Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 285: Spoiler

The chat with David Lawrence broke up, and the New York area commander left in front of the radio in a huff. After a while, Anji's weak voice came from the radio waves, "Hi! Victor, how are you doing in South America?"

"I'm near the Caribbean and have become a big savior for the Bahamian people, just like the role of your father." Chatting with the little girl is much happier than chatting with the little girl and her dad. Relax.

After just talking a few words, Zhou Qingfeng reminded Anji and asked her to leave New York within one week. "Bring a lot of supplies, bring your parents, bring enough armed forces, and go to the sparsely populated place."

"The same thing you said when you left New York last year, why exactly?" Angie was puzzled.

Zhou Qingfeng only sighed, "Anji, believe me, I won't hurt you."

Anji was obviously puzzled, so the chat ended unhappy. For this result, Zhou Qingfeng was helpless. In fact, he has said too much. If he didn't really like Anji, he would not bother to make such reminders.

But when Zhou Qingfeng was about to turn off the radio, another voice took the initiative to contact him, "Victor, you idiot, when are you going back to New York?"

When listening to this voice, Zhou Qingfeng was happy. "Hi, Rachel, how are you doing?"

The wife and mother almost gritted their teeth and said, "I'm not good at all. The underwear you left on me makes me uncomfortable. It's tight and there is almost no gap, and I can't remove it."

"Uh ... how about the breathability of that underwear?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"Breathability? Not bad." Rachel replied stupidly, but she quickly said resentfully: "This is not a matter of breathability at all, but ... it is a matter of my personality. You You must untie it immediately. "

"Sorry, I can't do it."

"Can't you come back? It's fast. You were destroyed by JFK Airport, but we have several airports available here."

"But I really can't go back."

"Then what should I do? Wear this set of shameless underwear all my life? Do you know that my husband will not touch me now? I suspect he may have found another woman recently."

"Maybe you can come to me. Listen, leave New York within a week and stay away from any big city."

"You seem to be talking to my husband just now, but David obviously doesn't want to listen to you bullshit."

"But I'm not bullshit, I'm serious."

Well, Zhou Qingfeng also likes his wife and mother very much, so he said his warning again. Unfortunately, the effect was even worse, Rachel only cared about how to remove that set of chastity underwear, and she couldn't hear anything else.

This radio contact ended with ‘unsolicitation’. Zhou Qingfeng sighed that he had done everything. If the Lawrence family really died in New York, he would do his best.

Just as Zhou Qingfeng was feeling depressed, another uninvited guest came to the door-‘Cuba North America Strategy Committee’, a name that sounds domineering. In fact, it is an organization founded by Cubans who now occupy Florida. This organization wants to establish a state in Florida.

After the occupation of Nassau, Katerina officially began talking to this organization about the plan to acquire all the aircraft, ships, pilots, ground crews, or other various manufacturing equipment and technicians in the other party. Even Raymond's management team was transferred to cooperate in this matter.

Zhou Qingfeng, with a little bit of mentality, allowed Katerina to discuss with the other party. But the only requirement is that it must be fast and withdraw from Florida before the nuclear bombs are washed.

But the acquisition was difficult, and these Cubans were not stupid. They also knew that these were good things and could not be easily sold.

It turned out that this organization suddenly sent someone to mediate the current conflict between the National Cuban Liberation Front and the San Diego Military Alliance. As the Aurora Corps has established a foothold in the Bahamas, it is also a quasi-ally associated with the Alliance. , Also count Zhou Qingfeng within the scope of mediation.

Zhou Qingfeng couldn't help laughing and crying. When a nuclear bomb washes the ground, a place like Florida would definitely be attacked. The Cubans who occupied Florida were afraid that they would not survive even one-tenth. Only comparisons like Nassau It's safer in remote places.

If it wasn't for the other party to get some materials that would be hard to get in the future, Zhou Qingfeng was really too lazy to deal with the silos of these 'strategic committees'. What is called the dead bone in the mound, these are the Cubans who dream of establishing a country.

"Mr. Hugo, I hope that your" Aurora Corps "can immediately stop the conflict with the" Liberation Front ", otherwise we will have to forcibly intervene in the dispute between you." A guy named Jose ran to Guantanamo as a mediation representative, Many parties were also convened.

The gentleman was fifty years old, dark-skinned, and looked at the old-fashioned teaching director in the school, speaking bluntly and without expression. He looked at Zhou Qingfeng with a sense of pride.

"What the **** do you mean? Do you want to cease the fire? We have ceased the fire." Zhou Qingfeng looked at the old Mr. Jose opposite with a certain expression of mischief, in his opinion this mediation was a waste of time.

"We hope that the Aurora Corps will return the equipment and personnel captured and captured to General Santos," said Jose, who is in charge of the mediation.

Old Santos also participated in this boring mediation conference. He was like a faded old dog hiding behind Jose and staring at Zhou Qingfeng. "You must also compensate me for my losses and make war compensation."

"I'm not mistaken, the defeated party still wants to pay money?" Zhou Qingfeng smiled and looked at the silly * forced opposite.

This kind of thing can't stand even Mirta on the side of 'Union' ~ www.readwn.com ~ also vetoed on the spot: "This provocative request is meaningless. If you really want to mediate, you should take some points The practical advice comes. "

But Jose said with a sneer: "The actual suggestion is that the entire Bahamas area now has the strongest side of our 'committee'. We want to lead the order here, and anyone who disobeys will be punished."

This thick threat of discourse appeared at the negotiating table, apparently to overwhelm people. But having said that, the Cuban force that has fled to Florida is now fighting against the 'Increte'. It is really the strongest of the Quartet at the negotiating table.

When it comes to population, the 'Aurora Corps' is the weakest; when it comes to weapons and equipment, the 'Alliance' side is the worst; when it comes to morale, the 'Liberation Front' is the most wasteful. When it comes to population, equipment, and morale, the 'committee' side has an advantage.

It's been so few days since the nuclear bomb struck, Zhou Qingfeng didn't want to have any trouble at the last moment. He immediately called for an adjournment, and said that he would seriously consider it, and then ran to find Clooney at "Incred". "The Cubans occupying Florida are too rampant. Shall we slap each other?"

'Incredible' is fighting the Cubans who occupy Florida. For this request made by Zhou Qingfeng, Clooney, who is the contact person, agreed with both hands and feet, "Mr. Hugo, you are really our best friend of" Inkley ". Let's say, what do you want to do, land in Miami?"

Zhou Qingfeng said in his heart: I only tried to land before landing in Miami, but now I wish I could stay as far away from the mainland as possible. He carefully offered his terms and conditions: "How about we sell a batch of weapons to the Cubans?"

This suggestion sounded like an enemy, and Clooney's eyes were immediately confused and alert.

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