Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 444: purchase


As a black market businessman, Coma, who had lost a lot of blood, drove his small steamer to Havana again. (WWW.VoDtw.coM) He transported coal from Mexico and exchanged for various commodities at the site of the Aurora Corps.

At present, the Dialgo force has completely lost its flight, and the entire Caribbean region is already the sole force of the 'Aurora Legion'. The small steamer made by Nassau's shipyard has become the main means of transportation on the sea, and all people in the Caribbean must rely on them to survive.

In addition to the 'Aurora Corps', the 'Increte' in the north is actually stronger and a place where you can do business. Koma once visited the port controlled by 'Increte', but unexpectedly found that the powerful 'Increte' is far inferior to the 'Aurora Corps' in terms of commerce and trade. Regardless of the variety or quantity of the transaction, the 'Aurora Corps' is far more than any other organization around it.

Koma brought in 300 tons of high-quality coal this time, which is an urgently needed material of the 'Aurora Corps'. He hired a dozen dockers to unload coal and decided to see what new goods were in the port market.

Coming to the port and dock, Comar found that he had just left for about a month, and the changes in Havana were almost unrecognizable to him.

The ruins of the city's buildings have been cleared, many simple houses have been built on the site of the original house, and many refugees live inside. Although the living conditions are still bad, it is much stronger than the wind and rain in the period of Diego.

People in the city are wearing all kinds of weird and worn out clothes, which is a big wonder under the aurora army. But Koma knows that the cold winter is not a joke. I don't know how many people envy people here to buy cheap thick clothes.

Crossing several streets, a large semi-open-air market is right in front of you. The market was bustling and crowded, and Koma came back here for the first time, looking curious.

This market is officially set up by the Legion. Some people are in charge of sales and even armed personnel maintain order. The biggest transaction that Comar saw in the market is still a large bag of old clothes. The old clothes of the 'Aurora Corps' are already special products. No one knows where they got them, but these The seemingly inconspicuous products are always selling well.

Old clothes are sold on bags, and a bag is about one ton. What's in it can only be luck. But today's people are not qualified to pick and choose. What do they basically wear?

Comar bought thirty big bags. Although these clothes are not profitable, they are better shots. In addition to old clothes, he also saw a lot of new goods on the market. "What is this?"

"toilet paper."

Can this be called paper?

For the first time, Koma saw such a rough paper, the paper was not thick, and even a bit translucent, but the raw materials were obviously not cleaned up during the paper making, and all kinds of plant fibers were left on the paper. This kind of paper made from straw and reed weed is extremely poor quality, but now it is the only paper available on the market.

After the end of time, the industrial system completely collapsed. Zhou Qingfeng once worried about the paper problem. Even if you do n’t use paper to write, you still have to wipe your **** with paper. When he first arrived in New York, he hurriedly made money to prepare supplies, but that batch of supplies is now used up after months of consumption.

Now hundreds of thousands of people are gathered in Havana. One is that the problem of eating is difficult to solve, and the other is the problem of pulling. This kind of life details can not be handled well, and the entire Hawa is an oversized pit.

Limited by technical staff and raw material issues, Lina Foxx did nothing to restore Cuba's paper mill. So Zhou Qingfeng had to get paper from the real world, and he got the cheapest straw paper.

"It's a hell!" Komar felt a thin piece of papyrus, and she felt that the paper was of low quality. He murmured, "I've never used this kind of paper before."

The paper sellers also hummed and said disdainfully, "What time is it now? There is such a good paper that can write and use the bathroom. A piece of silver coin."

"A piece of silver coin?" Komar cursed: Why don't you grab it? I worked hard to get coal, but I couldn't change much of this paper.

But if Koma didn't buy it, he couldn't take it anymore. It is said that China's four major inventions changed the world, and paper should be the most important one. Nowadays social life has taken a big step backwards. This rough paper can be of great use. At least it would stop him from worrying about some kind of problem every time after going to the toilet.

"Give me a hundred tie." Coma found ten gold coins.

The first thing that Lena Fox did after controlling Cuba was to find ways to recast coins. The emergence of three metal currencies, gold, silver and copper, greatly satisfied the needs of commercial flows.

But the person who bought the paper only took one gold coin and said, "I can only sell you ten bucks."

"Why?" Koma wondered.

"Restricted purchase. This item is specially provided for merchants who come to trade, but you can only buy ten ties each time you come."

Comar was so annoyed that he heard the word "restricted purchase". It was really helpless that tight supplies could not be opened. But it ’s better to have ten ties, better than nothing. He continued to walk forward, and found a familiar item reappeared in front of his eyes-the watch.

It has been more than half a year in the last days, and a large amount of materials have been damaged or can no longer be organized for production, including many necessities of life, which has caused great inconvenience to the surviving humans. In the past, Koma used a mobile phone to watch time. Now the mobile phone itself can still be used, but once you don't want to make a call, it is difficult to charge it. He no longer knew how many times he had a headache for not being able to time it accurately.

Before the end of the world, ordinary people seldom brought watches, and it was difficult to find such scarce goods even when rummaging in the ruins of cities. The mechanical watches sold in the Havana market are also very old-fashioned, but they still work. The price is not cheap, ten gold coins for a watch.

Although expensive, Koma sold five. He believes that watches are still marketable. Because for some people in power ~ www.readwn.com ~ mastering accurate time is too important.

Old clothes, paper, watches, these things can't satisfy the businessman who runs the sea. He also hopes to be able to purchase more things, because now the whole end of the world is scarce, and he is afraid that there will be no supply. And then Coma really found the goods that can bring him a lot of profit, a large barrel of kerosene.

"The Aurora Corps is willing to sell kerosene openly?" Koma was surprised at this. He knew that after the Aurora Corps took control of Havana, it would definitely produce fuels such as gasoline and diesel, but these things were afraid that the internal consumption of the Legion could not be met, and it was difficult to sell it externally.

The kerosene is an accessory when the crude oil is processed by the refinery. It is used for a single purpose and is not suitable as a power fuel. There are also refineries in ‘Inkray’, but even this subsidiary refining product is unwilling to sell to outsiders, but the ‘Aurora Corps’ may supply it externally.

"It looks like the strength of the Aurora Corps is developing very fast!" Kema secretly sighed. Even if the price of a barrel of kerosene is extremely expensive, he has exhausted all the funds to buy it. When these kerosene are shipped to Mexico, local warlords will definitely ask for it, and even the 'Increte' will be acquired in large quantities.

When Koma came out of the market, there was already a long list of delivery staff behind him. Looking at the sources he purchased, he felt extremely comfortable. As long as social production continues to develop in this way, it is not difficult for human civilization to recover.

When Coma looked again at the chaotic and humble market, there was an inexplicable insight in her heart, "The place that can provide a lot of goods and materials is always vibrant, and the vitality of the" Aurora Corps "will surely radiate to the entire Caribbean region. I was afraid that no one could stop their power from expanding. "(To be continued.)

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