Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 467: Ideological Education

Utherman walked next to a portable boiler, adding wood to the boiler, and stared at a dish of tortillas on the boiler. ? Hunting? ???? There are several Mexicans around her, one by one are talking about the movie they just watched. She really didn't understand. When was this time? These compatriots still thought about the movie.

As a seventeen-year-old Mexican girl, Utherman was the first female member of the Mexican Liberation Front. She was originally a tomboy in a gang and made a living by delivering special express delivery to various big brothers.

After the cataclysm, Utherman survived the care and prudence he had developed in the gang. She always acted alone, looking for inconspicuous places to store all kinds of survival supplies, and looked coldly at the rapid decline of Mexico, which lost government control.

When the weather suddenly became cold, when food became scarce, and when no one was in the wilderness, Utherman's life became more and more difficult. She pressed her temporary home in the abandoned town of Maskanu. One day when she went out looking for food, she returned with more people. The key is that she has a portable boiler. The boiler is upright. Heat a large pot of tortillas.

The girl didn't care what happened at home, she took a chance and ran away with a tortilla. As a result, more than a dozen people in the room yelled to catch her, and even dispatched armored vehicles to chase her. She was desperately holding the tortillas in her mouth when she was caught, and then curled up waiting to be beaten.

But Utherman's imagination didn't fall. A young man stopped drinking the person who tried to beat her and pulled her up and said to others, "Did you forget Mr Hugo's teachings? We should unite each other, not fight each other. This girl is obviously hungry, so we have a responsibility to help her. "

Utherman just joined the ‘Mexico Liberation Front’ so vaguely. The person who rescued her asked her history and name, and then comforted her that she could stay and fight for the cause of justice. She later learned that the activist was called Nito.

What 'just cause' is too confusing, but it is true to be able to eat enough. Utherman had only joined a strange guerrilla group and was careful to try to understand the organization.

"What's our head?" Utherman asked the people in the team.

"His name is Nieto, and it's Mr. Victor Hugo." The partners in the team are also happy to tell their own stories.

"In other words, do we have a bigger head?"

"Yes, we belong to the subordinates of the Aurora Corps. Our real leader is called Victor Hugo, and that is a big man."

"Okay, it's okay. It's nothing more than the little gangsters of the big gang. I see this kind of thing a lot." Utherman realized that he could still understand the power structure in the organization. But the group she soon joined herself was a little different.

The 'Mexico Liberation Front' doesn't do nothing all day, everyone is actually busy. Everyone is organized to work during the day, and learn how to fight when they have time. At night, everyone has the task of thinking and learning.

If it is understandable to learn combat, it is very puzzling for the Mexicans in the organization to learn cultural knowledge.

"Study?" Utherman hadn't attended school for a day since she was a child. She was actually an illiterate, but this did not affect her social mingling. "It's all eschatology now. What should we learn?"

Latino learning, ha ha ha ... don't laugh! We cannot discriminate against others.

But in fact, Latinos are as famous as African-Americans and do not love to go to school. The ordinary people among them are honest and hardworking, hardworking, uneducated, desperate to have children, and then have a simple and happy life.

But at the 'Mexico Liberation Front,' this was overturned. People with poor academic performance do not have food. This alone forces people in the organization to study hard.

Utherman once met Victor Hugo, a big head, and she remembered one sentence from the other side: A confused person has no fighting power. You need to understand why you are fighting? I don't actually require much knowledge of you, but at least you can obey my command.

Actually no one understood Victor Hugo's words, at least Utherman didn't. But still to eat, the girl had to learn every day.

Without textbooks, textbooks, or even a suitable classroom, the 'Mexico Liberation Front' often has to circle the 'Increte', and even the teaching time is uncertain. Sometimes it is not fixed together with studies. Some people will sacrifice, some will flee, and some will rebel.

But as long as you are free, teaching at night is essential. In the beginning, everyone listened to Mr. Hugo's speech on the stage, and then other people will give lectures. The trainees only listened for a long time, but they must ask questions by name before each lesson. Those who could not answer the question would be miserable.

Utherman was smart and had a good memory. As long as she answers questions by name, she is never punished. But she did n’t understand or even agree with what ‘nation’, ‘freedom’, ‘glory’, ‘giving life for your ideals’, etc. in class.

But it doesn't matter, rote is good. The key is that girls like the ease of playing movies when they are studying. No matter what videos they play, she opens her eyes wide.

And the entertainment in the last days is almost zero. What movies do you watch after having enough food? But this is different at the "Mexico Liberation Front", as long as you work hard to eat a full stomach.

After eating, people naturally need to meet their own spiritual needs, so watching movies has become a great enjoyment. And being able to watch a movie is a reward, only for the best people. So Utherman always tried his best to make himself better.

Slowly after joining the Moxie array for more than a month, Tianneto came up and said, "Utherman, you will be the classroom teacher from today. Mr. Hugo thinks you have learned well and can give it to others Class. "

what? !!

"I'm coming to class?" Utherman really didn't understand how he became a teacher? She asked hesitantly, "Isn't Mr. Hugo giving us lessons?"

"How could Mr. Hugo teach us all the time? He is our regiment, and he has more important matters." Nietto gave Utherman a few books. "This is a textbook printed by our Aurora Corps. You will follow the teachings above. "

"Last-day ideological and political education", "How to stimulate the correct outlook on life, world outlook, values", "The Great Leader Victor Hugo Quotes", these books are poorly printed and bound incorrectly. They are the "Aurora Corps" from Cuba It was brought along for feeding.

These books made Utherman read very hard, let alone teach her others. She almost cried and asked, "Do you really ask me to teach? Actually I don't understand myself."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you can let others understand." Nito has no room for understanding. "This is the trust in you in the organization, you must do a good job. Otherwise you go to the front to fight with other soldiers."

What he said was exactly the same tone as Victor Hugo's class, and Utherman frowned. Of course, she is reluctant to join the frontline fighting forces. It is safer to be a classroom instructor ~ www.readwn.com ~ Well, I agree. "

With that nod, the seventeen-year-old girl embarked on a completely different road. On the "Inkley" reward list, Victor Hugo always ranked first, and Utherman's name never dropped out of the top ten. If ranked by the level of hatred of the "Inkley", Utherman is even higher than Vic. Hugo.

"Utherman is a seductive old lady."

"This evil witch has inspired countless young Mexicans to join the" Mexico Array "and build her throne with corpses and blood."

"If it wasn't for Utherman's efficient propaganda,‘ Mexico Array ’would never have grown stronger. This woman is far more dangerous than we thought.”

And Zhou Qingfeng said: I have finally found someone to replace me, so I don't need to talk to a bunch of idiots silly!

No matter how the enemy hates her in the future, Utherman, 17, is still a poor little girl who is hungry and dizzy. That day she stumbled back to her doomsday nest, saw a pot of fragrant corn tortillas and rushed up. The girl was thinking at the time, "No matter what, I must be full before I die." (To be continued.)

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