Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 587: Armor Shock

At night, Baltimore's default position was bombarded by at least six large-caliber mortars. The ammunition frightened the action team directly from top to bottom. Including Zhou Qingfeng, in the past, people who have fought against people have never been shelled, they are shelling others.

"Victor, I really should thank you for your insistence on bringing more than 300 laborers to repair the fortifications, and also thank Academician Karen for proposing a position, otherwise this shell would come down and we would have killed at least half of us." The butcher's curses and complaints came, with extra congratulations.

And Zhou Qingfeng was dignified at the moment. He was in a state of astonishment at the constant fire on the monitor screen and the surveillance cameras that were destroyed by artillery from time to time and lost signals. Hearing that the butcher directing outside was still ridiculing, he couldn't help but anger: "If I knew that these mutants had such strong firepower, it would be better to take a few people to sneak in."

Now being attacked by the enemy's artillery, most of the action team can only resist. Almost everyone is hiding in their fortifications and praying to God. Do not have shells directly on their heads. Otherwise, they will really die.

By saying 'almost everything', it means that there are still people who can move.

As soon as the fire broke down, first a retail market in the commercial center of this residential area was blown up. The Julio car group that was hiding in the market immediately became dumbfounded.

The gray-faced crew members stared blankly at a big hole, and could see the dark night sky ceiling. After a second or two, they all retracted into the body of their btr-60 assault vehicle like the frightened marmot. .

The driver shouted anxiously: "Boss Julio, what do we do now? The enemy seems to be aiming at us during the shelling. The armor on the top of the car can't stand it."

Armored vehicles are all reinforced frontal protection, taking into account the side, the position of the top of the head is simply crispy. The front of this btr-60 also has explosive reaction armor to strengthen the defense. The top of the modified turret has only a thin layer of steel.

This shot came down, scaring the whole crew members. Captain Julio shouted frantically: "Run, run, we are armored vehicles, not turrets that were beaten in place."

The btr-60's engine roared immediately, and they wanted to hide secretly to fight the enemy who entered the position. But now I find that good maneuverability is not an excuse for squatting up a black gun without using it.

A dozen-ton wheeled armoured chariot directly hit the wall of the retail market. Captain Julio looked out through the observation mirror and immediately faced a group of mutant squads who launched the impact.

A group of six violent mutants is charging, strong body, roaring firepower, fearless courage and determination. This squad of mutants is unrivaled in attack.

The original squad of squadrons was suppressed by sudden shelling, while the mutant team outside attacked the enemy while they were suppressed for more than ten seconds. When the garrison noticed something was wrong, the opposite mutant rushed to them.

Machine guns, mines, grenade launchers, bazookas, and instant fire fired fireworks that illuminated the night sky. The leading mutant was directly exploded by a rocket, but when its thick body turned into a mist of blood, its companions burst out of the mist and continued to impact.

Speed, speed, speed!

The action team also subconsciously considered the problem at the speed of human beings when constructing their positions. Thinking of the shooting range of 300 meters, the enemy would be attacked alive for several minutes under the bullet rain. Who would have thought that this group of mutants rushed to within 100 meters in ten seconds.

This estimation error is fatal. The heavy machine guns in the mutant's hands can shoot accurately when they are running. Their strong bodies have great power and coordination. They seem to be reckless and they can always hit the target.

In this head-to-head confrontation, the defensive action team members suffered heavy casualties immediately, and they were about to be killed in the center of the position.

"Rush up, rush up. Never let this team of mutants enter us." Julio and others were just half-dead who had been scared by shelling. Now they are even more frightened by the sudden change. "Just rush me , Hit them and kill them. "

The 8 * 8-driven btr-60 rushed out of the night, the engine was roaring, the car ran over the uneven ground, and steadily rushed towards the enemy.

Because the 152mm short-barrel howitzer is set up directly in the turret of the car body, there is no two-way stability. When the car body is shaking, the muzzle also chaos, and there is no way to fire. So the driver simply opened the throttle to the maximum.

Come on, positive!

I have armor, so I'm not afraid that you can order a small barrel.

The mutant ran like a manic and fearless black bear, and at the sight of the enemy's position, a chariot rushed out, when a roaring mutant was about to hit and fly.

Don't think you are great if you have two or three hundred kilograms, I have a dozen tons!

Who is afraid of who?

The hit mutant flew out for more than ten meters. After falling down, he vomited blood and couldn't get up. Because the shooting channel was limited to a few meters wide, the mutants who launched the impact had no time to climb up to the buildings on both sides and had to subconsciously fire on the assault gun.

For just two or three seconds, the assault gun continued to strike. Subsequent mutants either backed up or couldn't stop and jumped directly to the assault gun.

The wheeled assault gun has accelerated at this moment, and the two mutant warriors have nowhere to hide. They are whimsical and bold, so they jumped and wanted to stand on the assault gun. Assault guns have speeds of more than fifty kilometers per hour, and this jump is just like hitting an iron plate.

Let alone two brave mutants stand firm, after being hit, they fell to the ground. Before they got up from the ground, a dozen tons of cars raged up again, crushing their stomachs on the spot.

The last two variants then realized that they were fighting a dozen-ton armored chariot ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although it was only a wheeled one, it was not a heavy machine gun in their hands. At this time you can't even back up, you can only avoid it on both sides.

As the btr-60 rushed outwards, several shells suddenly flew in the night outside the position, and a brain fell on the car body. There are grenades, rockets, armor-piercing shells, and even mortar shells. The effect of this detonation was extremely horrible, and btr-60 was apparently fired by the set fire.

The saturation attack blew up the assault gun on the spot. Several pieces of explosive reaction armor were broken, the wheels were blown up, and the car tipped over. The exploding fragment even affected a nearby mutant warrior, breaking one leg.

"Boss, we're really finished now, the car can't move." In the body of the btr-60, the dizzy driver of the car group finally recovered his consciousness and immediately found that his car was in crisis.

Instead, Captain Julio was even more ruthless. He ignored the driver ’s nonsense and shouted at the gunner: "What silly thing? The car is right in front of it and fires at Lao Tzu. Our pipes are the thickest and we speak loudest ! "

Boom ..., 152 mm heavy artillery blasted out a hot flame, and one shot blasted several firepower points attacking itself 300 meters away! (To be continued.)

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