Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 457: Executioner

Lula looked at himself in the mirror. He had thick brown curls, a handsome face, a tall, strong body, and was impeccably looks. Hunting? A set of black woolen leather coat showed his inverted triangle shape, with black leather pants and boots, handsome.

After making sure he was flawless, Lula smiled in the mirror. This smile is very famous, and people in Merida call it ‘the executioner ’s smile’.

Putting on his military cap, Lula quickly walked out of his home, and a whole row of guards acted. Mexican guerrillas have attacked him more than a dozen times, including suicide attacks, only to have blinded one of his eyes, in exchange for even more frantic revenge.

Lula works from the gendarmerie in Merida, where he oversees law and order in this important city. Merida has 60,000 citizens who have taken refuge from the United States, and more than 500,000 Mexican slaves who have been arrested from various places. It is an important area where the 'Increte' rules in Mexico.

From the 'Incredible' perspective, Lula's work is extremely good. He adopted the dual methods of differentiated purchase and high-pressure shock to allow Mexicans under the nuclear winter to accept their fate of slavery peacefully.

Mexico originally had a population of more than 130 million. In the three months since the start of the cataclysm, more than 20 million people have died due to various fightings. Nuclear winter killed about 50 million, but the remaining 60 million people are still extremely huge. You must know that the original population of more than 300 million people in the United States is only 80 million.

How to make effective use of human resources in Mexico has become a difficult problem in the administration of 'Increte'. The promotion of the 'Lula model' has become a celebrity model. The remaining Mexicans are centrally managed and work like livestock to work hard for the recovery of the 'Increte'.

However, there are always some Mexicans who do not want to live according to Lula's plan, so as the captain of the military police in Lleida, Lula spent most of the day thinking about how to suppress the rebels.

Lula entered the gendarmerie, and the Mexican guard at the door saluted him side by side. He also returned a gentle smile. The executioner who is regarded as a killer by the Mexicans is polite to everyone, and he is very good at controlling the willing work of the bottom of the society.

At the gendarmerie, Lula went directly to the interrogation office. This is a row of low-rise bungalows. The courtyard at the door of the house has been closed for a long time, but it cannot hide the various screams coming from here.

At first sight, the guard at the interrogation office was Lula, and he silently opened the iron door and even greeted him with a smile: "Hello, Lord Lula."

Lula nodded as usual, and asked, "What happened to the female guerrillas who were arrested yesterday?"

"She is very weak, and we are afraid of killing her with too much punishment, so we haven't opened her mouth yet," the guard whispered.

The gendarmerie interrogation office in Merida is where the entire Mexican guerrillas fear and hate. No matter how firm the will is, anyone who enters here will definitely speak. Due to Lula's effective crackdown and interrogation, the guerrillas in southern Mexico have not been displayed.

Entering an interrogation room, a girl with a scaly body fell on a pile of withered grass, her hands and feet were bound by iron chains, and the dark iron chains were covered with dark red blood.

The girl was sobbing, silent and sad. She watched Lula come in, and the whole person was startled. Her hands and feet twitched with a chain that rang, making it hard to hide the fear in her eyes.

The guard brought Lula a chair and whispered, "She just ate something, and we gave her some painkillers. According to the rules you set, the whole trial was tight and loose."

Lula watched the girl with a smile and said, "I don't want to die if I want to eat. Since you don't want to die, please cooperate with us. I don't ask you to tell where the guerrillas are hiding. I just want to know that your guerrillas are hiding food. Location. "

The girl shook her head, her gaze looming through the messy silk. She shook her head and said with her swollen mouth, "Without food, all guerrillas will die."

"But you will surrender without food, and we will arrange work for you. This can actually reduce your losses, it is better than being frozen and starved in the wild." Lula continued to laugh.

The girl still shook her head. "My brother surrendered, but you were thrown into the pit as slaves. My dad surrendered, and you suspected that he hurt his leg and shot him on the spot. My mother surrendered, you burned her alive for pleasure .Hmm ... I will never surrender. "

A drop of blood spewed from the girl's mouth and landed on Lula's boots. He was always polite, and then he suddenly stood up and cursed: "You actually spit at me? Do you know how valuable these shoes are? This may be the only pair of handmade limited editions in the world. 'High boots.'

Lula seemed to be hit hard. He stepped on his feet carefully, and tore up the sleeves of the guards around to wipe his boots. He was still dissatisfied after rubbing it, and murmured anxiously: "I spent the whole day rubbing these boots, and I didn't even let any servant touch it."

The girl immediately laughed at Lula's ugliness, and Lula scolded furiously: "You dare to laugh at me? I want to burn you stinky son and drag it to the square in the city center to burn to death. People across Merida will soon hear screams before they die! "

The guards were all trembling about Lula in a state of madness. They quickly stepped forward to punch and kick the girl who vomited blood, and dragged her dying away quickly. It's not the first time that the square has burned the living. Even the Americans living in Merida know that there is an extremely brutal guy in his ruler.

At the interrogation office, angry Lula was still thundering for his boots. He kept beating anything he could catch, and even pulled out a pistol and fired wildly. The interrogation guards had to scramble, and even the gendarmerie trembled.

At this moment, Lula was no longer handsome and handsome when he went out. The whole person looked like a twisted and deformed demon, a head scattered wildly, a vicious look, a violent and chaotic expression, which showed his crazy and terrifying nature.

Just then, a commander shouted outside the interrogation office: "Report, Lord Lula, Your Governor order you ..."

Lula was angry again and shouted: "Order me? The Mexican illegitimate dare to order me? He is nothing but a puppet ~ www.readwn.com ~ is a pack of pus from Diago's ugly zombie ! "

The commander did not dare to speak outside. After a while, Lula calmed down, and he resumed his calm smile again and walked out of the interrogation room and asked, "Well, what is the Governor, what do you want from me? Does he want a woman to play, or do he want drugs? For ' The friendship between Enclave and the Diego government, I must satisfy him. "

The commander was dying nervously, saying in a stubborn voice: "The order was transferred by the Governor's Mansion. Commander Brucell of the Cancun Fleet asked for assistance in tracking a group of" Aurora Corps "infiltrator.

This group of people landed on a transport plane into Mexico last night. We only knew that their last stop was at Chichen Itza International Airport, one hundred kilometers away, and they lost their tracks.

Commander Brucher judged them to be sabotaging and may be coming towards Merida, and I hope you can be more vigilant. "

"Oh ..., Aurora Corps ?! I'm really glad to have a stronger opponent. I don't have to deal with those Mexican guerrillas who can't do anything every day. This is very good, very good!" Lula's excited eyes appeared biting Human eyes, "I like this new game!" (To be continued.)

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