Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 572: navigate

"Expansion forceps."

"The second scalpel."

"Be careful, this worm's body fluid is very corrosive."

"Removed, give me the box."

"This thing looks really strange."

In the narrow temporary dissection room, Belford's medical director, Belford, is personally examining a dead radiation cockroach. On a simple operating table, a complete giant worm was unloaded in eight pieces. Among them, some tissues that were considered to have healing effects were specially removed and stored separately.

After completing the dissection, Belford also ordered his assistant to carefully pack all parts of the bug to avoid possible infections or accidents. After all, cockroaches have always been thought to carry a lot of harmful bacteria. Who knows what will happen after radiation mutation?

And Belford walked out of the dissection room and took off his mask to Zhou Qingfeng, who was guarding outside, said, "Her chief, these mutants are of great research value, but I am not an expert in insects and mutations. As for whether they are really local Speaking of efficacy, this requires a lot of experimentation.

As for the bodies of the other two 'mutants', it is also the source of great research interest for professionals. However, the equipment and conditions here are not sufficient, and they can only be transported back to Havana for follow-up research. Maybe we can find their weaknesses. "

Belford arrived on a transport plane with a dedicated biomedical team. They have been here for two days, examining the living conditions of mutant organisms in North America, and helping Zhou Qingfeng figure out a way to deal with the current problem.

But for the so-called medical research, Zhou Qingfeng didn't pay much attention. He just ordered: "All mutant organisms are transported away by the transport aircraft this time. I don't need you to conduct any large-scale research. I only need you to do one thing. . "

Said, Zhou Qingfeng rolled up his sleeves, "Draw a few hundred milliliters of my blood, inject it to some prisoners, and observe their condition within a week. If they appear to have strengthened and weakened bodies, radiate the glands or meat of cockroaches Give them a block and see how it works. "

Belford was suddenly confused, and he couldn't figure out why. And Zhou Qingfeng Shen Sheng said: "I hope this is a secret experimental project, and all the results of the experiment will be given directly to me and Lena Fox."

"His Excellency, can you tell me what is the purpose of doing this? I think I need a clear experimental goal." Belford asked in embarrassment.

"Residents here say that the glands of radiation cockroaches can treat any disease and any injury. I think this is too exaggerated, but despite doubts, I still want to try." Zhou Qingfeng's purpose is simple, he just wanted to Find yourself a back door.

Although still unclear, Belford had some suspicions in his mind. Facing the order directly given by the head of the legion, he could only nod in agreement. After the blood was drawn, he hurried up and led the team away.

Watching the three c-130 transport planes take off again, the people inside the stronghold are sighing endlessly. Caterina asked Zhou Qingfeng: "Do you really believe that those mutated cockroaches are special drugs that can save your life?"

"Try it, there is no harm." Zhou Qingfeng was in charge of the 'Aurora Corps', and the entire Legion was his private property. "Residents of the base said that the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel Research Institute is using radiation cockroaches to make something called a" therapeutic needle ". It is said that some minor injuries can heal quickly and severe injuries can be greatly relieved.

"How is this possible?" Katerina shook her head slightly, and women were naturally disgusted with cockroaches, not to mention giant cockroaches. She did not give any hope for the so-called "magic effect of radiation cockroaches", but she did not want to attack Zhou Qingfeng without directly denying it.

For many people in the stronghold, those three transport planes were simply the only opportunity to reach the Garden of Eden. Because there were more than a hundred people in the stronghold who were considered to be more valuable and left by plane. They escaped from the sea of ​​suffering and no longer had to suffer.

For the action team, the three transport planes took away some wounded and cumbersome, and brought a lot of equipment they needed. The light fire assault vehicle was considered suitable for use in complex terrain, and this was actually proven when attacking the city of Merida.

This time without an assault gun equipped with heavy artillery and explosive reaction armor, facing a turbulent wave of insects and the terrible ‘mutant’, it ’s really hard to say who is dead.

In this case, Zhou Qingfeng decisively asked Havana to get him another armored combat vehicle. As a result, three lightly armored 'Panhards' and a heavy artillery btr-60 were transported over.

In addition, Zhou Qingfeng's elite soldiers have also been replenished, the number has been increased to more than fifty, and they are full again and ready to fight. This number of combat troops has reached the limit of long-range deployment of the Aurora Corps. With additional staffing, logistics supplies can no longer keep up.

With a firm foothold, Zhou Qingfeng naturally began to search Baltimore. But according to photos taken by aerial reconnaissance, he still has trouble-the road to Baltimore is jammed with various scrapped vehicles, and the closer to the city, the more.

Without a lot of manpower and time, it would be impossible to clear a passable road. What Zhou Qingfeng lacks is manpower and time. Since there is no GPS and no electronic navigation, he has to find a guide to re-plan a route for the armored vehicle to go outside the existing road.

"Thank goodness, our Maryland is not a hilly country ~ www.readwn.com ~ but a plain, which makes our detour plan feasible. But we will not know what will happen on the road. I hope it is not a success Groups of hostile creatures. "

Zhou Qingfeng has a detailed map of Baltimore's surroundings, but the catastrophe has been happening for almost a year now. Who knows if the map is still useful? He ordered people to find guides familiar with the surrounding environment in the stronghold. A total of four were found.

"Everyone, don't be nervous. I just hope you can help me find a suitable route to Baltimore." Zhou Qingfeng personally met the four selected guides. When his request came, three male guides immediately I started to think.

More than forty kilometers of roads were discussed all afternoon, and about three roads were selected. But all three roads are troublesome-no one has walked, just blinded by past experience.

"Hey, madam, what's your name?" Zhou Qingfeng threw the map-drawing pencil on the table, pinched his swollen head, and looked at the only woman in the four guides.

"My name is Niya. I was originally a student at Johns Hopkins University Business School." The woman said weakly, she looked carefully at Zhou Qingfeng's eyes.

"Oh, I heard of you. You should have taken a plane to Havana. I'm sorry to leave you. Do you have any opinion on our course of action?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

Niya looked at Zhou Qingfeng and looked at the map again. Finally, she walked to the table with a grin, and drew an arc on one of the lines with her finger, pursed her lips and said, "I suggest you take a detour."


"You better go to Granite first."


"Because there's a refuge somewhere, maybe someone can help us."


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