Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 455: Deep behind

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"Gentlemen, please pay attention. We are experiencing an updraft and the plane will be a little bumpy. Please pay attention to fasten your seat belts." The captain's English prompt came from the broadcast of c-13o. Within seconds, the body trembled violently.

"Fu * netbsp;" Fuck! "

"Don't **** him, is this just a bump? I feel like I'm about to be thrown out of the plane."

A group of big soldiers in the cabin yelled and shouted. They had never conducted long-range airborne operations before, and the situation was still encountered for the first time.

Zhang Hong scrambled to fasten his seat belt and listened to his comrades-in-arms saying, "Are we not special forces behind the enemy?"

"You **** 'is just a recruit, at best it is the cannon fodder behind the enemy." Another soldier was hurt in the head during the bump, and yelled immediately.

"Fuck, you are the cannon fodder. Lao Tzu is still waiting for Jian Gong Yi Yi to dominate the United States. Don't mention the four damsels I sleep to, I promise I will seed them, and I have to earn money for my women and children Rich and rich. "

"Forget it, at best, you are a good man, a human massager that refreshes them."

"I don't think there's anything good about the babes now, but I've got a Sichuan girl who belongs to the same country, and I'm extra gentle."

"Now the domestic girls in the legion are all like Jin Gui like pandas. This guy actually came out to show him, and he stabbed him!"

In the noisy, a bunch of big men in the cabin uttered endless jokes, so as to eliminate the tense atmosphere. They can also be regarded as licking blood with their blades and taking their own lives to fight for a future.

Opposite Zhang Hong is a foreigner named Leo, a golden retriever, thirty years old, who is a team doctor in the logistics class. The medical treatment of the entire Huaxia combat platoon looked at him and the other two paramedics. This person saw Zhang Hong silent, and took out a cigar from his pocket and passed it.

Zhang Hong shook his head. "I don't smoke."

"Don't smoke or not, hold your mouth to find something for yourself, soothe your spirits. Don't get to the battlefield but you can't get enough energy to concentrate." The team doctor still stuffed the cigar into Zhang Hong's hand and reached out to him with a lighter On fire, laughing: "This is a Cuban cigar, good quality."

"This thing is really good. It's good for refreshing." The spicy smell of coughing made Zhang Hongyu cough, but he distracted him a lot. So a bunch of big soldiers in the cabin came to be interested, and they begged for cigars, like the addicts.

In front of the four C-13Os is the only ac-13ou aerial gunboat of the Aurora Corps. This aircraft is regarded as a legion of meritorious fighters, and it cannot be missed for every major operation.

In the cockpit, the captain ordered: "Throw the drone bait out. I don't want to hit my enemy's anti-aircraft fire with one head."

The rear cabin door of the aerial gunboat opened, and more than a dozen small drones flew out in sequence. Since the GPS navigation is completely finished, the operators in the cabin can only rely on the infrared night vision on the drone for radio control, which makes the drone awkward.

ac-13ou has flown 60 kilometers away from Cancun and hovering at a height of only 100 meters from the sea surface, this distance is exactly in the blind spot of the sea level detected by the radar. More than a dozen drone baits fanned in the direction of Cancun to test the enemy's air defense fire circle.

Around Cancun, more than a dozen 'Avengers' anti-aircrafts were arranged in a ring air defense ring. These second-hand goods are simple, easy to use, and effective, and they are the only suitable anti-aircraft weapons for 'Incred'. Heavy anti-aircraft missiles like the Patriot III are not without them, but they can't find enough professional control personnel like the Aurora Corps.

When more than a dozen drone baits approached Cancun by night, Bruchel, who was sitting here, was immediately informed that the radar on the warship was approaching. His Excellency Commander quickly got up from the bed and quickly entered his command room.

Brucher has long heard about the air capabilities of the 'Aurora Corps'. Now the air strike force that the world can take out comes from this overseas organization. As soon as a plane approached from Cuba, he immediately demanded that the anti-aircraft fire circle enter combat readiness.

The "Avengers" anti-aircraft vehicle has two quadruple "Stinger" anti-aircraft missiles that use infrared photoelectric systems to capture targets. More than a dozen nearby drones opened more than 30 kilometers away, and several of them rushing towards the city were quickly locked by Cancun's air defense fire network and shot down one by one.

"Yeah ... see how easy we are."

"Idiot, are they trying to test our response? Didn't you see just drones flying in? There are more than ten kilometers out of our range."

"Regardless of what it is, we protect the city anyway. Now I just want to go back to sleep. The twenty-four hour duty is too tiring."

After receiving the air defense briefing, Bruchel frowned in his own command. He has confirmed that he only shot down five drones, but the reality of his air defense position was clearly understood by the enemy. It was bullying our air defense fires not enough. "

On the sea surface fifty to sixty kilometers away, the captain received a report from the drone operator in the cockpit of ac-13ou. Anti-aircraft missiles. 'Incree' has not had time to deploy radar-guided heavy anti-aircraft missiles. "

Receiving this report, ac-13ou jumped high and flew out, and ran towards Cancun. The captain shouted on the radio: "The enemy's air defense fire circle only covers downtown Cancun, and the transport plane flies around the city."

The four C-13Os that followed were also closely following, but their flight path would be far from Cancun and into Mexico. When ac-13ou rushed to Cancun with a huge radar echo, the entire Cancun radar alert network was immediately alarmed.

"This is obviously a transport plane."

"No, this should be ac-13ou of the Aurora Corps. We have been notified before."

"Hell, what does it want to do? Did it hit our firepower net?"

"Its goal is the airport. It wants to kill our flight team."

Brucell's headquarters was suddenly in a mess, and everyone was paying attention to the information displayed on the radar screen. That huge aircraft approached so bluntly.

His Excellency Commander had to say in a deep voice: "The Avengers are too old, and the other party obviously wants to use infrared decoys to trick air defense missiles and break into our air defense net."

This is indeed the case. When ac-13ou approached Cancun International Airport, it ignored the "Stinger" missiles fired by the four or five "Avengers" ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was additionally equipped with a large number of infrared decoys, and the light The red light almost illuminated the whole night sky.

After approaching, fierce ac-13ou was like a fire hedgehog, and began to attack the ground frantically. The cannons and howitzers kept firing, and the entire airport was suddenly flared.

Even if the evacuation was carried out in advance, the airport's oil depot was still hit, and the sound of the explosion spread more than ten kilometers. The flames exploded in the night, and the heat wave was pressing.

Even while staying in the headquarters, Bruchel could see through the telescope the flames of light that illuminate half of the sky, and even the air gunboat that flashed in the dark night sky.

The "Avenger" anti-aircraft on the ground ran out of ammunition, but there was no way to take the ac-13ou flying in the sky. The anxious officer urgently transferred several anti-aircraft guns to shoot at the sky, but now the large plane flying in the sky has flew away.

The entire air raid lasted only ten minutes, but the loss was staggering. The report quickly gathered in front of Brucher, "Commander, our losses were mainly concentrated in the airport, the runway was bombed by more than 20 craters, the oil depot was easily destroyed by the enemy, and Havana could no longer be airborne for half a month. Investigation.

The radar is still present. Just as we were attacked by air, four other transport aircraft entered Mexico from other directions, and they appeared to have landed. We suspect that the enemy is infiltrating us "

Bruchel's complexion became gloomy and hot. (To be continued.)

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