Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 456: Behind enemy situation

Four c-13o transport aircraft flew overnight and flew into Yucatan, Mexico. On the guided aircraft led by Hunting, Zhou Qingfeng took several elites to open the rear hatch of the aircraft, and the cold air rushed towards him. He put on his night vision goggles and shouted, "Get ready, jump with me."

At an altitude of 500 meters, Zhou Qingfeng, who had just received five days of skydiving training, led his team into the night sky. After leaving the cabin, the parachute opened immediately, and flew towards the ground in the squalling night wind.

Several of the elites around Zhou Qingfeng were originally a group of guards originally brought by Clooney from the 'Increte'. These people are already the grass-roots sergeants of the 'Aurora Corps' and are now important members of this offensive.

After landing, he trot a few steps to relieve the impact. Zhou Qingfeng quickly released the parachute, gathered other elites, and immediately flew to the nearby Chichen Itza International Airport.

According to previous air reconnaissance, the airport was abandoned after the nuclear bomb washes, and now all it has to do is find ways to reuse it. Because other people and equipment in the contingent could not parachute directly.

The runway at the airport was full of various debris, and Zhou Qingfeng and others had not had time to clean it up completely, just removing the larger debris from the runway. Anyway, the biggest feature of the c-13o is that it has a strong ability to take off and land in the field, and it can fall on dirt tracks.

After clearing up, Zhou Qingfeng also ignited bonfires on both sides of the runway to guide the landing, and within a few minutes four transport planes dropped in sequence. These roaring transport planes were still taxiing on the runway, the rear hatch opened, and various personnel and equipment came down the hatch. The completed c-13o did not make any excessive stops and quickly took off to return to Havana.

The bonfire on the runway quickly extinguished again. All members of the task force gathered to count the number of people, and then took a dozen or two fire assault vehicles to quickly transfer. The whole process is fast and fast.

In the process of nuclear bomb washing, the United States has the most nuclear warheads in the world. All the large and medium-sized cities in its territory were completely destroyed, and the small cities were a lot of dead. The survival of the survivors was extremely poor.

Zhou Qingfeng felt that his life in the Caribbean was very bitter, and the days of 'Increte' and the Brotherhood of Steel were really bitter without any preparations.

In order to survive, the 'Increte' occupying the southern United States was forced to expand. They organized armed personnel to storm into Mexico, which was less exposed to nuclear bombs, occupied the city as a settlement, and supported the puppet regime to search for resources and population. The original Mexicans naturally suffered!

According to the situation obtained in the previous trade, Zhou Qingfeng will not lead dozens of men to attack Cancun, which is heavily defended. All he has to do is organize a smuggling network that can provide him with various supplies.

"Well, the soldiers are fighting. We are now deep into the enemy territory. Do n’t look at us, it seems that there is not even a ghost, but in fact, 'Increte' has controlled the cities and roads throughout Mexico, so our current The situation is terrible and you need to be vigilant if you want to go back alive. "

After landing, without any repairs, the task force immediately followed Highway 18o to Merida, Yucatán. They eventually stopped in a small village called Ticopo near Merida. The road was quite desolate, and occasionally you can see abandoned vehicles and the remains of the roadside.

"Andrew, take a few people to find your brother, I hope he is alive." At a distance of one kilometer from the village, the entire task force stopped and hid in the grass by the road. Zhou Qingfeng ordered the captain of the former fishing boat, Mexicans who had smuggled business to go to find local people.

The task force assigned a firepower assault vehicle, and four or five took Andrew to the village. After they left, Zhou Qingfeng again ordered the platoon leader Qin Weidong: "Lao Qin, let the drone stare."

After half an hour, everything was normal. Zhou Qingfeng still left half of the staff in the field, and the other half followed him into the village to repair. There are about a hundred households in the village of Tikopo. The village is in a depression, and the number of people who have survived is less than ten.

The brothers Andrew knew were dead, but people in the village heard that someone was going to fight against 'Inkley' and expressed their willingness to join Zhou Qingfeng's team.

"The coming of the last days has basically no effect on the life in our village. Even if the weather suddenly cools down, it is not too bad, and we strive to live on. But after the gang of Yankees came, it was the nightmare.

"The Yankees often come to mop, take our men as slaves, take our women as playthings, and collect our food without giving us the slightest way of life. They are all devil and let go of nothing. "

"Which guerrilla are you? Take us with us. We have had enough to hide in the east. Anyway, staying here is also waiting to die, it is better to have a fight with those Yankees."

Due to the rampant encroachment of 'Increte', all the remaining Mexicans in the village are hostile to 'Increte'. Without any encouragement, they are determined to oppose 'Increte'.

This situation is very conducive to the operation of the contingent, at least the mass base is considered. Zhou Qingfeng asked the villagers: "I want to know where can I find food, coal, diesel and weapons ammunition?"

"There are a lot of supplies in Merida. The 'Increte' has transported tens of thousands of people from the north and settled in Merida. Every day, ships bring coal from the north. There is still a large amount of grain collected in the city, those Yankees would rather rot food than share it with us.

I do n’t know where diesel is, but it is said that the nearby city of Campeche produces oil and natural gas. I think there should be diesel ~ www.readwn.com ~ According to the villagers' description, the situation in the entire Yucatán state has been Roughly clear. To put it bluntly, ‘Increte’ does n’t care about the lives of the locals. In order to spend the nuclear winter, they ransacked a large amount of materials and hoarded them in the city, which led to the Mexicans ’violent resistance.

"I think we need to get a batch of food first, and then recruit more local Mexicans for expansion." Zhou Qingfeng immediately had the follow-up idea, "Nieto, you take the team to other villages nearby to see, just It is said that the Aurora partisans are recruiting warriors who dare to resist the 'Incred', and whoever joins us will have a stutter. "

"Yes, sir." After Nietto saluting, he led the Mexicans in the contingent to the surrounding villages. People in the village of Tecopo acted as guides and said that the local Mexicans who were starving to death would absolutely Can't refuse Zhou Qingfeng's recruitment.

Rather, Qin Weidong reminded softly: "Leader of the regiment, Mexico ’s poison is terrible, but the Mexicans are notoriously poor in combat effectiveness. The 'Increte' came from afar, and they have nowhere to fight for these indigenous people. A lot of food is wasted on them. "

Zhou Qingfeng sneered and said, "You can rest assured, I just need some errands and cannon fodder. If you want to eat enough, you have to change your life." (To be continued.)

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