Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 466: How to improve artistic accomplishment

If you want to confuse the enemy, you can't confuse yourself. ?? Hunting so ...

"Take care of your ideological work!" Zhou Qingfeng's remark was aimed at a few Mexicans who were **** with hands and feet in front of him and were crying.

The task force arrived at the camp in Maskanu town, and as a result, various changes occurred that night. Some people want to run away, some gangs dominate other partners, some want to sneak away trucks loaded with food, and some even want to kill soldiers from the Huaxia combat platoon to surrender to the 'Inkley'.

A chaotic world has chaotic thoughts, and not everyone obediently obeys commands!

If the soldiers in the battle platoon are always vigilant, and if the 'dog meat' is not rested for 24 hours, what are the consequences? Maybe Zhou Qingfeng's forefoot encouraged these Mexicans to rebel against 'Increte', and the Mexicans on the hind feet gave him eye drops.

"But it's also good to have these rat feces early. It's better than letting them lurk in the team." Zhou Qingfeng was determined to wash the brain of the "Mexico Liberation Front" he just created. As for these, "buy them alive." "

Maskanu said it was a town, but it was actually a large village. It's extremely poor here, not even a few decent houses can be found, with low thatched huts and stone houses everywhere. Just in the open space in the centre of town, several captured insurgents were convicted on the spot.

The digging was carried by Mexicans. Some of them followed the Aurora Corps desperately, some were frightened and dared not run, and many more were full of heads and do n’t know what to do. of. It is extremely difficult to educate these people.

As they watched several convicted persons pushed into the pit, each Mexican was asked to shovel a piece of soil. After burying, everyone has to step over from the pit and compact the people buried below.

The whole process was dull, gloomy, and bloodless, but absolutely cruel. After stepping over the buried pit, all Mexicans became trembling, at least they knew they were scared. But not enough ...

"The world today adopts the law of the jungle, the weak and the strong, and the fittest survive. We have enemies and friends, so we need friendship and affection, we need to depend on each other and give each other to survive. And these insurgents are completely selfish, …….

Today I am going to make a rule: treat comrades-in-arms as warm as spring, treat work as hot as summer, treat selfish thoughts as sweeping autumn wind, and treat enemies as cruel and ruthless as winter. "

Zhou Qingfeng spoke a lot to these Mexicans in Spanish, and it was also a way of training his eloquence. It only lasted for ten minutes. The Mexicans who were summoned were just like wood, without any reaction.

Brainwashing is not something that can be done in a day or two. It requires long-term subtle influence. For now, it's better to let 'dog meat' scare them.

However, Zhou Qingfeng was not upset. He dismissed the team and arranged tasks for everyone, so that they would not think about nothing. He also made it clear that everyone must get labor and service in exchange for food, and those who do not work must not eat.

Brainwashing is a long-term effect, but food is an immediate need. At this time, the Mexicans in the task force finally understood what Zhou Qingfeng meant. Everyone thought: Why do you have to work hard, you should say it early!

The task force still has a lot of work to do, and just repairing temporary barracks requires a lot of manpower. And Zhou Qingfeng ordered Nito to establish multiple guerrilla strongholds in the Yucatan region, not to mention any solid fortifications, but somewhere to live, drink water, have observation posts, and have escape routes.

It is absolutely not cost-effective for these tasks to make combat platoons, but it is very appropriate to let these Mexicans do it. This is also a combination of military and civilians.

But this is not enough, it is not enough. Zhou Qingfeng needs to make these Mexicans have stronger cohesion with himself, but his words are too pale to touch the people at all.

What happens if you play a movie?

After Zhou Qingfeng pondered for a while, he took ‘dog meat’ and found a big house in the town alone. Within a minute he rejoicedly returned to the task force and announced to everyone that I had found a large warehouse with many, many good things in it.

At the beginning, people in the task force saw Zhou Qingfeng as a fool. But finally, several people followed Zhou Qingfeng to look at it, and then everyone became stupid. Looking at the gray house, the humble house is not only a lot of good things, it is just a treasure!

At the beginning of the house were found various tools, hoes, shovel, hammer, pliers, scissors, nails, saws, tarpaulins, iron frames, everything. It looks shabby, but it's all ready to use. Especially now that temporary camps need to be transformed, these things are better than hands!

Those Mexican workers originally looked for tools in the town after receiving the task from Zhou Qingfeng, but the number they found was not always enough, and they may not be suitable. Now, everything that should and should not be in front of you is really exciting.

Apart from tools, the most are some cans. When Nietto saw these cans, he thought of those grandpa-level cans that he ate when he was in New York. The taste is really ... it is unforgettable for a lifetime!

At present, these cans are obviously out of date. They are products 2o1o years ago, but they are at least stronger than Spam a century ago.

In particular, many of these canned meats are heavy in oil and salt, which is especially suitable for Mexicans who are currently malnourished. Even soldiers in the Huaxia combat platoon can see the saliva. These foods, which are considered unhealthy in rich societies, are now authentically healthy.

Some canned fruits are even more sought-after, and the platoon in the battle platoon boldly opened it and tasted it: "Although I am very surprised why there are so many domestic cans here, the cans themselves are not bad and the taste is quite good. Yes, it's just past its shelf life. "

Zhou Qingfeng stood beside and smiled cheerfully, thinking to himself: It is because the shelf life has expired that the store can't sell it, and it is considered a low-value item!

These cans were immediately announced as a reward food, and only those who were loyal to the collective, worked hard, and contributed to it. This time, regardless of the Mexicans of the task force, even the soldiers of the battle platoon are excited, and they want to do something to quickly contribute to the enjoyment of food ~ www.readwn.com ~ In addition to tools and cans, Zhou Qingfeng One of the most special items in the one hundred tons of goods delivered was a movie projector, plus a hundred boxes of Mexican movie discs, all of which were relatively old.

Digital projectors have long been used for film releases this year. In the past, film projectors used for filming in rural areas were eliminated from the warehouses, and were brought in by Zhou Qingfeng.

The projector came out and everyone's eyes were shining.

Life in the wasteland is too depressed, war, death, oppression, and many people are close to the edge of collapse, completely desperate for the future, life and the world. The Chinese soldiers in the platoon still had a little hope. The Mexicans who had become slaves looked at Mumu dumbly, but they became numb under pressure.

Looking for a closed room at night to show an old Mexican film ‘Yesenia’, all Mexicans shed tears while watching a movie. These guys finally have new expectations for life, and they have reliance on the task force.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Qingfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief-we really can't think about driving a * movies every day, we still need to improve our artistic accomplishment. (To be continued.)

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