promising job. "

Feeling like Zhou Qingfeng's **** stick, His Excellency David Lawrence has a strong youthful vitality. He couldn't wait to describe his current situation, just to say something to the boy who once lived across from his house, sneaked a photo of his wife, hooked up his daughter, pried off his confidant, and brought his wife into chastity underwear. ——I am a big man.

"I am now the general commander of the most powerful regions of the" Brotherhood of Steel ". In the past, my power was only owned by the wealthy and top families, and now I have all of this easily. Victor, I know that South America has not So foolish, Angie misses you, Rachel ..., um, my wife has long forgiven your previous mistakes. You should come back. "

What an emotional call, Zhou Qingfeng was about to cry. Just before tears fell, he was speechless in embarrassment. If it is normal for Angie to miss him, is Rachel ... wife and wife are afraid to hate him.

"Mr. Lawrence, thank you very much for your love. In fact, I have been really good, ....." Zhou Qingfeng still wanted to explain.

"You just have two ships ~ www.readwn.com ~ hundreds of people should have consumed almost everything." David Lawrence took a disdain, "Do you know what I can have now? I can just arbitrarily collect tens of thousands of tons of food to help a group of refugees, and then tens of thousands of people will cheer me like praising God. "

"In fact, I have just received heartfelt praise from millions of people."

"What? You're kidding."

"I'm not kidding. I'm in Cuba now, but just yesterday I just occupied Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, and rescued more than 200,000 residents who were insulted and enslaved. They are extremely grateful to me."

"..." The radio was silent.

Zhou Qingfeng continued: "And I'm at the Guantanamo base in Cuba. There are millions of Cubans here because I only eat a few meals. Before I arrived, they drank some sugar water every day, and then they were on the coast. Fishing for a living. There are obviously fishing grounds on the poor sea, but they can't start fishing boats because they don't have fuel. "

"..." The radio remained silent.

"I have a good relationship with 'Inkley'. They cried and shouted that they had sent me a lot of supplies. Seriously, even the airport and the port can no longer hold up."

Hearing here, there was a faint breath from the radio, and someone across from him seemed a little angry.

"In fact, my contact this time is to remind you that New York will encounter a great crisis, which is related to the lives of millions of people, ..."

"Nonsense! There can be no crisis in the area where I rule! People here live countless times better than they used to. They love me so much, thank me, and obey me. Victor. Hugo, I think you're still somewhere in South America. Stay small. Don't ever go back to New York. "

Hmm ... David Lawrence seems to be angry! (To be continued.) Aishang Novel Network

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