Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 578: Extravagant enjoyment

Baltimore is located in the Washington Capital Circle and has a large number of research institutes. Elder Joseph was also protecting a few fugitive members of the National Academy of Sciences for the sake of the country and for all mankind. At the time, he was proud of his righteousness.

But after a long time, it was found that the academician had an egg. All of them are old, even in their 70s and 80s, with all kinds of illnesses and need special staff to serve. Let them work but they can't do anything. Obviously they have a full stomach to learn that even rice worms are not as good as a proper manure making machine.

This is like buying high-performance stocks at first, originally thinking that it can rise all the way, but as a result, it has fallen all the way, even losing pants. So regardless of loss, Elder Joseph can only recognize the deal with his nose.

Watching the trembling academicians being sent to a separate resting tent, Elder Joseph could only sigh, feeling that he might really have done a good deed. But all he had to do now was to return to the shelter with the medicine he had exchanged.

"Don't you want to do it?" Seeing that Elder Joseph was leaving, the handover staff sent from the camp also reminded him.

"Can you give us the pot camel machine now?" Of course, Elder Joseph wanted the pot camel machine. Although the gadget has a small unit power and covers a large area, it is better than a bicycle power generation device! With electricity, there is much more that can be done.

There is really a pan-camel machine in the temporary camp, which is a backup power generation device that was purposely taken by Wan Feng to leave with a nuclear fusion battery. The person who handed over nodded surely and said, "We can transport you to the shelter and come to your door to teach you how to install and use it."

"No no no, I can send someone to learn how to use it. And we can transport it by ourselves." Elder Joseph still kept his own bottom line and refused on the spot. He was determined not to allow the operations team to enter the sanctuary. "I can now arrange a few soldiers for operational learning."

The pot camel machine is not a precision device, but a silly, bulky antique-grade machine. To put it plainly, a boiler with a steam engine is a very compact power equipment that can be made relatively small. The action team provided a mobile pan-camel machine with wheels, 25 horsepower, and several hundred kilograms.

To put it plainly, this thing is to burn the stove, how to ignite, how to ensure the air pressure, how to deflate when the air pressure is high, and there are some simple troubleshooting. More than a dozen shelter soldiers followed to learn how to operate, while Elder Joseph walked around the camp, trying to see this strange team in person.

Due to the large number of people accommodated, the temporary camp became bustling, and everyone had to undergo a simple physical examination, followed by a large number of medications and meals.

The team doctors of the action team were just two or three people, and temporarily pulled a few labors to be assistants. Watching the sold people line up for inspection, the simple scene made Elder Joseph's heart startle.

These guys are really extravagant!

First, all personnel have to take a bath, of course, a hot bath. Water is needed for bathing, so a pump is needed. The pumped water is sent to the field cooking car, which has a high-power electric heater, which can provide hundreds of liters of boiling water every minute.

This **** thing is consuming a lot of power!

The power consumption alone is not provided by a pan-camel machine. Do these guys have more than one pan-camel machine? No wonder they will give us a generous one. His Excellency the Elder thought.

People who take a bath take a physical examination in the bathroom naked. Many people are thin and emaciated, and various illnesses are emerging. And those doctors immediately opened the medicine box carried by the convoy, and all kinds of scarce drugs were used like no money.

Finding that they are being treated well, all the people who are sold are assured that this is by no means treating themselves as slaves or food. This is a true view of yourself as someone useful.

Elder Joseph was frightened. He reconfirmed that the armed convoy really did not lack medicine. They spend several times more medicine on various containment personnel than on shelters.

"Strange, where do these people come from? They just have more than 20 cars, and it is impossible to meet the survival needs of hundreds of people anyway!" Elder Joseph still felt incredible, in fact the camp had become very crowded Those contained had to live densely in some tents.

What surprised the elders even more is that this team also provides supper. He saw with his own eyes boxes of noodles that had been removed from several light trucks until they were emptied. This noodle called "Extreme" is cooked in boiling water for a few minutes and can be removed and eaten. It is extremely delicious when mixed with sauce.

"Elder Joseph, this is your noodle." The cook took the initiative to give a plate full of food, and reminded: "Hurry and eat, it's cold and fast."

In order to keep warm, everyone concentrated on eating noodles in a large tent. Several light boilers were still burning in the tent, so that the temperature of minus ten degrees Celsius was raised to above zero. It already feels much warmer.

A bite of hot noodles, the aroma of fat directly provokes appetite. A plate of noodles snorted and made people feel warm. What makes the elders even more surprised is that the noodles here are open to eat, open to eat, open to eat!

The elders who wanted to take refuge in the first place would fight their lives and pay hundreds of people to rob tens of thousands of tons of materials in the city. But these materials now seem to have been unable to meet the needs of the shelter, otherwise there would not be so many people starving.

And how extravagant is this team? Where can they let their hearts go?

Elder Joseph sat among the dining crowd ~ www.readwn.com ~ found that the dining people came and went, left after eating, and did not stay. He asked a few words, and learned that these people were full and had to work.

"It's late at night, what are you going to do?" Elder Joseph knew, though the worst stage of nuclear winter had already left, but now dripping into ice at night. Still working in this environment?

"We all want to work. Only by working can we have food and live." The middle-aged white woman was talking, eating noodles silently, and then leaving with a dinner plate.

"Paddy, you're Patty." Elder Joseph recognized the woman in front of her. This was the first woman to be traded out yesterday. At that time, she was completely like a fool, but in just one day, this woman who was about to starve to death was rejuvenated.

"Yes, I'm Patty. Your elder, thank you very much for being able to trade me, otherwise I'm dead. And here, I have hope of living again." The white woman said politely, but with a gentle tone Resentment is inevitable in his eyes. She was a worthless lowest class in the shelter. This means she doesn't even have the most basic guarantee of survival.

Seeing the humble woman like ants in the past dare to sneer at himself, Elder Joseph couldn't help but say, "It seems that you have joined this team, but I am not optimistic about you at all. You are so happy eating and drinking now Yes. But what about tomorrow, the day after tomorrow? How many days can your leader support? "

Unexpectedly, the white woman did not have any frustration, but sneered: "Elder Elder, you need not worry about this. With the presence of the army commander, we can continue to carry on. As for the food and drink in front of you, this is too trivial, we will clean up one immediately. Landing runways will be transported by transport planes tomorrow. "

What……? Transport plane! (To be continued.)

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