Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 445: Law and order management

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There are always various public security problems in places with large population movements, and the hardships of the last days are even more dangerous for the surviving human beings. Coma driving a small steamer to do business in various parts of the Caribbean is a risk, and some people choose a more direct way to get wealth.

Old clothes and other things are very conspicuous, and a dozen large barrels of kerosene represent a lot of money. Therefore, when Coma brought a large amount of goods out of the market, someone immediately paid attention to the batch of goods delivered by the terminal.

"Head, there are fat sheep." Another boat came to the dock, and a dozen disheveled guys jumped ashore. Compared to the residents of Havana, they are more shabby and shabby.

The lead is a tall black man who wears at least a dozen or twenty summer clothes, wrapped in layers, and also has an odor on his body. The other entourages couldn't be better, one by one, looking very banditious, but very poor.

The tall black man ignored his reminders. He just looked at the busy port of Havana and grinned, "This is the most prosperous place in the Caribbean in the last days! It seems that I have come to the right place. If I grab a place here, it will absolutely Can make a fortune. "

More than a dozen men swayed ashore, and they laughed cheerfully when they heard the words of their boss. Pedestrians passing by looked at them with disdainful eyes, and even taunted and cursed.

"Hey, Boss Mars, did you hear that? The sister-in-law who just walked over dared to call us stink? He also said that we were abodies, and I had to kill her." An angry complaint from his men. The leading black man was also angry and wanted to show someone his own power.

"Some of you, stand by me." Before the black man took his men up to trouble, a dock staff member came up and said, "According to the size of the ship, you have to pay a port parking fee of five silver coins a day."

"Parking fee?" Black Mars turned his head, savagely approached the staff, grabbed him and scolded him, "Dare you charge me? Do you know who I am?"

While talking, Mars slapped the staff two times and kicked him away. Watching the other wolf howling fleeing, he laughed and laughed: "I have never heard of stopping the ship and collecting money. I want to blackmail me Mars, you are too tender."

Mars's followers also followed with joy, they wandered around the various ports in the Caribbean, they went to places where the law and order were extremely chaotic, and they had never heard of the money to stop the ship.

Seeing the arrogance of this group of people, all the people who live on the pier avoided life. It's just that everyone is not afraid, but a gloating expression. Even the staff member who was just kicked away didn't say much, but turned around and left.

Seeing himself clearly isolated, Mars didn't care. With a wave of his hand, he said, "Let's go to a pub to find out what the news is and see what business is better here."

The group gathered together, and Yao Wuyangwei turned and left. But before walking out a hundred meters, a sharp whistle sounded, and dozens of armed men armed with guns and ammunitions emerged from all over the dock. A gunpoint pointed at the group of Mars.

Seeing a serious expression on the opposite side, as well as uniform clothing and firearms, Mars and others were dumbfounded. He quickly raised his hand and muttered, "Are there really a parking fee here?"

The dock worker who had just been ran away came back, covering his swollen face and said, "It's this guy who violated the dock management regulations and beat the management staff."

Mars and others were even more dumbfounded. They didn't expect that there would be a place to talk about management regulations in the last days. Shouldn't it make sense for everyone to shoot more?

But for now they are definitely not the party with the most people. Can only be obedient.

A man in uniform and epaulettes walked in front of Mars. He looked at the black man at the head and said in a deep voice: "My name is Nieto, this is the sheriff, but I am not happy today. I really don't like it See someone making trouble. "

Nietto is not tall, and people are very young, but Mars can only laugh at this meeting and said: "Sir, I am sorry to make you feel bad. We just do not understand the rules, a little dispute occurred. "

"No, I'm not in a bad mood because of you." Nito shook his head and said blankly, "I'm in a bad mood because I was kicked out of the army, and they said that I was not suitable for the army. But I qualify Old, so I arranged to be a police officer.

Although I'm not a good soldier, I like the army. Only when there are comrades around me, can I sleep peacefully. But I am now a police officer. Today is my first day on the job. My boss said that I should get up and be fierce to those who dare to challenge me. "

As soon as he said "a bit more fierce", Mars was cold. As soon as he was thinking about how to take a bribe, the sheriff named Nietto had already pronounced: "Let them do five days of dock labor, receive labor education, and shoot them if they dare to escape."

Mars also wanted to argue, but the armed police on the dock used gun butts to shut them up. More than a dozen people were disarmed on the spot, and two of them became shabby in handcuffs. The foreman is the staff who was slapped by Mars. The other person sneered and said, "Your name is Mars? I will educate you and transform you."

This was a wild disaster for the Mars gang, but the law of the jungle made them unable to compete. And they soon understood what education they were about to receive.

"Everyone takes a bath and replaces your dirty clothes. We will provide you with some changes. Of course, the clothes are not free. You need to earn by labor. I promise you will like labor." The foreman said this At that time, the meaningful smile made people shudder ~ www.readwn.com ~ The steam boiler widely used in Havana brought abundant hot water, and Mars couldn't remember when he last took a bath. But this time the hot water in the public shower room made him cry.

"Wow, this is amazing! This cold weather has hot water supply, which is just like heaven."

"The dirt on my body can be rubbed into a ball. I can't believe I'm so dirty."

"Look at the water that washed down from me. It's all black. It's terrible."

Taking a bath surprised and screamed Mars, but everyone was generally happy. And then the foreman gave each of them a thick old dress, although it was not good-looking and not fit well, but the bundling was still quite warm.

"If you can do hot water for five days, you can take a hot bath every day and add such a warm suit, which does not seem to be a loss." Mars felt that he was lucky.

But the foreman quickly came over with a smile, "According to the sales price in the Legion, your bathing costs, clothing costs, and the following room and board costs, everyone owes a gold coin and six silver coins. You must pay for Corps labor reimbursed.

And as a punishment, half of your labor income before paying off the debt will belong to my victim. So I will let you work hard. "

Mars and others were all astonished, this group of talents knew that they were not going to get along well. (To be continued.)

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