Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 571: Guide

The sudden overnight battle, although the loss was not small, also saved the Numajit outpost, which should have been destroyed. Looking at the three or four hundred radiating cockroaches collected, and the horrible `` mutant '' corpse, the survivors were lucky in the thriller-if there was a sudden arrival of the Baltimore Action Team, the base Everyone is dead.

"It is said that this team is from the south."

"I listen to their internal personnel exchanges, and have been referring to the 'Legion' or something."

"Do you feel weird? Our new boss is Asian, but he is white and black, which is unusual."

"Is it the Aurora Corps in the south? But what do they run for thousands of kilometers to come to us?"

Victory in the battle, plus food and drink, made the people stable in the stronghold, but the residents who were reorganized had to make various guesses in private. Because Zhou Qingfeng did not directly state his identity at all, this further deepened the mystery of his body.

Soldiers and residents in the strongholds are organized to perform simple tasks, and at least the sanitary situation is dealt with. A clean and clean environment can greatly improve the quality of life. Among the crowd, Niya was a member of the organization. As a woman, she used to live in the stronghold.

In fact, due to lack of food and supplies, the men in the base did not care about exerting energy on women. Before Zhou Qingfeng and others appeared, Niya had not been able to find customers for two consecutive weeks, and she felt that she would starve to death somewhere in the stronghold that day.

"Hey, your name is Niya, right?" A soldier of the action team suddenly appeared, and he looked at a section of road cleared by Niya. "You worked hard and did a good job."

"Yes, sir. I must be working very hard." Niya narrowed her shoulders and lowered her head, subconsciously looking like a weak person. She really wanted to show her enthusiasm, because it was these people armed to the teeth that gave her a new life, but she was really afraid of these burly soldiers.

Those who have mastered force are terrible. This is the greatest experience and lesson for Niya in the last year of the last year. She has been subjected to insults, cursing, beatings, and even rapes. She has been remembered many times, and the perpetrators have a commonality-most of them are men with weapons.

Even if the action team gave Niya food and clothes, she still dared not approach these people casually. She even prepared to be beaten at all times, or to be insulted or something. The men in the stronghold were bored, boring, boring, desperate, or had no reason at all to make women angry.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to trouble you." The soldiers of the action team held a small personal computer with preliminary registration information of the personnel in the stronghold. "You told us before that you are Baltimore People, you should be familiar with the city? "

"Yes, I escaped from the city." Niya answered honestly.

"Are you familiar with Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore?" The soldier asked again.

"I used to be a student at a business school and should be fairly familiar."

"Students in business school? Very good. Are you familiar with the school's medical school?"


The soldier asked many questions, and Niya answered them one by one. In the end, she was told that she would be the one in need of care and that she would receive some preferential treatment.

Niya was not very clear about the preferential treatment. Before the cataclysm, if a man told an indecent joke to her, she could report warning * harassment, but now she just hopes that she will not be beaten less. However, residents of other bases came to listen to the news and make inquiries.

"Niya, what did the soldiers ask you for?"

"I don't know. They just asked me some questions and said I could get some care."

"Ah ... then you are lucky, our new leader seems very kind and generous. I heard that some people in the stronghold were specially selected, and all aspects of treatment were better than in the past. Some even said they were selected Can leave the ghost place by plane. "

Leaving this ghost place?

Niya has thought about leaving countless times, but where can I go after leaving? It is not that no one left at the stronghold, but it is not always possible to live a safe and stable life after leaving, and may even experience misfortune on the way. After a long time, everyone confessed.

After finishing the morning cleaning work, Niya followed the crowd to pick up lunch. She had a little anticipation. If she was being taken care of, could she share more food? For months of malnutrition, eating more is her biggest luxury.

However, lunch is ordinary cereal porridge, and some minced meat is added to cook, and everyone also gets a pill, which is said to be supplemented with vitamins and the like. This disappointed Niya, when she quickly comforted herself, "satisfaction, this is much better than before."

Just as Niya wanted to leave with the dinner plate, the soldier in charge of the meal suddenly said, "Wait, you shouldn't have dinner with us."

The coldness of the words was irresistible, which surprised Niya. She immediately obediently put down the plate filled with food and said weakly, "Sorry, I'm sorry, I'll leave right away."

The residents who received the food were also somehow, but no one spoke, just looking at Niya with poor eyes. In their opinion, this woman must have done something wrong, or offended someone who was banned from dining.

But before Niya left, the soldier who ate the food waved the spoon in his hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ pointed to another house nearby and said coldly: "Your clothes are marked with preferential treatment, you should go Small restaurant. "

Ah ..., Niya looked at a small yellow cloth strip tied to her clothes, which was given to her by the soldier who had questioned before. She didn't expect it to be a sign of identity.

The pitying gaze around him immediately became hot, even jealous. Because the light smelled the air, I knew that there should be more abundant food in the small restaurants nearby.

"Thank you, thank you." Niya thanked him in a hurry. She was very uncomfortable with the eyes around her, but she felt a little joyful in her heart. She thought to herself: My status has really improved? Can I get better treatment just because of questioning?

Walking into the small restaurant, there are fewer people here. But when the Niya newspaper published its name, the person in charge even asked, "What would you like to eat? We now serve bacon and eggs, bread and macaroni are open, and some creamy vegetable soup. Our supply It's still sufficient. You are a Class A priority staff. We will try our best to meet your requirements. "

I have never dared to think of such treatment in the past few months. Niya even felt that she was dreaming? She carefully asked for some vegetable soup and macaroni, and then ordered eggs and bacon. After eating, she had a cup of condensed milk, and she felt really happy.

And then Niya found that she didn't need to work, she was asked to take more rest, or to think about the situation in Baltimore and Johns Hopkins University as much as possible, and someone kept asking her and recording details.

Until three days later, someone came to her and said, "Miss Niya, we need to go out for a military investigation. I hope you will come and guide us."

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