Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 579: Compromise of refuge

Well, these people actually have planes. Elder Joseph said that it is incredible that there are still people flying around in these years? !!

After Zhou Qingfeng arrived at the Granite Refuge, he had a strong will to take root here. Because the location of this place is so good, it is very close to the city of Baltimore, has relatively complete living facilities, defense forces and fortifications are readily available.

However, due to limited strength, Zhou Qingfeng could not directly occupy the Granite Refuge, as he did against the Nuomagit military base, and he could only engage in a curve operation to achieve his purpose. In fact, the curve of “Personnel for Medicine” has yielded tremendous results, which is totally beyond imagination.

Ms. Patty, who was the first to return in this operation, gave Zhou Qingfeng a considerable surprise. You must know that the c-130 flight that reached more than 2,000 kilometers arrived in Baltimore. There is no GPS navigation. It is because the pilot's own quality depends on the map to fly.

Now there is an experienced Ms. Patty, even if there is no radar, as long as the radio controller gives a radio station, it can achieve the dual effects of radio navigation and aviation control. The c-130's pilots no longer have to fly like a headless flies over half of the United States, and safety has been greatly improved.

Similarly, when a temporary runway was opened near the sanctuary to complete the cleanup work, two c-130 transport planes descended from the sky after dawn, and the stubborn elder Joseph, like a granite, was shocked and turned into a goof. He had guessed where this mysterious armed convoy came from, but never expected that it would come from Cuba thousands of miles away.

The Aurora Corps ... this is a pretty legendary organization. As the leader of the organization, Victor Hugo's commander is well-known in the United States. Zhou Qingfeng himself did not know that he was actually a very famous figure on the site of the Brotherhood of Steel.

A person with a large group of men, unscathed in the disaster of nuclear bomb washing, and vomiting blood from the 'Inkley' pit, what such a person would say would also cause great interest. Elder Joseph was shocked to see such a person in person.

"You are Victor Hugo?"

"That's right, I'm the commander of the Aurora Corps."

When the transport plane landed, any concealment had no effect. His Excellency has finally had the opportunity to formally meet with Zhou Qingfeng, and his thoughts are mixed.

Watching a large number of materials unloaded from the cabin, and then watching a large number of people board the aircraft, this powerful logistical support capability has been revealed.

No wonder people have a lot of medicines to exchange, no wonder they are willing to accept a large number of seemingly useless waste personnel, no wonder they can open their belly to eat and have fun, they have a legion to back it up!

"I still have more than 300 people at the Nimakit base. I want to bring them together. I still hope to get a foothold in the Granite Refuge. We will not consume any resources in the shelter, but we can Provide a resident fee. "After Zhou Qingfeng had the runway, he was basically invincible and could put pressure on the elders of the shelter.

Watching Zhou Qingfeng's armed convoy expand again, the elders of the shelter were ugly. The word 鹊 鹊 Nest dove is not only the Chinese can think of, but foreigners are not stupid. At this time, no one would feel that Zhou Qingfeng seemed polite to be genuine, but they did not want to easily share their old nest with others.

There are refuges, and several elders are a party. Without the sanctuary, the elders were afraid to be swallowed up by the Aurora Corps. The situation of the Nuomagit military base is obvious, and more than 500 people in the base have completely become a vassal of Zhou Qingfeng. Useful was sent to Cuba, useless to stay to work.

"But if we refuse, a battle is inevitable." After seeing Zhou Qingfeng's strength, no one felt that he could withstand the attack of the other party. Many of them have birds, and they have heavy artillery.

"Maybe we can give them some refuge areas, such as the warehouse area to the south." Elder Joseph was helpless, and the best result would be both defeats. This is a disaster for a refuge without support.

A refuge cannot have only one entrance or exit, otherwise it will not be an evacuation, but a dead end. The Granite Refuge is not small in size, it has four or five entrances, and there are multiple sub-regions.

The vast majority of the population exchanged from the shelters will be transported to Havana by transport aircraft. Zhou Qingfeng is in the hands of more than 50 action teams elite and more than 300 handymen from Marquette. Of course, there are a large number of people in the shelter who are interested in working as handymen for the operation team.

Zhou Qingfeng probably needs a place for five hundred people. After looking at the so-called South Warehouse District, he said, "This place is not bad, and we are willing to rent it."

The warehouse area is a two-story underground building. There is no ancillary building on the ground, but a cellar opening downwards as an entrance. The supporting facilities are certainly not as complete as the shelter.

"It doesn't matter, we can build it ourselves." Zhou Qingfeng's interest in the sanctuary is still great, but if he can't swallow it, he will eat away, take it slowly.

Hearing that there is no further request from His Excellency the Chief of the Legion, the elders of the refuge finally relieved. To be honest, I have a bad neighbor at home, which feels really uncomfortable. This evil neighbour still couldn't get rid of it, only flattered.

"It's better to be able to solve this problem peacefully, and to get a lot of materials we need from the other side, which is better than fighting." The members of the Presbyterian Church can only so comfort themselves.

But when Zhou Qingfeng led the team to squeeze in to be a neighbor, another doubt of the Presbyterian Church came up again-what are these guys doing from the Caribbean?

"We are going to enter Baltimore and collect some equipment and information." Zhou Qingfeng did not hide this. Because concealment was useless, he settled and began to follow up. But when he said that, all the Presbyterians were exclaiming--you're going into downtown Baltimore?

Crazy, ignorant, stupid, looking for death ... Zhou Qingfeng saw all kinds of information from the elders who met. Although no one else said anything, www.readwn.com ~, obviously he was not optimistic about his actions at all.

"Mr. Hugo, please forgive me, do you know what's in the city?" Elder Joseph wasn't thinking about Zhou Qingfeng. He was afraid that Zhou Qingfeng would bring disaster.

"A lot of mutants? Mutants, zombies, radiation cockroaches, etc." Zhou Qingfeng has not been idle these days. Due to the short distance, his drones have basically investigated the city of Baltimore for two or three. all over.

But Elder Joseph shook his head and said, "No, the mutants are not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that we don't know how these mutants were produced.

There are rumors that there is a biological mutation machine in the city. Any creature will mutate as soon as it gets close, so no one dares to go in easily to die. Although this may sound ridiculous, we have to consider its possibilities. "

Scary and grotesque mutant creatures are a nightmare for many people and a headache for wasteland areas. For rulers who have more information, how mutant organisms are generated is another more terrifying and more elusive question.

Obviously, if Zhou Qingfeng wants to enter the urban area, he will run into this problem. (To be continued.)

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